
张爱玲语录 郭敬明语录 张小娴语录 马云语录 席慕蓉语录 安妮宝贝语录 毛主席语录 韩寒语录


英语中的祝福语有什么? 给老师的! (英语)

For all the great things you say and do… The best teacher's award goes to you. 因为您的身教言教,颁给您最佳教师奖 As another school term approaches… wish your days turn our to be as great as you make ours. 新的学期又开始了,希望您过得愉快,就像您带给我们的欢乐一样 You are the best. 您是最棒的老师 Your guidance makes me go far and do things differently. 您的引导使我向前,并且有不同的作为 Sending flowers to my teacher. 送一束花给我的老师 Your lessons are still the one that helps me. Your words are still fresh and warm. You've swayed my life so deeply. You're still my best teacher. Far across the miles, sending you wishes of love and peace on Teacher's Day. 您的教诲我至今仍受益良多,言犹在耳,深深影响了我,您是我最敬爱的老师,在教师节的今天遥寄我的祝福,祝您平安快乐 A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher. 献上一份甜蜜又可爱的礼物给我最敬爱的老师 You are a special person in our life. We all love you, Sir! 你是我们生命中很特别的一个人,老师,我们都敬爱您 To Sir, With Love 老师,我们敬爱您 It's your day, Teacher. Have a great day! 老师,这是属於您的日子,祝您愉快 The best way to learn is to learn from the best. 名师出高徒 Five starts for my best teacher. 老师,颁给你五颗星的奖( 最佳老师) Thanks for being such a great teacher. Happy Teacher's Day. 您真的是一个好老师,谢谢您,祝教师节愉快 Wishing you a happy Teacher's Day. 祝您有个愉快的教师节 Thanks for being an inspiring teacher. 老师,谢谢您的启发 Hearty wishes on Teacher's Day. 在教师节的这一天,衷心的祝福您 You taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage. Happy Teacher's Day. 您教导我们追求成功并有勇气接受失败.祝教师节快乐! Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers. 对敬爱的老师献上我们的爱与关怀 I want to be like you, when I grow up. 我长大也要像你一样 Your guidance makes us to achieve what we have dreamt for. Thank you for being my teacher. 你的引导使我们的梦想实现,谢谢你能成为我们的老师 Sending great love to the greatest teacher of the world. 向世界上最伟大的老师致敬.


You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you.  您就象我们的家长,我们都敬爱您。

  The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet.——James Angel  教育最主要的目的,不是教你懂得如何谋生,而是使每个人生活得更香甜。

——安吉儿  We all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness.  我们喜欢您做我们的老师,我们尊敬您、感激您。

  This is Teachers' Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers' Day.  时逢教师节,是向所有教师表达谢意的日子。





  We are more thankful than we can express.  对您的谢意,我们无法用语言来表达。

  You have been a qualified teachers and even better friend. Thank you for all that you have done.  您不仅是一位合格的教师,更是一位好朋友,谢谢您所做的一切。

  Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.  教育不是灌满一桶水,而是点燃一团生命的火焰。

  The man who can make hard things easy is the educator.  能使艰难之事变得容易的人是教育者。

  Send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness on this special day.  在这特别的日子谨向您致以我们永恒的感激之情。

  A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.——Henry Adams  一个教师对人的影响是永恒的。

——亚当斯  It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.  现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。

  This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness. We all want to thank you.  这件小小的礼物略表我们的感激之情。


  I am truly grateful to you for what you have done.  我深深地感激您所做的一切。

  Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.  老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。

  We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teacher's Day!  我们送您一件小礼物,以表我们对您的感激之情。


  You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you.  您就象我们的家长,我们都敬爱您。

  The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet.——James Angel  教育最主要的目的,不是教你懂得如何谋生,而是使每个人生活得更香甜。

——安吉儿  We all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness.  我们喜欢您做我们的老师,我们尊敬您、感激您。

  This is Teachers' Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers' Day.  时逢教师节,是向所有教师表达谢意的日子。





  We are more thankful than we can express.  对您的谢意,我们无法用语言来表达。

  You have been a qualified teachers and even better friend. Thank you for all that you have done.  您不仅是一位合格的教师,更是一位好朋友,谢谢您所做的一切。

  Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. 教  育不是灌满一桶水,而是点燃一团生命的火焰。

  The man who can make hard things easy is the educator.  能使艰难之事变得容易的人是教育者。

  Send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness on this special day.  在这特别的日子谨向您致以我们永恒的感激之情。

  A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.——Henry Adams  一个教师对人的影响是永恒的。

——亚当斯  It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.  现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。

  This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness. We all want to thank you.  这件小小的礼物略表我们的感激之情。


  I am truly grateful to you for what you have done.  我深深地感激您所做的一切。

  Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.  老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。

