
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream .两只小老鼠掉进了牛奶桶The first mouse quickly gave up and drowend.第一只很快就放弃了被淹死了The second mouse wouldn't quit.第二只却不放弃He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out.它猛烈挣扎直到把牛奶都搅拌成了奶油然后爬了出去Gentlemen , as of this moment.诸位,现如今I am that second mouse.我就是这第二只老鼠附:mice是mouse的复数,mouse就是一般泛指的老鼠,little mice倒是小老鼠好看的电影

求美剧《猫鼠游戏》的一段对话 不要太多~ 急需

忍者刺客 台词You are part of me...你中有我16800:12:03,639 --> 00:12:05,664as I am part of you.我中有你16900:12:06,008 --> 00:12:09,375This is the truth of your lives...你们生为我用17000:12:09,578 --> 00:12:13,014and it will remain true after death.死去亦然17600:12:47,950 --> 00:12:50,748OZUNU:The body must obey the will.躯体必须听命于思想17700:12:50,920 --> 00:12:52,717Hunger and thirst...饥饿 口渴17800:12:52,888 --> 00:12:57,052even the blood in your veins,are the body's weakness.就连脉中之血 都是躯体的弱点17900:13:05,167 --> 00:13:06,395Master them...控制它们18000:13:08,237 --> 00:13:10,831and you master the self.你就可以控制自己18300:13:21,150 --> 00:13:23,778This is the way of the ninja.这就是忍者之道18800:14:01,557 --> 00:14:03,149Life is combat.人生即战斗18900:14:04,193 --> 00:14:06,161You know this truth.这就是现实19000:14:06,729 --> 00:14:09,197Abandoned by your parents...你们被父母遗弃19100:14:09,498 --> 00:14:12,990without a home,without people to care for you...无家可归 没有人照料你19200:14:13,369 --> 00:14:15,599you should have died.你本该小命不保19300:14:15,771 --> 00:14:17,671But instead you fought.取而代之的是战斗19400:14:18,374 --> 00:14:22,435As you did here today,you fought and you won.今天 你在这里战斗 你胜利了19500:14:22,778 --> 00:14:28,273In combat, you face the enemywithout doubt, without pity or remorse.战斗中 你面对敌人... 毫不迟疑 不加思考 毫无怜悯19600:14:28,450 --> 00:14:32,011To survive, you must learnto fear nothing at all.为了生存 你必须学会心无旁骛19700:14:59,248 --> 00:15:02,479OZUNU:Pain breeds weakness.痛感意味着软弱19800:15:06,322 --> 00:15:09,257Remember, suffering exists...牢牢记住 苦难的存在19900:15:09,925 --> 00:15:13,224only because weakness exists.是因为软弱20220:15:32,915 --> 00:15:34,610You must hate all weakness.你要憎恶软弱20220:15:34,783 --> 00:15:38,719Hate it in others,but most of all, hate it in yourself.憎恶别人的软弱更要憎恶自身的软弱24900:22:52,754 --> 00:22:54,551You think this is pain.你觉得这是疼痛?25000:22:55,090 --> 00:22:56,387You are mistaken.大错特错30600:27:21,690 --> 00:27:26,286His hosts explained that a man 's lifemust be made meaningless...主人解释到一个人的生命与整个集团相比30700:27:26,461 --> 00:27:28,588compared to the life of the clan.根本不值一提30800:27:28,763 --> 00:27:31,061Own the meaning of a man 's life...获得了一个人生命的意义30900:27:31,232 --> 00:27:33,632and you own his heart.也就拥有了他的心32500:29:38,693 --> 00:29:43,323OZUNU: For an entire year, you shall livewithout one of your senses...以后的每一年 你都会摒弃一种感觉32600:29:43,498 --> 00:29:47,298beginning with the senseyou rely on the most.从你最倚赖的感觉开始32700:30:07,155 --> 00:30:09,953You must see with more than your eyes.你必须比你的眼睛看到的更多33700:32:34,702 --> 00:32:37,466All failure must be sown into the flesh.失败者必须肉体受苦34600:34:35,389 --> 00:34:37,584Why am I in here...我为什么在这里34700:34:38,493 --> 00:34:41,360or why are you out there?还是你为什么在那里42500:43:08,869 --> 00:43:11,736OZUNU:Weakness compels strength.软弱使力量消散42600:43:11,905 --> 00:43:14,430Betrayal begets blood.背叛用鲜血偿还46000:46:23,197 --> 00:46:27,224OZUNU: Your entire life has brought youto this moment.你一生的努力 给了你现下这个机会46100:46:27,501 --> 00:46:30,265Do not fail yourself.不要辜负你自己46200:46:30,904 --> 00:46:32,963Do not fail your family.不要辜负你的家人47200:49:08,161 --> 00:49:09,628OZUNU:Keep it.送给你了47300:49:09,930 --> 00:49:11,454It will remind you that...它会提醒你every moment of your lifeis a gift I have given you.你一生中的每一刻都是我给你的礼物All this loss, this waste...无谓的挣扎because you put yourselfbefore your family.因为你把自己置于家族之上This is not my family.这不是我的家You are not my father.你不是我父亲And the breath I take after I kill you...杀了你以后 我吸入的will be the first breath of my life.将是生命的第一口气介绍Orphan childhood rick was a name with the mysterious group ZuNu Obama, and was adopted from martial training to become one of the high assassin. Because of his good friend was brutally killed ZuNu group's original tired of killing, rick, on the career with, then determined from group concealed, waiting for an opportunity for friends on vengeance.European agents meters card in the survey 1 series political murder cases, and 1 case of found from the far east seems about the assassin. Then she defied boss commands, secretly for secret files, understand the truth behind the murder. So Mr ZuNu group sent 1 team killer, going to kill people kill. In an emergency, Rachel carrizo saved rice card, two people decide to deal with Mr ZuNu group, it will be destroyed, in the streets of Europe, staged game 1 the cat-and-mouse game...孤儿瑞佐从小被1个名叫奥祖奴的神秘集团所收养,并被训练成为1位武功极高的刺客。








是个跟英语相关的笑话knock,knock笑话是指用谐音的单词做一个句子,给一个例子,就明白了: (knock,knock) Who is it? (Will.) (Will) who? (Will you please let me in)? HA-HA! {其中的打括号的部分是笑话的主要内容,可以替换。

} 就好象中国小品里面窍门说当当当,然后开始表演.并不是真实存在的声音.

《猫鼠游戏》是通过真实事件改编,谁知道关于真实人物事件的新闻和一切, 谢谢

传奇骗子其人其事:生活中的 尽管坞的剧作家们非常善于编故事,但是这样一个刺激、离奇、甚至有点儿违背普通人常识的故事可不是他们的杰作,而是发生在真人身上的真实故事——千真万确

现实中故事的主人公16岁因父母离异而离家出在21岁之前冒充的飞行员周游了50多个州、20多个国家;不此,他还填写假支票诈骗了超过250万美元的现金供自己在旅游中挥霍;当然,为了掩人耳目,他的身份也千变万化,时而是名牌大学的教授、时而成了受人尊敬的医生、时而又当上了路易斯安纳州***官的助理……,在追捕他的联邦探员口中,他是一个外号“天行人”(The Skywayman)的通天大盗。



