
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说

求唯美伤感的英文句子, 带翻译, 越多越好。

who’s who of the hook ,and who is who of redepmtion.谁是谁的劫,2113谁又是5261谁的救赎Everyday without you is like a book without pages没有4102你的日子就像一1653本没有书页的书All clapped beautiful scenery,keep memory when old一路拍下版美丽的风景,留着老区的权时候美好的回忆let life be beautiful like summer flowerand death like autumn leaves生如夏花之灿烂。死如秋叶之静美I enjoy warm in time ,I forgot blooms in the internal.我在时光里享受温暖,在流年里忘记花开

No one can change a person,but someone can be a reason for that person to change. 没人能2113够改变5261另一个人,但却4102能成为别人改变的一个原因1653。You are so lucky, because you can choose to love me or not, but myself only have to choose from loving you or loving you more. 你是幸专运的,因为你可以选择爱我或属不爱我,而我只能选择爱你还是更爱你。When the door of happiness closes,another opens,but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don’t see the one which has been opened for us.当一扇幸福之门关闭时,另一扇便会开启。可多数时候,我们却因为过久地凝望那扇紧闭的门,而忽略了为我们新敞开的那扇门。

求唯美伤感的英文句子, 带翻译, 越多越好。相关文章
