
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



Hernan Nunez:Don't you get it

There are two types of people in this world.Those that live in big houses and people like us,who cut their lawns and wash their cars.赫曼·蒙尼兹:你还不明白


Santiago Munez:That could change if I become a professional player.圣地亚哥·蒙尼兹:如果我成了职业球员,这一切都可以改变。

Santiago Munez:It's your life.Not mine.圣地亚哥·蒙尼兹:这是你的生活,不是我的。

(爸爸偷了圣地亚哥的钱买车)When your mother walked out on us,I promised God I'd do everything to help you boys follow your dreams.当你们的妈妈离开我们的时候,我向上帝发誓,我要尽我所能,去帮助你们实现心中的梦想。

(奶奶的话很感动)Santiago Munez:You know,my father believes people have a place in life.You work,you feed your family.You die.And it's foolish to think otherwise.圣地亚哥·蒙尼兹:你知道吗,爸爸认为每个人都有自己的位置,打工赚钱,养家糊口,然后就上西天,其他的事情想也是白想。

Santiago Munez:There's only three ways to get out of a gang-you get shot,you go to jail,or...In my case,you have a grandmother who kicks some sense into you.圣地亚哥·蒙尼兹:只有三种脱离帮派的方法,你被打死了,进监狱了,或者像我这种情况,有个不停对你进行思想改造的奶奶。

That the ball can travel faster than you.Here,we pass the ball.足球永远比你跑得快,所以,我们需要传球。

Santiago Munez:I love that game.Love football.Every night after school and Sundays after church,I'd play.All I hoped was that one day,football could be my whole life.圣地亚哥·蒙尼兹:我爱这个运动,我爱足球,每个放学的晚上还有星期天做完礼拜,我都会去踢球。


Santiago Munez:I'm sitting in the airport and I think to myself,at least now I have an excuse.A reason to give my buddies and everybody else why things didn't work out.Hey,my dad died.I had to come home,take care of business.Know why I needed an excuse



Santiago Munez:Because that's the way my father made me think.He took away my self-belief.He made it impossible.Aspiration,you understand



Santiago Munez:I don't need an excuse.They only person who can tell me I'm not good enough is you.And even then I may not agree with you.赫曼·蒙尼兹:我不需要什么借口,唯一可以说我不够好的人只有你,即使是那样,我也不该这么认为。



1、Because of the great dream! 人因为梦想而伟大



3、One's confidence can never be violated 一个人的自信永远不可侵犯4、The name in front your shirt is always more important than the one on the back.你球衣胸前的名字远比后面的名字更重要!5、Problelly he is watching you right now!我们之所以要双手向上,并不是要摘到那颗最美丽的星辰。


6、Don't you get it

There are two types of people in this world.Those that live in big houses and people like us,who cut their lawns and wash their cars.你还不明白


7、It's your life.Not mine.这是你的生活,不是我的。

8、When your mother walked out on us,I promised God I'd do everything to help you boys follow your dreams.当你们的妈妈离开我们的时候,我向上帝发誓,我要尽我所能,去帮助你们实现心中的梦想。

9、That the ball can travel faster than you.Here,we pass the ball.足球永远比你跑得快,所以,我们需要传球。

10、I don't need an excuse to tell me, 'you're not good enough.' you're the only one, even in that case, I won't admit,我不需要借口,能告诉我‘你不够好的人’只有你一个,即使那样,我也不会承认,










San Diego-jose mourinho was born in Mexico in this country, he was like football, hope to grow up to be a footballer. Then he took them to Los Angeles resident, work in leisure time, San Diego often to crude football field exhibit his game. In a game, the San Diego is star Glenn settles on, with his help, the San Diego to come to the UK for interview. However, the first interview to failure, tension and way of football became the reason for failure, willing to give up again the grande find the boss, and ask him to San Diego a chance. The chance the San Diego meet the nurse ha m Carson. In the following training team boss gradually found to the advantages of San Diego. A before the game, the San Diego throat spray by teammate malicious crushed, cause he misfired on the field, he returns home over the in when the truth is that the boss to take back the team, and formal contract become players. But this just when the team on the young players are in the face pressure from all sides, his emotional faces the ordeal, and his football career has just started. 一个怀揣足球梦的男孩在坎坷的道路上追求放飞的梦想。

A football dream boy carries the smallest courtesies along the rough roads of the pursuit of flying dream.

足球电影 一球成名 中的伴奏乐 英文的 叫什么名字

一球成名主题曲:OASIS - who put the weight of the world on my shoulders一部饱含激情的励志片,主题曲同样美妙。

Who put the weight of the world on my shoulders? 谁悄悄将一个世界的重量放在了我的肩膀上

Who put the lies in the truth that you sold us? 谁偷偷在你兜售给我们的真实中加入了谎言

Lost behind a silver screen are all the things you could have been to us. 对我们(你们)来说你(我)只是一个躲藏在荧光屏后之人 So don't try and *** up my head with your problems 所以请别一再尝试用你的问题来烦扰我 I'm just trying to fix up my bed in the doldrums 我只希望能在自己的床上静静的放下那种忧闷 Lost behind a silver screen are all the things you could have been in love... and life.. so... 躲藏在荧光屏后变成你(我)所做的一切,无论是爱还是生活或者其他…… Help me out, my friend 我的朋友,告诉我 My head just started to hurt 我的思绪已经开始混乱 I don't pretend 我不曾掩饰 I've got the all of the time in the world 即使我拥有了这个世界的全部时间 So now, She's gone 但现在,她已经离开 On her own in her own universe 独自一人去到另一个属于她自己的宇宙中 I still, walk on 而我,依然向前走着 'til I hold you within my world. 直到有一天再次与你在我的世界中重新相遇 So help me out, my friend 我的朋友,来告诉我吧 My head just started to hurt 我的思绪已经开始混乱 I won't pretend 我不想再掩饰 I've got the all of the time in the world 即使我拥有了这个世界的全部时间 So now, she's gone 但现在,她已经离开 On her own in her own universe 独自一人去到另一个属于她自己的宇宙中 I still walk on 我依然向前走着 'til I hold you within my world 直到有一天再次与你在我的世界中重新相遇 Who put the weight of the world on my shoulders? 谁悄悄将一个世界的重量放在了我的肩膀上

Who put the lies in the truth that you sold us? 谁偷偷在你卖给我们的真实中加入了谎言

