
张爱玲语录 郭敬明语录 张小娴语录 马云语录 席慕蓉语录 安妮宝贝语录 毛主席语录 韩寒语录



母亲把手臂上割下的那片肉放人药汤里, 就像古代的巫婆样 ,希冀着用一种未可知的法术,来为自己的母亲尽最后一次孝心。

Mother put the arm cut off the piece of meat in medicine soup, like the ancient witch, hope with a spell, unknown to her mother for the last time the filial piety.


yes do spea


The first time I saw this title of film, I felt it must be a enjoyable film which filled with love, luck, happiness, but out of my expectation, in this film I saw so much unpleasant things such as conflicts, diseases, violence, sorrow, hardship and disappoint. I was feeling very pity for thiese charactors in this film because living that society women were not equar to men, this deem to happen many unforturnate things to women and make women’s lives tragedy. Associate with the modern society, almost every woman to make their daughter succeed. They always make their daughter do as their advices and ignore their daughters’ feeling.Each daughter unwilling to obey. Once a time, my mother told me to learn to how to acting before audience, I was so afried that I ususlly went out to play with my classmates instead of attending the class which make my mother lose her temper. She said angrily”You make me so disappoint that from now on you can do whatever you like.” Hearing these words I was rather happy at that time,but several years later I am feeling regret espeacially now, because I realize that everyting my mother did is making the preparetion for my future life. Now I just want to say sorry to my mother.

