
爱情语录 伤感语录 搞笑语录 名人语录 祝福语录 一句话语录 励志语录




这些人被打败了,我永远不会这样. I will never forget it. These people were Tourette syndrome defeated, I never do this。


Always have to face these difficulties.3,还没找到那所学校之前,我不会放弃,真的,我不会放弃。

Haven't found the school before, I won't give up, really, I never give up.4,父亲永远不了解我的乐观。

Father will never understand my optimism5,这样简单的几句话,忙我开启了另一扇窗。

So simple a few words, busy I opened another window.6,如果我放弃,就是向那些错看我的人屈服。

If I give up, is to the wrong people look at me.7,还没有找到工作前,我是不会罢休的。

Have yet to find a job, I will not give up.8,唯一让我受伤的是他从来不接受我。

The only hurt me is that he never accept me9,我对我的病非常坦然。

I'm on my illness very calm.10,和往常一样,我的朋友提醒我不要抱太大希望,但是这点很难做到。

And as usual, my friend warned me not to cherish too big hope, but it is very difficult to do.11,我接受了它,也不会让它主宰我的生命。

I accepted it, don't let it dominate my life12,我发现我自己非常专注于教书。

I found myself very focused on teaching.13,我不会放弃你的,我也不会让你放弃自己。

I will not abandon you, I will not let you give up on yourself14,教给我最重要的是绝不要让任何事阻止你追求你的梦想。

Tourette syndrome taught me the most is the never let anything stop you from pursuing your dreams15,孩子们看世界的眼光会和大人们不一样,他们会说“我要做什么”而不是“我不能做什么”,所以我也 是这样的。

Children see the world look and adults are not the same, they will say I do instead of I can't do anything, so I also like this. 16,永远不要让任何事影响你的人生。

Don't ever let anything affect your life.17,千万别让任何事阻止你去追逐梦想,阻止你工作或玩耍或是谈恋爱Don't let anything stop you from chasing dreams, stop your work or play or fall in love




Did youhear any noises during the quiet parts?有


Yeah .Sodid I!还蛮讨厌的,对吧

They’re pretty annoying,aren’t they?发出那些怪声的是布莱德 科恩 The person making those noises is Brad Cohen.布莱德,你上台 Come on uphere Brad!你喜欢发出怪声惹人讨厌吗

Do you likemaking noises and upsetting people, Brad?不喜欢,No ,sir.那你干嘛要这样

Then why doyou do it?因为我有妥瑞症候群 Because Ihave Tourette Syndrome.那是什么

What’s that?我大脑有问题,所以会发出怪声 It’s a thing inmy brain that causes me to make weird noises.但你想控制就能控制,对吧 But youcould cnotrol it if you wanted to, right?不,这是一种病 No,sir. It’s a sickness.怎么没接收治疗

Well,why can’t you justget cured?没有药可以医 There isn’t any cure.你们不喜欢怪声,我也不喜欢发出怪声 I don’t like making noises any more than you likehearing them.我压力大的时候会更严重 They’re even worse when I get stressed.比如你们不能接收我无法控制 when youdon't accept that I can’t stop them.但大家都接受我,我就不会那么严重了 But when Ifeel accepted,then they’re not so bad.我们能怎么做

What can wedo?我指的是学校的每一个人 and I meaneveryone in this school.我们能怎么帮你,布莱德

What can wedo to help you, Bred ?我只希望大家别用异样眼光看我 I just wantto be treated like everybody else.说得好,回去坐吧 Good job,Gosit down!



1. What we've got here is failure to communicate. Cool Hand Luke, 1967 “现在我们得到的只是沟通上的失败。

”——《铁窗喋血》(1967年) 2. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. Apocalypse Now, 1979 “我喜欢在清早闻汽油弹的气味。

”——《现代启示录》(1979年) 3. Love means never having to say you're sorry. Love Story, 1970 “真爱意味着永远不必说对不起。

”——《爱情故事》(1970年) 4. The stuff that dreams are made of. The Maltese Falcon, 1941 梦想由此构成。

《马耳他猎鹰》(1941年) 5. E.T, phone home. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, 1982 第15名:“E.T.打电话回家。

”——《E.T.外星人》(1982年) 16. They call me Mr. Tibbs! In the Heat of the Night, 1967 “他们叫我狄博思先生。

”——《炎热的夜晚》(1967年) 7. Rosebud. Citizen Kane, 1941 “玫瑰花蕾。

”——《公民凯恩》(1941年) 8. Made it, Ma! Top of the world! White Heat, 1949 “成了


”——《白热》(1949年) 9. I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore! Network, 1976 “我已经忍无可忍,我受够了。

”——《电视台风云》(1976年) 10. Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Casablanca, 1942 “路易斯,我想这是一段美好友谊的开始。

”——《卡萨布兰卡》(1942年) 11. A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. The Silence of the Lambs, 1991 “曾经有人想调查我。


”——《沉默羔羊》(1991年) 12. Bond. James Bond. Dr. No, 1962 “邦德,詹姆斯·邦德。

”——《诺博士》(“007”系列第一部,1962年) 13. There's no place like home. The Wizard of Oz, 1939 “没有任何地方可以像家一样。

”——《绿野仙踪》(1939年) 14. I am big! It's the pictures that got small. Sunset Blvd., 1950 “我很大


”——《日落大道》(1950年) 15. Show me the money! Jerry Maguire, 1996 “给我钱

”——《甜心先生》(1996年) 16 Why don't you come up sometime and see me? She Done Him Wrong 1933 哪你那天过来看我吧

(侬本多情,1993) 17 I'm walking here! I'm walking here! Midnight Cowboy 1969 我在这儿走着


(午夜牛郎,1969) 18,Play it,Sam. Play'As Time Goes By'. 弹这首,山姆,就弹“时光流逝”。

(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 19,You can't handle the truth


(《义海雄风》1992) 20,I want to be alone. 我想一个人呆着。


