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莎士比亚德尔仲夏夜之梦中的经典句子 中英对照的

The course of true love never did run smooth. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1.1) 真爱无坦途。

—— /真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。

Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1.1) 卑贱和劣行在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严:爱情不用眼睛辨别,而是用心灵来判断/爱用的不是眼睛,而是心。

—— Lord, what fools these mortals be! (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 3.2) 上帝呀,这些凡人怎么都是十足的傻瓜

—— The lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 5.1) 疯子、情人、诗人都是想象的产儿。

——《仲夏夜之梦》 也是上知道上找的


仲夏夜之梦英文简介为:Ⅰ.Introduction A Midsummer Night's Dream is a comedy play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1590 and 1596. It portrays the events surrounding the marriage of the Duke of Athens, Theseus, and Hippolyta. These include the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of six amateur actors (mechanicals), who are controlled and manipulated by the fairies who inhabit the forest in which most of the play is set. The play is one of Shakespeare's most popular works for the stage and is widely performed across the world.Ⅱ.Performance history 17th and 18th centuries During the years of the Puritan Interregnum when the theatres were closed (1642–60), the comic subplot of Bottom and his compatriots was performed as a droll. Drolls were comical playlets, often adapted from the subplots of Shakespearean and other plays, that could be attached to the acts of acrobats and jugglers and other allowed performances, thus circumventing the ban against drama. When the theatres re-opened in 1660, A Midsummer Night's Dream was acted in adapted form, like many other Shakespearean plays. Samuel Pepys saw it on 29 September 1662 and thought it the most insipid, ridiculous play that ever I saw ... After the Jacobean/Caroline era, A Midsummer Night's Dream was never performed in its entirety until the 1840s. Instead, it was heavily adapted in forms like Henry Purcell's musical masque/play The Fairy Queen (1692), which had a successful run at the Dorset Garden Theatre, but was not revived. Richard Leveridge turned the Pyramus and Thisbe scenes into an Italian opera burlesque, acted at Lincoln's Inn Fields in 1716. John Frederick Lampe elaborated upon Leveridge's version in 1745. Charles Johnson had used the Pyramus and Thisbe material in the finale of Love in a Forest, his 1723 adaptation of As You Like It. In 1755, David Garrick did the opposite of what had been done a century earlier: he extracted Bottom and his companions and acted the rest, in an adaptation called The Fairies. Frederic Reynolds produced an operatic version in 1816.Ⅲ.Plot The play consists of three interconnecting plots, connected by a celebration of the wedding of Duke Theseus of Athens and the Amazon queen, Hippolyta, which is set simultaneously in the woodland and in the realm of Fairyland, under the light of the moon. The play opens with Hermia, who is in love with Lysander, refusing to submit to her father Egeus' demand that she wed Demetrius, who he has arranged for her to marry. Helena meanwhile pines unrequitedly for Demetrius. Enraged, Egeus invokes an ancient Athenian law before Duke Theseus, whereby a daughter must marry the suitor chosen by her father, or else face death. Theseus offers her another choice: lifelong chastity while worshiping the goddess Diana as a nun. Peter Quince and his fellow players plan to put on a play for the wedding of the Duke and the Queen, the most lamentable comedy and most cruel death of Pyramus and Thisbe. Quince reads the names of characters and bestows them to the players. Nick Bottom, who is playing the main role of Pyramus, is over-enthusiastic and wants to dominate others by suggesting himself for the characters of Thisbe, the Lion, and Pyramus at the same time. He would also rather be a tyrant and recites some lines of Ercles. Quince ends the meeting with at the Duke's oak we meet. In a parallel plot line, Oberon, king of the fairies, and Titania, his queen, have come to the forest outside Athens. Titania tells Oberon that she plans to stay there until she has attended Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding. Oberon and Titania are estranged because Titania refuses to give her Indian changeling to Oberon for use as his knight or henchman, since the child's mother was one of Titania's worshipers. Oberon seeks to punish Titania's disobedience. He calls upon Robin Puck Goodfellow, his shrewd and knavish sprite,[3] to help him concoct a magical juice derived from a flower called love-in-idleness, which turns from white to purple when struck by Cupid's arrow. When the concoction is applied to the eyelids of a sleeping person, that person, upon waking, falls in love with the first living thing they perceive. He instructs Puck to retrieve the flower with the hope that he might make Titania fall in love with an animal of the forest and thereby shame her into giving up the little Indian boy. He says, And ere I take this charm from off her sight, / As I can take it with another herb, / I'll make her render up her page to me. Hermia and Lysander have escaped to the same forest in hopes of eloping. Helena, desperate to reclaim Demetrius's love, tells Demetrius about the plan and he follows them in hopes of killing Lysander. Helena continually makes advances towards Demetrius, promising to love him more than Hermia. However, he rebuffs her with cruel insults against her. Observing this, Oberon orders Puck to spread some of the magical juice from the flower on the eyelids of the young Athenian man. Instead, Puck mistakes Lysander for Demetrius, not having actually seen either before, and administers the juice to the sleeping Lysander. Helena, coming across him, wakes him while attempting to determine whether he is dead or asleep. Upon this happening, Lysander immediately falls in love with Helena. Oberon sees Demetrius still following Hermia and is enraged. When Demetrius decides to go to sleep, Oberon sends Puck to get Helena while he charms Demetrius' eyes. Upon waking up, he sees Helena. Now, both men are in pursuit of Helena. However, she is convinced that her two suitors are mocking her, as neither loved her originally. Hermia is at a loss to see why her lover has abandoned her, and accuses Helena of stealing Lysander away from her. The four quarrel with each other until Lysander and Demetrius become so enraged that they seek a place to duel each other to prove whose love for Helena is the greatest. Oberon orders Puck to keep Lysander and Demetrius from catching up with one another and to remove the charm from Lysander. Lysander returns to loving Hermia, while Demetrius continues to love Helena. The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania by Joseph Noel PatonMeanwhile, Quince and his band of six labourers (rude mechanicals, as they are described by Puck) have arranged to perform their play about Pyramus and Thisbe for Theseus' wedding and venture into the forest, near Titania's bower, for their rehearsal. Bottom is spotted by Puck, who (taking his name to be another word for a jackass) transforms his head into that of a donkey. When Bottom returns for his next lines, the other workmen run screaming in terror, much to Bottom's confusion, since he hasn't felt a thing during the transformation. Determined to wait for his friends, he begins to sing to himself. Titania is awakened by Bottom's singing and immediately falls in love with him. She lavishes him with attention and presumably makes love to him. While she is in this state of devotion, Oberon takes the changeling. Having achieved his goals, Oberon releases Titania, orders Puck to remove the donkey's head from Bottom, and arranges everything so that Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, and Helena will believe that they have been dreaming when they awaken. The fairies then disappear, and Theseus and Hippolyta arrive on the scene, during an early morning hunt. They wake the lovers and, since Demetrius does not love Hermia any more, Theseus overrules Egeus's demands and arranges a group wedding. The lovers decide that the night's events must have been a dream. After they all exit, Bottom awakes, and he too decides that he must have experienced a dream past the wit of man. In Athens, Theseus, Hippolyta and the lovers watch the six workmen perform Pyramus and Thisbe. Given a lack of preparation, the performers are so terrible playing their roles to the point where the guests laugh as if it were meant to be a comedy, and everyone retires to bed. Afterwards, Oberon, Titania, Puck, and other fairies enter, and bless the house and its occupants with good fortune. After all other characters leave, Puck restores amends and suggests to the audience that what they just experienced might be nothing but a dream (hence the name of the play).


