
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说


马达加斯加2的部分剧本 英文的

Come on! y`all know this one! It never gets stale! We`ll miss you little fuzz buckets! You`ve been a great crowd! Glad we could introduce you to the toilet. If you ever come look us up in Manhattan, feel free to call first. Seriously though, call. OK? Settle down, everybody. Be quiet! You can`t leave without this! Surprise, freaks! Shake it! Shake it. Look, I`m a lady! I`m a lady, everyone! I`m a lady! Not really! It`s me, King Julien! Which of you is attracted to me? Hands up! Hey, freaks! You will be very glad to hear that I am coming with you. Oh, no, thank you. Yes, thank you. It`s my plane! Until I return with the spoils from the new country... Stevie will be in charge! I don`t think they like that idea. What are you saying, Stevie? No. What? Could we? No, you didn`t say that! How is that even possible? Naughty little thing! Stevie says... Let them eat cake! King Julien, wait for me! I`m all packed! I have a whole itinerary planned! Oh, no! It`s Mort! He`s so annoying! Don`t let him on. Stop that thing! He`s carrying scissors and hang cream! Everybody in! Quickly, get in, get in! Get in quick! Struts. - Check. Flaps. - Check. Engine. coffee maker. - Check. You guys! Oopsie- daisy! That has to be the second biggest slingshot I`ve ever seen. But it`ll have to do. Attention. This is your captain speaking. In the event of an emergency, place the vest over your head then kiss your... good-bye. New York City, here we come! Baby. Pray to your personal God this hunk of junk flies. Personal God, hunk? What? We are go, sir. Open the door! I`m outside! If cabin pressure is lost, place the mask over your face to hide your terrified expression. Excuse me miss, aren`t these supposed to be attached to my seat? No, sir. OK, boys, launch!


listen, Mototo, you better treat this lady like a queen.听着,摩托托,你最好对这女孩好一点Because you, my friend, you found yourself the perfect woman.因为你找到了这个世界上最完美的女人If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect woman,如果我有这么幸运的话I`d give her flowers every day. And notjust any flowers.OK?我一定每天都给她送花。


Her favorites are orchids. White. And breakfast in bed.她喜欢兰花,白色的那种,早餐要送到她床上Six loaves of wheat toast, butter on both sides.六片小麦土司,两面都要涂黄油No crust, the way she likes it.面包片要去掉,她不喜欢吃I`d be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend.我愿意成为她最知心的朋友,在她伤心难过的时候给她依靠的肩膀I`d spend every day thinking of how to make her laugh.我每天都会想着怎么让她开心She has the most amazing laugh.她有这世界上最美的笑脸That`s what I would do if I were you.如果我是你的话,我就会这么做But I`m not, so you do it.不过我不是,所以你要替我做








Marty? Hey! Marty! Marty? Marty. Where'd you get the fruity hat? Excuse me! Excuse me! Hi. Is Marty in there? Anyone seen Marty? Which one of us is Marty? All right. Well, if you see him, tell him his friend Alex came to say goodbye. Goodbye? Don't go. Where are you going? - Can we come? - No. I have to do this alone. You can't leave the reserve! What are you doing? - They'll get your hat. - Hunters are everywhere! Could you leave the hat? Marty! I know you're in there. Before I go, I got something I want to say. You've been a great friend. You've helped me so often to see the bright side of my problems that I never think of you having any. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. Just like back at the zoo. What kind of friend does that make me? A pretty lousy friend, I guess. I just want you to know that I... You're one in a million. This is touching. It is touching. So could you turn around so I can tell you to your face? That's right. Gotcha! I see you in there! Yeah, you. You, right there. Twelfth row, two hundred and third from the left. That's you, Marty. I know it's you. Know what makes you special? These guys are white with black stripes. You're black with white stripes. You're a dreamer, Marty. Always have been. You have great taste in music and horrible taste in friends. Well, not Melman and Gloria, but me. OK, I'm in. Marty, you can't come with me. You don't have a choice.


Although on the mouth dislikes you to say I young stupid stupid, satisfying in very am actually happy - because loves you Is receiving suffering from injustice time always first to think of you - because I love you Is late in you blames you, really scolds you, but is treasures each time with you in together - because me loves you Very is really mean spirited, in the eye allows not to be below sand - because I love you Each time the vitality does intentionally has not calmed down, only is wants to listen to you to roar oneself - because I love you Can accompany you to look together you most like program, even if is the oneself most repugnant drop - because I love you Always wants your slow spot to eat, because feared you can have the gastric disease - because I love you 虽然口中不喜欢你说我年轻的愚蠢愚蠢的,满足我实际上非常高兴-因为爱你接收遭受不公正待遇时总是首先想到你-因为我爱你已经晚了,你指责你,你真的上级的斥责,但每一次的宝藏与你在一起-因为我爱你真正的意思非常热烈,在眼睛允许不得低于砂-因为我爱你每一次的活力并故意没有平静下来,不仅是要听你的咆哮自己-因为我爱你可以陪你一起看你最喜欢的计划,即使是自己最令人厌恶下降-因为我爱你总想你慢点吃,因为怕你可以有胃病-因为我爱你好像只有1的接下来是英语剧本

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