  The whole secret of the teacher's force lies in the conviction that men are convertible.  教师力量的全部秘密,就在于深信人是可以改变的。

  No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.  没有人比您更值得如此深厚的谢意。


  We are more thankful than we can express.  对您的谢意,我们无法用语言来表达。

  You have been a qualified teachers and even better friend. Thank you for all that you have done.  您不仅是一位合格的教师,更是一位好朋友,谢谢您所做的一切。

  Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.  教育不是灌满一桶水,而是点燃一团生命的火焰。

  The man who can make hard things easy is the educator.  能使艰难之事变得容易的人是教育者。

  Send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness on this special day.  在这特别的日子谨向您致以我们永恒的感激之情。

  A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.——Henry Adams  一个教师对人的影响是永恒的。

——亚当斯  It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.  现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。

  This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness. We all want to thank you.  这件小小的礼物略表我们的感激之情。


  I am truly grateful to you for what you have done.  我深深地感激您所做的一切。

  Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.  老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。

  The whole secret of the teacher's force lies in the conviction that men are convertible.  教师力量的全部秘密,就在于深信人是可以改变的。

  No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.没有人比您更值得如此深厚的谢意。




2、 我是一棵绿树,沐浴着智慧的阳光,在您知识的土壤里,茁壮成长.天的深情,地的厚爱,铭刻在我心里,生生世世,永不忘怀。

3、老师,您还记得我吗?那个顽皮而不懂事的孩子.当您收到这张心意卡时,就想我又来到您的身边.您的教诲,是明朗朗的阳光,照在我的心田里,让我青春之花开放. 4、老师,您启迪我真正领会了大自然的恩惠,从此我读懂了每一瓣绿叶,每一片彩云,每一个浪花。

5、敬爱的老师,素白的雪,是您的象征;献上为您编织的神圣光环,祝福您岁岁愉快,年年如意! 6、教诲如春风,师恩似海深。

7、学而不厌,诲人不倦,桃李芬芳,其乐亦融融.祝福您,节日愉快! 8、别后,漫漫岁月,您的声音,总在我耳畔响起;您的身影,常在我脑中浮现;您的教诲,常驻在我心田……在今天这属于您的日子里,恭祝您平安如愿! 9、我不是您最出色的学生,而您却是我最崇敬的老师.在您的节日,您的学生愿您永远年轻! 10、恩师掬取天池水,洒向人间育新苗。

11、敬爱的老师,您的教诲如春风,似瑞雨,永铭我心.我虔诚地祝福您:安康,如意! 12、您给了我灿灿如金的生活真谛,经过岁月的磨洗,弥久而愈明! 13、刻在木板上的名字未必不朽,刻在石头上的名字亦未必永垂千古;而刻在我们心灵深处的您的名字,将真正永存! 14、学而不厌,诲人不倦,桃李芬芳,其乐亦融融。


15、教师节祝福语我不是您最出色的学生,而您却是我最崇敬的老师.在您的节日,您的学生愿您永远年轻! 16、学而不厌,诲人不倦,桃李芬芳,其乐亦融融。











我真心祝福老师万事如意、永远健康,永远HAPPY! 22、老师,您就像是蜡烛,点燃自己,照亮别人,也像吐尽青丝的春蚕,为了让年轻一代得到攀登科学顶峰的“金钥匙”,您煞白了头发,费尽了心血。
















节日快乐,敬爱的老师 32、追忆似水年华,描述师生情深,在那青涩的年代,是;老师郑重的嘱托为我们纠正了偏离的航向,是老师坚实的双手拖起我们灿烂的明天。










40、面对讲台,背靠黑板,在时光长河里,老师是您把一个个45分钟,用辛劳汗水和智慧编织成无数耀眼的光环 41、将来,无论我会成为挺拔的乔木,还是低矮的灌木,老师,我都将以生命的翠绿向您致敬! 42、对您的感激千言万语也无法表达,对您的祝福百十万年也不会改变——老师,祝您万事如意

43、老师你是我一生最难忘的人,因为有了你,让我的生活出现了乐趣,有了你我的人生出现转折,谢谢你 44、老师—感念的季节风吹过我的眼眸雨落在心中几番幕起又幕落忍不住又忆起童年往事悄悄问候您 45、恩师永铭记,师恩久难弃.祝天下老师快乐开心节日快乐




47、人生旅程上您为我点燃希望的光芒丰富我的心灵,增添我的智慧 谢谢您

老师 愿您永远 健康


幸福 48、秋风落叶轻拂过宛如当年您敦厚的手慈祥的话给我最温柔的抚慰最诚挚的教化。

祝福您亲爱的老师... 49、在着美好的节日里,我要用老师教我写的字,用老师教我的美好词句,为老师写一首最美的小诗…… 50、老师,你用心点亮了我的心,以爱培育了我的爱,有你,我才感觉到世界的温暖…… 51、悦耳的铃声,妖艳的鲜花 都受时间的限制 只有我的祝福永恒 永远永远祝福您 给我智慧之泉的老师 52、一个个日子升起又降落,一届届学生走来又走过,不变的是您深沉的爱和灿烂的笑容。