The play features three interconnecting plots,connected by a celebration of the weddingof Theseus of Athens andthe Amazonqueen, Hippolyta.剧情共有三个主轴,刚好都跟庆修斯公爵和希波吕忒女王的婚礼有关。

Inthe beginning, hermia's father forced hermia to marry demetrius, at thattime the Greek rules that family may decide to her daughter's marriage, anddaughter must abide , otherwise she will be put to death or exile. Hermia isnot willing to, meet in the forest at night with lysander and ran away. Hermiatold her plan to her best friend Helena; Helena only recently been refused by demetrius, in order to get the favorof demetrius, Helena told the plan to demetrius. In the evening, demetriustracked Helena, and Helena tracked hermia, and hermia are eager to findlysander at the same time, all of them got lost in the forest andseparated, then they got tired and took a nap to rest under the tree.一开始米娅的父亲强迫要赫米娅狄米特律斯,当时的希腊规定家庭可以决定女儿的婚姻,而女儿必须遵守,否则就要被处死或放逐。




Meanwhile, Oberon, king of the fairies,and his queen, Titania,have come to the forest outside Athens. and plansto attend duke Theseus and hippolyta queen's wedding.Titania refused to lend her Indian young elf toOberon as his servant, so Oberon decided to punish the Titania. Oberonordered the elf to picked herb trinity, and droped flower juice on her eyelids secretly,so that when the Titania wake up,shewould fall in love with the first person she saw. Parker also found Lysanderand hermia who both in asleep, he put pansy flower juice on their eyelids, andhope they could woke up and fall in love as well.同时,仙王奥布朗与仙后提泰妮亚到达了同一片森林,并计划参加忒修斯公爵和希波吕忒女王的婚礼。




Meanwhile, Quince and hisband of six labourers have arranged to perform their play about Pyramus and Thisbe for Theseus' wedding and venture into the forest, near Titania's bower, for theirrehearsal. Bottom is spotted by Puck, whotransforms his head into that of a donkey. When Bottomreturns for his next lines, the other workmen run screaming in terror, much toBottom's confusion, since he hasn't felt a thing during the transformation.Determined to wait for his friends, he begins to sing to himself. Titania isawakened by Bottom's singing and immediately falls in love with him. Shelavishes him with attention and presumably makes love to him. While she is inthis state of devotion, Oberon takes the changeling. Having achieved his goals,Oberon releases Titania, orders Puck to remove the donkey's head from Bottom,and arranges everything so that Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, and Helena willbelieve that they have been dreaming when they awaken.在同时,织工波顿和他的劳工朋友们在同一片森林中排演悲剧《皮拉摩斯和西斯贝》,他们计划在忒修斯公爵和希波吕忒女王的婚礼上表演,并把它演成滑稽的喜剧。





