I revoke my curse, let it be no more! 我取消我的诅咒,让它不再有!Some bits you lose, some bits you keep.要不被事物的形体迷惑,这样才能真正的认识敌人 How do you do it down there? How do you choose just one? 上了岸,何去何从?
2.闪开,让专业的来!3.I know you're there. Don't be afraid. - I'm not afraid. - Then come out. - Then you'll be afraid.4.你把那么漂亮的我变成什么了?5.她唤醒了我内心里最后一点温情,而我却永远失去了她。
6.I revoke my curse, let it be no more! 我取消我的诅咒,让它不再有!7.How do you do it down there? How do you choose just one? 上了岸,何去何从?8.I know you're there. Don't be afraid. - I'm not afraid. - Then come out. - Then you'll be afraid.9.你可真丑,我都替你感到难过10.除了薇薇安之外,找不到另外一个孩子喜欢我,不害怕我的犄角、眼睛和爪子,所以只能是她了。
12.她的名字叫做玛琳菲森而是被一个既是英雄又是暴君的人统一了13.要不被事物的形体迷惑,这样才能真正的认识敌人 Some bits you lose, some bits you keep.
4.幸福好象长在我们的屁股上,每个人看到的只是他人的幸福,却对自己的一无所知,只会彼此羡慕…… 5.长大的标志,不是你开始抽烟喝酒就算长大了,也不是你失了身就算长大了,也不是你有了老婆孩子就算成人了,也不是你读书破万卷阅人无数就成熟了,也不是你酒喝不动把烟戒了的时候就长大了,而是你开始低下了头,无论在行走还是坐着的时候,当头颅微微低下成为你日常生活中的主要姿势你就真的长大了,总仰着脑袋的一定小屁孩,以为自己很牛x,其实差远了 6.当我同一个人争论的时候,说明有兴趣与他讨论;而沉默的时候,不是因为被说服,而是对他的思想嗤之以鼻,不屑与其叫板,费那劲儿干吗,他爱咋想咋想去吧,愿意当傻x,我不拦着。
7. 伤感就像海绵里的水,要挤总是有的,而我的伤感却像自来水,一旦阀门打开便源源不断。
8. 大学不是一点儿好处没有,它能洗去人的浮华,同时让人意志消磨,多愁善感,酒量大增。
9. 活不明白,真的很难活的明明白白…… 10. 生活就想个圆圈,里面什么都有,但又什么都没有
Maleficent is an amazing movie. Disney took an idea from the classic cartoon that most of us have seen as kids and turned it to see things from the view point of the villain. Angelina was absolutely brilliant at playing the role of Maleficent. The background story for the characters is what will really draw you in and the film will keep you engaged all the way to the credits. The way that the plot is set if flows smoothly and there is little room for drag like some films may have in the middle. I loved this movie so much.
Maleficent is an amazing movie. Disney took an idea from the classic cartoon that most of us have seen as kids and turned it to see things from the view point of the villain.Enter the darkly magical world of Maleficent, a beautiful, exciting twist on the original 'Sleeping Beauty'. The story is complex, with interesting and well thought out characters, whilst remaining understandable for the younger audience.The scenery in the film is beautiful, with both dark and bright visuals complimenting each other perfectly and unusual and amazing, glowing creatures and beings throughout the film completed the fantasy world.Angelina Jolie plays an outstanding villain. She portrays Maleficent as powerful and dangerous whilst still remaining graceful. Her acting is perfect for the role. Diaval is a brilliant secondary character throughout movie and is well portrayed by Sam Riley.Although, there were certain characters which caused the movie to fall short of wonderful. Princess Aurora, a main character during the film, was quite two dimensional and bland, making it difficult to sympathize with her.The fairies that looked after the princess as she grew, although extremely irritating, were adored by the children in the audience and got quite a few laughs out of them.All in all, Maleficent was a brilliant film for the family to see.