祝福您亲爱的老师 53、手中的粉笔慢慢化为漫天爱的灰屑,这爱染白了您原本乌黑的头发。






给英语老师的祝福语 要英语的,不要太长,也不要太短

My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher. On the voyage of life, you have lighted the light of hope for me. What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view. On this day I honour you sincerely. 亲爱的老师,向您表达我最衷心的感谢。





.给长辈 For you and your family, boss, during this holiday season! 值此圣诞佳节,老板,献给您及家人。

there\'s no place like home for the holidays. 在这佳节里,没有比家的地方了。

Best wishes for a wonderful new year. 献诚挚的祝福,祝您新年恰愉快。

May the joy of Christmas be with you throughout the year. 愿圣诞佳节的喜悦,伴随您在度过新的一年。

May joy and health be with you always. 祝您永远健康快乐。

May happiness follow you wherever you go! 愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远。

A special card from your grandson. 您的孙子,寄上一张特别的卡片。

A Christmas wish from your nephew. 您的侄儿祝您圣诞快乐。

Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year. 万事如意,合家平安。

Your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy Christmas. 全体职员祝您及家人圣诞快乐。

.新年英语祝福语:给父母亲的祝福语 Warmest thoughts and best wishes from your daughter.寄上无限的思念和最美好的祝愿,你们的女儿。

Season’s greetings from Xiao Li and Ming Ming.献上小丽和明明的节日问候。

A holiday wish from your son Tom.寄上佳节的祝福,你们的儿子汤姆敬上。

May you have the best season ever.愿你过个最愉快的节日。

A New year greeting to cheer you from your daughter.愿女儿的祝福带给您欢乐。

Happy New year to the world’s best parents!祝世界上最好的父母节日快乐

Season’s greetings to my dearest parents!祝我最亲爱的父母节日愉快

Mom and Dad: Thank you for everything this holiday season!爸爸妈妈:值此佳节,感谢您们所给予的一切。

I’ll be home to enjoy this Christmas with you.我将回家与你们共度佳节。

A present from me is on the way. Hope you’ll like it.寄上一份礼物,希望你们会喜欢。

I wish I were home for the holidays.但愿我能回家共度佳节。

Thinking of you at New Year’s time.佳节,我想念你们。

Best wishes from Mark, Janet and the kids.马克、珍妮特和孩子们,谨呈最诚挚的祝福。

2.新年英语祝福语:给教师的祝福语 Much joy to you in the upcoming year.愿您在新的一年充满快乐。

Thank you for all you have done for us.感谢您为我们所做的一切。

We’ll be here after the New Year.新年过后,我们会再回来。

We won’t forget you this holiday season.假期里,我们不会忘记您的。

Thank you for your hard work and patience on this holiday season.值此佳节,谨对您的辛勤栽培表示感谢。

Thank you for not as signing homework this holiday season.感谢您没有留假期作业。

I look forward to your class after the new year.我期待着新年过后,再上您的课。

Wishing you and your family a very happy new year.祝福您及全家圣诞快乐。

A happy new year from all of your students.祝您新年快乐,您的全体学生敬上。

New year is a time for gladness and rejoicing …because there is no class.新年是喜庆的日子——因为不用上课。

May happiness follow you everywhere …just like we do.愿快乐随时与您同在——如同我们与您寸步不离。

It’s really a shame we can’t be together at that moment.我们不能在一起过春节真是太遗憾了。

Best wishes for you and your family.祝福您及您的家人。

We offer New year blessings to you.我们向您献上圣诞节的祝福

3.新年英语祝福语:给上司/长辈的祝福语 For you and your family, boss, during this holiday season此佳节,老板,献给您及您的家人。

there’s no place like home for the holidays.在这佳节里,没有比家更好的地方了。

Best wishes for a wonderful new year.献上最诚挚的祝福,祝您新年恰愉快。

May the joy of New year be with you throughout the year.愿圣诞佳节的喜悦,伴随您在度过新的一年。

May joy and health be with you always.祝您永远健康快乐。

May happiness follow you wherever you go!愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远。

A special card from your grandson.您的孙子,寄上一张特别的卡片。

A new year wish from your nephew.您的侄儿祝您新年快乐。

Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year.万事如意,合家平安。

From all of us in sales: Happy New Year!我们销售部全体人员祝您圣诞快乐

Your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy new year.全体职员祝您及家人圣诞快乐。

To Grandpa and Grandma happy new year!献给爷爷奶奶:新年快乐