The fairies then disappear,and Theseus and Hippolyta arrive on the scene, during an early morning hunt.They wake the lovers and, since Demetrius does not love Hermia any more,Theseus overrules Egeus's demands and arranges a group wedding. The loversdecide that the night's events must have been a dream. After they all exit,Bottom awakes, and he too decides that he must have experienced a dreampast the wit of man. In Athens, Theseus, Hippolyta and the loverswatch the six workmen perform Pyramus and Thisbe. Given a lack of preparation, theperformers are so terrible playing their roles to the point where the guestslaugh as if it were meant to be a comedy, and afterward everyone retires tobed. Afterward, Oberon, Titania, Puck, and other fairies enter, and bless thehouse and its occupants with good fortune. After all other characters leave,Puck restores amends and suggests to the audience that what theyjust experienced might be nothing but a dream仙王奥布朗见苗头不对,于是要求小精灵帕克自己去解决自己闯下的祸。





Lovers returned to Athens, hermia's father nolonger insist on his decision, because he saw demetrius had changed his mind.Lovers happy to attend duke Theseus and hippolyta queen's wedding, threecouples get married at the same time, and watch burton the waver and hisfriends performed a tragedy which is no longer a tragedy.情侣们回到雅典,赫米娅的父亲不再坚持他的决定,因为他看到狄米特律斯改变了他的心意。



Egeus and Hermia上场Egeus: Hermia, you have to marry Demetrious, the best guy in the city. 荷米亚,你必须嫁给狄米崔斯,这城中最好的年轻人。

Hermia: I’m sorry, Dad! I can’t be his wife. 爸爸,抱歉。


Egeus: Why do you refused to marry Demetrius? He is really a worthy gentleman! 你为什麼拒绝嫁给狄米崔斯呢


Hermia: But I don’t love him. I’ve fell in love with Lysander. 但是我不爱他。


Egeus: Lysander? Is he better than Demetrious? No! 莱赛德


Hermia: Oh! Dad! Demettrious had ever said that he love my friend, Helena, and she, a sweet lady also love him deeply. 喔


Egeus: No matter what you say, I’ve decided to let you marry to Demetrious. I stick to do this! 不管你怎麼说


Hermia: I won’t give my heart to the person who I never like. 我不愿把我的心交给一个我不曾喜欢的人。

Egeus: If you don’t marry Demetrious, I’ll use the ancient right of Athens, asking to put you to death according to our law! (下) 如果你不嫁给狄米崔斯,根据我们的法律,我将用雅典的古律法要求判你死刑。

Hermia: Oh! Please, please do not! My dear father! Don’t you love me any more? Don’t give me up, please! 喔,不要,请不要这麼做,亲爱的父亲,你不再爱我了吗


Lysander上场 Lysander: Sweet Hermia, my love! What’s going wrong? Let me wipe your heart-breaking tears! 亲爱的荷米亚,我的爱人,怎麼回事?让我擦掉你那心碎的眼泪。

Hermia: My father said that unless I marry Demetrious, or he’ll be put me to death! What can I do? 我爸爸说,除非我嫁给狄米崔斯,否则他将处死我,我该怎麼办

Lysander: Fear not and hear me. Tomorrow night, I’ll wait for you in the wood a few miles outside the city. If you really love me, getting far away this sad city with me. 不要害怕并听我说,明天晚上,我将在城外几哩的树林里等你,如果你真的爱我,就和我一起逃离这伤心的城市吧。

Hermia: I will because I love you so. 我会的,因为我如此爱你。

Helena上场 Helena: Hello! Hermia. 嗨,荷米亚。

Hermia: I’m so glad to see you, my friend! 我很高兴见到你,我的朋友。

Helena: But Demetrious love you. Oh, tech me how to attract his eyes, please? 但是狄米崔斯爱的是你,请教我如何吸引他的目光吧

Hermia: Take comfort, he no more shall see my face. Tomorrow night Lysander and myself will fly this place. We’ll meet in the wood. Please pray for us and don’t tell others, good-bye! (下) 放心吧,他再也不会看见我的脸了,明晚莱赛德和我将要逃离此地,我们相约在森林里见面,请你为我们祈祷,并且不要告诉其他人,再见。

Helena: I will go tell Demetrious of fair Hermia’s flight, and then he’ll pursue her. I just want to have his sight again. (下) 我要去告诉狄米崔斯,美丽的荷米亚将要离开,然后他将会去追寻她,而我只是想再看见他的容貌。

仲夏夜之梦 经典语句

仲夏夜之梦的英文:A Midsummer Night's Dreammidsummer是什么意思:n. 仲夏,夏至期a. 仲夏的Trying to sell overcoats in midsummer is a real mug's game.大夏天推销大衣真是白费力气The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at midsummer, and then goes away.

