
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



There's no time to clean the bedroom.没时间打扫卧室。

He ascended the flight of narrow stairs to his bedroom.他登上狭窄的楼梯到他的卧室去。

The young couple plan to upholster their bedroom with velvet.小俩口打算用天鹅绒装饰他们的卧室。

The monthly rent for a two-bedroom flat would be £953.33.双卧室的公寓房租按月来说是953.33英镑。

A small sleeping compartment, especially within a dormitory.小卧室小卧室,尤指宿舍内的小卧室Our bedroom is small.我们的卧室是小的。

The two bedrooms adjoin.这两间卧室毗连The bedroom needs cleaning.卧室需要打扫。

The decoration of this bedroom is full of originality.卧室装潢,无限创意。

My bedroom is smaller than yours.我的卧室比你的小。

Their bedroom was flooded with sunshine.他们的卧室充满阳光。

The bedroom windows give on to a courtyard卧室的窗子朝着庭院。

Mother chased the cat from the bedroom母亲把猫赶出卧室。

The only fly in the ointment is that there are only two bedrooms.美中不足的是只有两间卧室。

My bedroom communicates with my brother's.我的卧室和我兄弟的相连。

He went to the bedroom to get dressed.他走进卧室去穿衣服。

were cramped in the tiny cubicle.被关在这个小卧室中The wallpaper in our bedroom has a pattern of orchids我们卧室的壁纸是兰花图案的。

There are two fights of stairs to the bedroom.通向卧室的楼梯有两段。

The bright morning sun flooded into the bedroom.灿烂晨光泻进卧室。

Her bedroom communicates with the study她的卧室和书房相连。

Her bedroom curtains were drawn.她卧室的窗帘拉上了。

A bold use of colour characterizes the bedroom.这间卧室的特点是用色大胆。

Bed-sitting-room(also infml bed-sitter,bed-sit)n.(Brit)room used for both living and sleeping in口语亦作卧室兼起居室.The burglar got into the house through the bedroom window.窃贼是从卧室的窗户潜入这所房子的.At this corner is the private staircase communicating with the sleeping apartment这个角上是通卧室的暗梯。

I don't see how you can get away with your duty to clean your bedroom.我看你没法逃避清扫卧室的义务。

She has pretty dancing slippers and comfortable bedroom slippers.她有漂亮的舞鞋和舒适的卧室拖鞋。

The bedroom was overcrowded with furniture.这间卧室的家具堆挤得太多。

We decided on blue paint for the bedroom.我们决定卧室用蓝漆。


My Room I have my own room. It is big and nice. There is a bed, a desk and a shelf. The doll is on the bad. The lamp is on the desk. The books are on the shelf. The trash is behind the door. The clothes are in the closet. There is a air-conditioner over the closet. Look! There are many pictures on the wall. I love my room very much. 翻译: 我的房间 我有我自己的房间。












My bedroom(我的房间) My room is small but very beautiful, there is a big bed, a TV setin front of the bed, there is a desk in front of the TV set, there is a computer, there are two windows in the room, with curtains.This is my room.翻译:我的房间不大但很漂亮,这里有张大床,在床的前面有一个电视机,电视机旁有一个书桌,上面有一个电脑,这个房间里有两扇窗户,都附带窗帘。




Don't mess the room望采纳

介绍自己的房间英语作文句型here be 60词以上

下面,我给你们介绍我的房间.Next, I will introduce you my room.Then, I will introduce you my room.希望可以帮到你望采纳

但我妈妈说 我的房间很乱 用英语 怎么说?

But my mother says my room is a mess.But my mother said my room was a mess.


参考答案:My room is in a mess.祝您学习进步,阿弥陀佛

