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《爱情公寓》中**说 什么瞎子 聋子 哑巴什么那句经典台词怎么说来着

在第六集里 宛瑜说的。

乞丐的钱包被傻子偷了 瞎子看见了 哑巴大喊一声 聋子吓了一跳 驼子挺身而出 跛子飞起一脚 通缉犯要拉他去公安局 麻子说 看在我的面子上算了吧。



Zeng xiaoxian: Now is the midnight ,12 o 'clock, welcome to mylistening shows: 'your moon ,and my heart'. Good man is me, I am zengxiaoxian. If you have any interesting things, fell free to dial the number: 8008208820, then turn 2 key--press. Today xiaoxian will talk the hypertension with everybody. So~~,what is the hypertension ? Hypertension is ···:现在是夜里12点,欢迎大家收听节目:你的月亮我的心。




那么,什么是高血压呢?高血压就是······Hu yifei:I know,I know ,Hypertension is a condition in which theblood pressure, on at least two or more readings on different dates after an initial screening ,is found to be higher than normal(Hang up and secretly say :teacher zeng forgot the lines, ha ha~ but only one of the pieces, I don't know where other pieces.)(电话打入):高血压我知道,是血压在正常情况下高于正常值。

(挂电话,偷偷地说:曾老师台词忘带了,哈哈~不过只有一张了,其它可不知道哪去了)Zeng xiaoxian(helpless ): yifei, you are very very clever! The next,we'll talk about ···(Telephone rings again )What's wrong again? My broadcasting rating is so high,youshould not always call in.yifei~! please~(无奈):一菲,你真是聪明啊!那接下来我们来谈谈······ (电话又响)又怎么了?我节目收听率这么高,不要总占别人线啊,一菲!Hu yifei: No ,no···,It is urgent ! ziqiao broke up with Lisa rong,he···:不是啊,有急事啊!子乔刚和分手了,他······Zeng xiaoxian:Oh~! No~no~What should I do? I cannot bepromoted! I must talk to ziqiao about it! Ziqiao you can't ~can't~Zhan bo: I ,qie~ I am zhan bo!展博:我,切、、我是展博。

(Mei jia kicked Lv ziqiao )(美嘉踢一脚)Mr.Zeng: He had blurred vision and lightheaded. This is a symptom of hypertension.曾小贤:他视力模糊,还头重脚轻,高血压的症状之一Hu Yifei: Ziqiao, are you pretending? Do you want to take advantage of our sympathy for you ? (捶~~~):子乔,你不会是装的吧,想乘机利用我们对你好? (捶他一下)Lv Ziqiao: Yifei, shit! I have severe chest pain ! Actually, you pounded me !:一菲,你有病啊?我得厉害,你还捶?!Zeng Xiaoxian: He has the stethalgia, this is the symptom of hypertension too. Haha~, I am a practitioner. I can diagnose.曾小贤:他,这也是高血压的症状,哈哈,我是名医了!我会诊断病了~Lv Ziqiao: Mr.Zeng, are you an earth man ? I am dying because of hurt:曾老师,你还是不是人啊?我都快疼死了~Zeng Xiaoxian: Ah, yeah, Zhanbo, Meijia, Yifei, massage his chest immediately!曾小贤:哦,对,展博、美嘉、一菲,快给他按摩按摩胸部,先暂时减轻痛苦。

曾小贤:不···不是吧?那我怎么办啊!我的事业也会被断送啊! 让我和子乔说说,不能阿不能阿······Mei jia:(Grabbed the phone )You have no chance,He seems alittle dizzy. Today you are talking about the ill, are not you ?Save him quickly !美嘉(抢过电话):没机会了,他好像有点晕。

你今天不是讲病吗?快点救救他吧~Zeng xiaoxian:Well, okay, let him speak .曾小贤:好, 好吧,让他讲话。

Lv ziqiao:zeng zeng teacher,I broke up ,ah~~~~~~~(He is going tofall, zhan bo holds him)Mei , mei jia, you also have breast?吕子乔:曾, 曾老师,我分手了,啊······(要晕倒) (被展博扶住) 美、美嘉,你有胸啦!?Zhan bo: I ,qie~ I am zhan bo!展博:我,切、、我是展博。

(Mei jia kicked Lv ziqiao )(美嘉踢吕子乔一脚)Mr.Zeng: He had blurred vision and lightheaded. This is a symptom of hypertension.曾小贤:他视力模糊,还头重脚轻,高血压的症状之一Hu Yifei: Ziqiao, are you pretending? Do you want to take advantage of our sympathy for you ? (捶~~~)胡一菲:子乔,你不会是装的吧,想乘机利用我们对你好? (捶他一下)Lv Ziqiao: Yifei, shit! I have severe chest pain ! Actually, you pounded me !吕子乔:一菲,你有病啊?我得厉害,你还捶?!Zeng Xiaoxian: He has the stethalgia, this is the symptom of hypertension too. Haha~, I am a practitioner. I can diagnose.曾小贤:他胸痛,这也是高血压的症状,哈哈,我是名医了!我会诊断病了~Lv Ziqiao: Mr.Zeng, are you an earth man ? I am dying because of hurt吕子乔:曾老师,你还是不是人啊?我都快疼死了~Zeng Xiaoxian: Ah, yeah, Zhanbo, Meijia, Yifei, massage his chest immediately!曾小贤:哦,对,展博、美嘉、一菲,快给他按摩按摩胸部,先暂时减轻痛苦。

