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缘分天注定 英文经典台词


Jonathan Trager,prominent television producer for ESPN,died last night from complications of losing his soul mate and his fiance.He was 35 years old and soft-spoken and obsessive.Trager never looked the part of a hopless romantic.But in the final days of his life,he revealed an unknown side of his psyche.This hidden quasi-Jungian persona...surfaced during the Agatha Christie-like pursuit for his long-reputed soul mate,a woman whom he only spent a few precious hours with.Sadly,the protracted search ended late Saturday night...incomplete and utter failure.Yet even in certain defeat,the courageous Trager secretly clung to the belief...that life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences.Uh-uh.But rather it's a tapestry of events...that culminate in an exquisite,sublime plan.Asked about the loss of his dear friend, Dean Kansky,the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and executive editor of the New York Times,described Jonathan as a changed man in the last days of his life.Things were clear for him,Kansky noted.Ultimately, Jonathan concluded that if we are to live life in harmony with the universe,wo must all possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to callfatum,-what we currently refer to as destiny壮纳顿•卓有线体育台优秀监制。



Serendipity is a story about love.Jonathan Trager and Sara Thomas meet while shopping for gloves for their respective lovers. A night of Christmas shopping turn into romance. Jon wanted to explore things further but Sara wasn't sure their love was meant to be. They decide to test fate — Sara leaves her name and phone number in a book, while Jonathan leaves his on a $5 bill. If they're meant to be a couple, fate will find a way to bring them back together.Many years later, having lost each other that night,both are engaged to be married. However, the thought of Sara is foremost in Jonathan's mind. And Sara is thinking about Jonathan too. As Jonathan's wedding day approaches, Jonathan, with his best friend Dean, uses a methodical approach to locate Sara. On the other hand, Sara, with her best friend Eve, uses a more fatalistic approach to finding Jonathan .Still,nither can shake the need to give fate one last chance to reunite them.Many opportune moments bring the two close to meeting a number of times and bring them back together finally. From this movie we can see the differences between Eastern and Western culture. In China , people are hardly to seek the other lovers if they already had lovers.And they have to give up the truelove ,for the pressure of public opinion will make them feel shamed. And most parents will not allow this too.However,in the West,we can see that people are always willing to seek their truelove ,no matter boys or girls, young or old. Even before the moment they get married,they will pursue the truelove all the same, which is rarely supported in the East.There is another point, when fate concerns love, and finding that special person you're going to spend the rest of your life with, should you risk temping fate with a test of that love or what is seemingly meant to be, or should you just follow your apparent destiny and embrace it? I think in China, people are unwilling to temp the fate just with a test,they prefer to follow it.But in western country, people do something are prefer to depende on themselves rather than fate. Most of time, they like fighting with destiny. To love,I prefer the western culture.Love is important, we must be brave enough to find the one you really love.Living with the person who you love will lead to a happier life, otherwise ,it is not responsible for yourself. So when you have the chance to pursue the truelove, do not hesitate. What you need to do is just catch it.In the world, there is someone destined to be your Mr or Miss Right. It is not what only happen in stories. It is also ture in the real world.If you believe in this, don't be hesitated to take action.Your family,you relatives, the public opinion,all of these will have an effect on you,but you can't be controlled by them. It is your lover who accompany you at the rest of your long life,so it is of great importance to find him or her.Then ,if you don't believe in this,it is also OK. That depends on you.

缘、 缘分 缘分天注定、 天注定的缘分 英文是什么

Marriages (are) made in heaven 这是英语的谚语,中文我们给译成了:姻缘天注定,也有人译成:缘分天注定另外还有一部电影叫: Serendipity 中文译名为:缘分天注定


<>英文剧情介绍:Jonathan Trager and Sara Thomas met while shopping for gloves in New York. Though buying for their respective lovers, the magic was right and a night of Christmas shopping turned into romance. Jon wanted to explore things further but Sara wasn't sure their love was meant to be. They decided to test fate by splitting up and seeing if destiny brought them back together... Many years later, having lost each other that night, both are engaged to be married. Still, neither can shake the need to give fate one last chance to reunite them. Jon enlists the help of his best man to track down the girl he can't forget starting at the store where they met. Sara asks her new age musician fiance for a break before the wedding and, with her best friend in tow, flies from California to New York hoping destiny will bring her soulmate back. Near-misses and classic Shakespearean confusion bring the two close to meeting a number of times but fate will have the final word on whether it was meant to be.


Called serendipity

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