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军航— 塔台,飞机07号机塔台:栋拐07) 塔台叫飞请讲塔台:准出飞机:明白飞机:塔台,栋拐叫。


塔台:可以起飞 ————————————民航:现在国际机场可以用英文了,那就来个英文版了,塔台(beijing tower) 飞机国航 981(airchina nine eight one:国航981)飞机:beijing tower,airchina 981,holdingshort three two right in hotail(停在滑行道H上,准备32L,L:left 左跑道)塔台:airchina 981,line up runway 32L飞机:line up runway 32L,airchina 981飞机滑行到跑道32左后飞机:beijing tower,airchina 981 ,ready to go塔台:airchina 981,clear to takeoff runway 32L ,good day。

飞机:cleared to takeoff runway32L ,good day。

以上数字都已英文读出,H读hotail以下为无线电呼号发音A Alpha B Bravo C Charlie D Delta E Echo F Foxtrot G Golf H Hotel I India J Juliet K Kilo L Lima M Mike N November O Oscar P Papa Q Quebec R Romeo S Sierra T Tango U Uniform V Victor W Whiskey X X-ray Y YankeeZ Zulu


军航—— 塔台,飞机07号机塔台:栋拐(07) 塔台叫飞机:请讲塔台:准备滑出飞机:明白飞机:塔台,栋拐叫。


塔台:可以起飞 ————————————民航:现在国际机场可以用英文了,那就来个英文版了,塔台(beijing tower) 飞机国航 981(airchina nine eight one:国航981)飞机:beijing tower,airchina 981,holdingshort three two right in hotail(停在滑行道H上,准备32L,L:left 左跑道)塔台:airchina 981,line up runway 32L飞机:line up runway 32L,airchina 981飞机滑行到跑道32左后飞机:beijing tower,airchina 981 ,ready to go塔台:airchina 981,clear to takeoff runway 32L ,good day。

飞机:cleared to takeoff runway32L ,good day。

以上数字都已英文读出,H读hotail以下为无线电呼号发音A Alpha B Bravo C Charlie D Delta E Echo F Foxtrot G Golf H Hotel I India J Juliet K Kilo L Lima M Mike N November O Oscar P Papa Q Quebec R Romeo S Sierra T Tango U Uniform V Victor W Whiskey X X-ray Y YankeeZ Zulu


塔台:981跑道01内Air China 981,hold short runway 01):跑道01内等,国航981(Hold short runway 01,Air China 981)塔台:981跑道01可以起地面风340,3米每秒(Air China 981,cleard to take off RWY01,ground wind 330,3 m/s.机组:跑道01可以起飞,981(Cleard to take off RWY01,981)机组:国航981跑道01离地(Air China 981,RWY01 airborne)塔台:981联系进近109.55,再见(Air China 981,contact Apporach on 109.55,good day)机组:联系进近109.55,谢谢指挥,再见(Contact Approach on 109.55,thanks and good bye)









起飞前通话是由机长通过无线电想塔台对话大致内容如下:塔台(或者指挥中心)民航客机**型号请求起飞塔台:收到,**请到01跑到准备起飞 飞机:**型号收到,到达预定跑到后……飞机:塔台**已到达预定跑到请求起飞 塔台:**请做起飞前准备 飞机:收到 五分钟后 飞机:塔台**准备完毕 塔台:**型号你以可以起飞 大概就是这样子。


求飞行员与塔台对话口令(英文版 民航起飞和降落口令)

1.1 校波程序P:Mianyang tower, B3608, C:B3608, tower, go aheadP:B3608, radio check, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, how do you read me?C:B3608, I read you 5P:roger,B36081.2 开车程序P:Mianyang, B3608, request startupC:B3608, startup approved, QNH1021P:QNH1021, Start up approved, B36081.3 滑行程序P:Mianyang, B3608, request taxiC:Taxi to hold point of runway 32 via taxiway C and A( run-up bay of runway 32 via taxiway C and A) ,taxi with cautionP: Taxi to hold point of runway 32 via C and A ( run-up bay of runway 32 via C and A), B36082.1 起落航线:P:Mianyang, B3608, request line up and waitC:B3608, line up and waitP:Lining up, B3608P:3608, request take offC:3608, cleared for takeoffP:Cleared for takeoff, B3608C:B3608, turn to crosswindP:B3608, turning to crosswind C:B3608, report turn to baseP:report turn to base, B3608P:B3608, turning to base, request to land C:B3608, surface wind 210degrees 4m/s , Cleared to landP:Cleared to land , B3608C:B3608, flaps up, touch and goC:B3608, contact approach , good dayP:good day, B36083.1 32NDB基线程序P:Mianyang, B3608, upwind for approachC:B3608, NDB approach runway 32 turn left over AP:NDB approach, runway 32 turn left over A, B3608P:B3608, turning left over AC:B3608, report turn inbound GBP:Report inbound GB, B3608P:3608, turning inbound GBC:B3608, report over GB at 1500m P:Report over GB at 1500m, B3608P:B3608, 1500M over GBC:B3608, report procedure turnP:Report procedure turn, B3608P:B3608, procedure turningC:B3608, report on finalP:Report on final, B3608, P:B3608, on finalC:B3608, report over GB at 1000mP:Report over GB at 1000m, B3608P:B3608, 1000m over GBC:B3608, maintain 1000m, report over airdromeP:Report overhead at 1000m, B3608P:B3608, 1000m over airdromeC:B3608, climb to 1500m, turn left over A3.2 32ILS/DME程序P:B3608, upwind for approachC:B3608, ILS approach, climb straight ahead, turn left 3 milesP:ILS approach, turn left 3 miles, B3608P:B3608, 3 miles turning leftC:B3608, report over MYG at 1500mP:Report over MYG at 1500m, B3608P:B3608, 1500m over MYGC:B3608, report procedure turn (11 miles at 1200m)P:report procedure turn (11 miles at 1200m), B3608P:B3608, procedure turningC:B3608, report on finalP:report on final, B3608P:B3608, on final# 直接指挥落地C:B3608, ILS approach, report outmarkerP:Report outmarker, B3608P:B3608, outmarkerC:B3608, surface wind calm, cleared to landC:Cleared to land, B3608# 交塔台指挥C:B3608, contact tower good dayP:Good day, B3608# 继续穿云C:B3608, maintain 1000m, report over GBP:Maintain 1000m, report over GB, B3608P:B3608, 1000m, over GBC:B3608, maintain 1000m, report over airdromeP:Maintain 1000m, report overhead, B3608P:B3608, 1000m over airdromeC:B3608, maintain 1000m, report 3 miles upwindP:Maintain 1000m, report 3 miles upwind, B3608P:1000m, 3 miles upwind, B3608C:B3608, turn left, climb to and maintain 1500m, report over MYGP:Turn left , climb to and maintain 1500m, report over MYG, B3608只是给你举个列子 请举一反三