(They massaged him in a mess.)(众人对他进行一番乱按摩)Zhanbo: Ah~~~Mr.Zeng, he has the bloody nose.展博:啊~~曾老师,他了~(They crowded, looking. Yeah, just nosebleed, Lv Xiaobu's blood.)(众人拥上,看了半天,“恩,果然是鼻血,的血”)(Turning their head, Ziqiao is missing. They are seeking. He hided in WC.)(回头,子乔不见了,众人找,发现在厕所)Hu Yifei: Mr.Zeng, he hided in WC,unwilling to come out. And he said he has frequent urination.胡一菲:曾小贤,他在厕所,不肯出来,说自己尿频。

Zeng Xiaoxian: Ah~~~frequent urination, he is the invisible Man of hypertension. Does he come out?曾小贤:哇塞~还尿频,看来他是一个高血压的隐形患者啊~~~他出来了吗?People: No~~~众人:没有.zeng:uh-huh, let me ,the master ,educate him when he is intoilet.Fistly, patients with hypertension must have a low-salt and low-fat diet.曾小贤:恩哼,趁他在卫生间,让我这个大师来对他进行教育吧~首先,高血压患者要低盐、。

all:Low-salt and low-fat.众人:低盐低脂。

zeng:Pay attention to stress management.曾小贤:压力调节all:Only make a girl friend each time.众人:一次只交一个女朋友。

zeng:Take food that are rich in minerals, for example, potassium, calcium, magnesium.曾小贤:多吃含镁、钾、钙等矿物质的食物。

all:Eat carrot(zhan)、 Chinese cabbage(mei) and shell(fei) everyday.众人:天天吃胡萝卜(展博)、白菜(美嘉)、贝壳(一菲)zeng:More exercise.曾小贤:多运动all:Give us your car.众人:把你的车给我们。

zeng:Take antihypertensive medications daily.曾小贤:天天服用降压药all:The medicines are close to the mouth.众人:药不离嘴(ziqiao coming back from the toilet)(子乔从厕所里出来)ziqiao:I feel bad.My blood presure is rather, rather, high.I'm going to die.Give some money to me, I will go to hospital.吕子乔:我不太对劲,我有高血压,我要死了!你们那点钱给我吧,我要去医院。

(all feel panic then take out money to ziqiao)(众人惊慌,纷纷取出钱给子乔)ziqiao:I needn't pay back the money spending on the disease to you,do I ?(众人愣住了,去厕所一看,发现了曾小贤落下的台词)(all are dumbfounded ,then they go to see the toilet,then find zeng's left pieces of lines )众人:“他不会看着书生病的吧。

”all:he's not sick, he just pretend to be weak as zeng xiaoxian's lines.吕子乔:哈哈,背个高血压的台词就能有这么多钱!哈哈~ziqiao:ha-ha~~~just recite some hypertension lines can earn so much money ! I'm rich now! Ha~ha~(众人追出去):还我们钱!(all run after him):pay back the money!曾小贤:这个故事告诉我们,学习医学知识真是有用~zeng:The story tell us , it is really useful to learn the medical knowledge.吕子乔:我去看病的,这钱你们不要我还吧?(all shake head)(众人摇头)zeng:ziqiao,do you know that which investigations you need and which drug you need buy?曾小贤:子乔,你知道去医院做哪些检查吃哪些药吗?ziqiao:Of course. Calcium channel blockers,angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors , vasodialtors and diuretics ,e.g.吕子乔:知道~钙离子阻断剂、、血管舒张剂、利尿剂。


)(with that,he run away.)








7.宛瑜:小龙女被人强暴了关谷(抓狂):na ni(什么)





他们问我有什么理想 我就说 我想拥有一幢小房子 可能是我的房子 跟别人的不太一样吧 我理想中的房子啊 屋顶是杏仁糖片 烟囱是烤猪肉卷 床是蜜糖红枣糕 枕头全都是水晶虾饺 下雨下的是葡萄干 下雪下的是棒棒糖 屋外随处可见小笼灌汤包 河里流的全是皮蛋瘦肉粥 河里游的天上飞的都是熟的 我哼一声 它们就自动排着队往我嘴里跳 天上的云是棉花糖 地上的石头是红烧肉 我们课余时间勤工俭学,老师就带我们去唐人街卖盗版盘 傻子偷乞丐的钱包,被瞎子看到了,哑巴大吼一声,把聋子吓了一跳,驼子挺身而出,瘸子飞起一脚,通辑犯要拉他去公安局,麻子说,看我的面子算了。




Smile naturally high




A house is not luxury apartment, between two ordinary suite, but lived seven different background, different status, different dreams of young men and women. Without exception, they are stories, he in this love apartment, happen every day this seemingly ordinary but again a funny story. Sometimes funny, sometimes weirdness, sometimes romantic, sometimes touched. They together, and cursing angrily to communicate with a new generation of young people's living conditions and concept of value. They together, with renju punch line to wipe out a rolling in the aisles wonderful joke and wisdom spark, and finally have a true love.一幢并不奢华的公寓,两间普普通通的套房,却住着7个不同背景,不同身份,不同梦想的青年男女。








” 从此以后,它就变成了, 小 黄 瓜 (呱)。

