
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



1. Make haste in doing good, restrain your mind from evil. 及时行善,以免你的心里再起坏念头。

2. As from a heap of flowers many a garland is made even so many good deeds should be done by one born a mortal.人生难免一死,应趁有生之年多做一点善事,宛如从一堆花朵做成许多花圈。

3. One should make his speeches free from caustic remarks against others.一个人言谈时。


4. a friend in need is a friend indeed. 星星之火可以燎原。

5. Having a thousand credentials on the wall will not make you a decent human being. But genuinely helping one person everyday will.就算你的墙壁上挂了一千张证书也没法证明你是个多善良的好人,但是日行一善却能。

6. I belive in trying to be charitable, in trying to understand and forgive people, especially in trying to forgive every keen or brilliant people. A man may be a genius, you know, but he can still do things that practically break your heart.我相信人要尽量乐善好施,尽量理解和宽恕别人,尤其要宽恕特别敏锐和聪慧的人。

因为即使天才也会做出让你伤心的事7. In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.帮助别人就等于帮助了自己,因为我们所做的善行终会回馈到我们自己身上。

