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00:13→00:16 Are You Jake Sully?你是杰克·萨利

00:17→00:20 I’d like to talk to you about a fresh start on a new world.我要跟你谈谈新世界的新生活。

00:21→00:23 You’d be making a difference你会改头换面00:27→00:29 I became a marine for the hardship.为了磨练自己,我参加了陆战队00:29→00:32 Told myself I can pass any test a man can pass.我告诉自己,如果别人能通过考验,我也行。

00:32→00:36 All I ever wanted was a single thing worth fighting for.我只想为值得奋斗的事而奋斗。

00:37→00:38 Ladies and gentlemen各位00:39→00:42 you’re not in Kansas anymore你们不在堪萨斯州了00:42→00:44 you’re on Pandora.这里是潘多拉00:45→00:47 You should see your faces.看看你们的表情00:47→00:50 We have an indigenous population called the Na’vi这里有土著那美人00:51→00:52 They are very hard to kill要杀死他们很困难00:53→00:54 This is why we’re here这是我们来这里的原因00:54→00:57 because this little grey rock sells for 20 million a kilo.这种灰色小石头每千克可以卖到2千万00:58→01:02 Their village happens to be resting on the richest deposit and they need to re-locate.那美人的村子刚好坐落在矿藏最丰富的地方,他们得搬家01:03→01:05 Those savages are threatening our whole operation现在那美人威胁到了我们的行动01:06→01:10 We’re on the brink of war and you’re supposed to be finding a diplomatic solution.战争一触即发,而你该寻求外交途径来解决01:13→01:16 The concept is to drive these remotely controlled bodies called avatars我们要通过意识控制阿凡达01:18→01:22 they’re grown from human DNA mixed with DNA of the natives.阿凡达是用人类跟那美人的DNA混合培养出来的01:23→01:26 a marine in an avatar body, that’s a potent mix让陆战队员来控制阿凡达,超强组合01:27→01:30 You get me what I need I’ll see to it you get your legs back. Your real legs.把我要的东西给我,我保证你能走路,用自己的腿01:31→01:32 Oh yeah sir是,长官01:33→01:35 Looks like you. This is your avatar.看起来像你,这是你的阿凡达01:37→01:41 Just relax and let your mind go blank. Shouldn’t be hard for you.放松,什么都不要想,这对你来说不难01:55→01:57 Jake, it’s real simple.杰克,任务很简单01:59→02:02 I want you to learn from the inside, I want you to gain their trust.我要你从内部了解那美人,赢得他们的信任02:07→02:08 You should not be here.你不该来的02:10→02:11 Go back回去02:12→02:14 all this is your fault.这都是你的错02:16→02:17 I need your help我需要你帮忙02:23→02:24 Outstanding不可思议02:30→02:31 haven’t gotten lost in the woods have you?你没迷路吧02:32→02:34 d’you forget what team you’re playing for?你忘了你是哪一边的02:36→02:38 The strong prey on the weak and nobody does a thing.弱肉强食,人人袖手旁观02:39→02:40 you’ve got one hour给你一个小时02:41→02:43 You knew this would happen? Everything Changed你知道会发生什么

一切都变了02:44→02:45 Jake it’s crazy here.杰克,这里一片混乱。

02:46→02:49 Woolrich is rolling and there’s no stopping him.柯迈斯出动了,意志坚决02:50→02:52 We’re going up against gunships with bows and arrows.我们要用弓箭对抗武装直升机02:53→02:54 then I guess we’d better stop him我们最好能制止他03:10→03:13 They’ve sent us a message, that they can take whatever they want.他们会用行动告诉我们,他们认为自己能为所欲为03:14→03:16 But we will send them a message.但是我们会告诉他03:17→03:20 That this… This is our land!这里,这是我们的家这里了,英文中文都给你了。


这支预告片配乐主要由三段构成,第一段大家应该很熟悉,就是由Steve Jablonsky(近年代表作--《变形金刚》1、2)为《逃出克隆岛》所作的原声配乐,应该叫MY NAME IS LINCOLN,大家搜搜很容易搜到。


中间一首是Akkadian Empire,最后一首高潮部分是Guardians at the Gate。



