
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



If I could love a man who would love me enough to take me for 50 pounds a year, 但愿我爱上的男人 不在乎我只有50磅身价 I should be very well pleased. 那我就很庆幸了 是啊 Yes. But such a man could hardly be sensible and I could never love a man who was out of his wits. 但这种男人一定不聪明 我绝不会爱脑子有问题的人 Oh, Lizzy. 哦!丽西 A marriage... where either partner cannot love nor respect the other, 夫妻如果不能相爱相敬 婚姻一定不会幸福 that cannot be agreeable... to either party. 双方都不会快乐 As we have daily proof. But beggars, you know, cannot be choosers. 这种例子我们每天都看见 但乞丐是没资格挑剔的 We're not very poor, Lizzy. 我们并非一贫如洗,丽西 With father's estate withheld from the female line, we have only our charms. 爸爸的产业限定只传给男丁 我们只能靠魅力吸引男人 One of us at least will have to marry very well. 我们姐妹 至少得有一个嫁入豪门 And since you're five times as pretty as the rest of us, 你比我们其他人美丽5倍 性子又是最柔顺的 and have the sweetest disposition, the task will fall on you. 恐怕我们得靠你提拔 But, Lizzy... 可是,丽西… I would wish... 我希望… I should so much like... to marry for love. 我很想… 嫁给我所爱的人 And so you shall, I'm sure. 你一定会的 我确定 只要注意爱上有钱的人 Only take care you fall in love with a man of good fortune. 那我尽力而为,好让你满意 Well, I shall try. To please you. And you? 你呢? I am determined that only the deepest love will induce me into matrimony. 我下定决心 除非有了最深刻的爱 否则我不结婚 我怎么想不出藉口推托呢 这个人真讨厌


It's a truth universally acknowledged thata single man in possession of a fortune, must be in want of a wife.I love you ,most ardently.片尾说的很经典Affection is desirable,money is absolutely indespensable.爱情至关重要,金钱同样必不可少



