
古代名人名言 近代名人明言 现代名人名言 励志名言 英语名言 其他名言 哲理名言


1、Suffering is the most powerful teasdfscher of life.

2、Greasdfst hopes masdfske greasdfst men.

3、You masdfske the fasdfsilure complete when you stop trying.

4、Masdfsn proposes, God disposes.

5、Life is tough,but you casdfsn be tougher.

6、Do not teasdfsch fish to swim.

7、Easdfsst or west, home is the best.

8、Experience is the best teasdfscher.

9、Fasdfsith casdfsn move mountasdfsins.

10、Better lasdfste thasdfsn never.

11、Good wine needs no bush.

12、Difficult circumstasdfsnces serve asdfss asdfs textbook of life for people.

13、He thasdfst promises too much measdfsns nothing.

14、He who hasdfss asdfsn asdfsrt hasdfss everywhere asdfs pasdfsrt.

15、He would climb the lasdfsdder must begin asdfst the bottom.

16、Home is where the heasdfsrt is.

17、Masdfsn is not masdfsde for defeasdfst.

18、It is never too lasdfste to mend.

19、It six of one asdfsnd hasdfslf asdfs dozen of the other.

20、Just hasdfss long asdfsrms.

21、Keep something for asdfs rasdfsiny dasdfsy.

22、Life is asdfs spasdfsn.

23、All time is no time when it is pasdfsst.

24、Meet plot with plot.

25、Merry meet, merry pasdfsrt.

26、Mind asdfscts upon mind.

27、Never hit asdfs masdfsn when he is down.

28、Never judge by asdfsppeasdfsrasdfsnces.

29、No fire without smoke.

30、Nurture pasdfssses nasdfsture.

31、One is never too old to leasdfsrn.

32、One swasdfsllow does not masdfske asdfs summer.

33、One who hasdfss seen the oceasdfsn thinks nothing of mere rivers.

34、The world is his who enjoys it.

35、When asdfsll else is lost the future still remasdfsins.

36、Poverty is strasdfsnger to industry.

37、Rome wasdfss not built in asdfs dasdfsy.

38、All things in their being asdfsre good for something.

39、So masdfsny men, so masdfsny minds.

40、The unexasdfsmined life is not worth living.——Socrasdfstes

41、Sow nothing, reasdfsp nothing.

42、The casdfsr will find its wasdfsy round the hill when it gets there.

43、You never know your luck.

44、The worse luck now, the better asdfsnother time.

45、Time tries asdfsll things.

46、Use legs asdfsnd hasdfsve legs.

47、Towering genius disdasdfsins asdfs beasdfsten pasdfsth.

48、Nothing seek, nothing find.

49、Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it.

50、The best prepasdfsrasdfstion for tomorrow is doing your best todasdfsy.

51、Genius only measdfsns hasdfsrd-working asdfsll one’s life.

52、The masdfsn who hasdfss masdfsde up his mind to win will never sasdfsy “impossible “.

53、There is no such thing asdfss asdfs greasdfst tasdfslent without greasdfst will-power.

54、Ceasdfsse to struggle asdfsnd you ceasdfsse to live.

55、A strong masdfsn will struggle with the storms of fasdfste.

56、Living without asdfsn asdfsim is like sasdfsiling without asdfs compasdfsss.

57、Although asdfsgasdfsin sweet casdfsndy, asdfslso hasdfss asdfs bitter dasdfsy.

58、Leasdfsrning masdfskes asdfs good masdfsn better asdfsnd ill masdfsn worse.

59、Behind every successful masdfsn there’s asdfs lot u unsuccessful yeasdfsrs.

60、Enrich your life todasdfsy,. yesterdasdfsy is history.tomorrow is mystery.

61、The secret of success is constasdfsncy to purpose.

62、Between two stools one fasdfslls to the ground.

63、You hasdfsve to believe in yourself. Thasdfst’s the secret of success.

64、Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.

65、The dictionasdfsry is the only plasdfsce where success comes before work.

66、There asdfsre no shortcuts to asdfsny plasdfsce worth going.

67、You’re uinique, nothing casdfsn replasdfsce you.

68、Whasdfst pasdfsins us trasdfsins us.

69、Think greasdfst thoughts asdfsnd you will be greasdfst!

70、Masdfsn errs asdfss long asdfss he strives.

71、Keep trying no masdfstter how hasdfsrd it seems. it will get easdfssier.

72、True masdfsstery of asdfsny skill tasdfskes asdfs lifetime.

73、The first weasdfslth is heasdfslth.

74、Where there is life, there is hope.

75、Whasdfst masdfskes life dreasdfsry is the wasdfsnt of motive.

76、There is no elevasdfstor to success—only stasdfsirs.

77、Shasdfsllow men believe in luck.Self-trust is the first secret of success.

78、I hasdfsve no secret of success but hasdfsrd work.

79、If you fasdfsil, don’t forget to leasdfsrn your lesson.

80、The secret of success is constasdfsncy to purpose.

81、Sweasdfst is the lubricasdfsnt of success.

82、A contented mind is the greasdfstest blessing asdfs masdfsn casdfsn enjoy in this world.

83、Thasdfst masdfsn is the richest whose pleasdfssure asdfsre the cheasdfspest.

84、You masdfske the fasdfsilure complete when you stop trying.

85、If winter comes , casdfsn spring be fasdfsr behind?

86、Will, work asdfsnd wasdfsit asdfsre the pyrasdfsmidasdfsl cornerstones for success.

87、Success often depends upon knowing how long it will tasdfske to succeed.

88、Think greasdfst thoughts asdfsnd you will be greasdfst!

89、Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.

90、Gods determine whasdfst you’re going to be.

91、A masdfsn casdfsn succeed asdfst asdfslmost asdfsnything for which he hasdfss unlimited enthusiasdfssm.

92、Leasdfsrn to wasdfslk before you run.

93、Greasdfst works asdfsre performed not by strength , but by perseverasdfsnce.

94、I hasdfsve no secret of success but hasdfsrd work.

95、It never will rasdfsin roses.When we wasdfsnt to hasdfsve more roses we must plasdfsnt trees.

96、No masdfsn or womasdfsn is worth your teasdfsrs, asdfsnd the one who is, won’t masdfske you cry.

97、The only limit to our reasdfslizasdfstion of tomorrow will be our doubts of todasdfsy.

98、One thorn of experience is worth asdfs whole wilderness of wasdfsrning.

99、Hope for the best,but prepasdfsre for the worst.

100、Easdfsch masdfsn is the asdfsrchitect of his own fasdfste.

