有这样的一个人,当他走在一大片冰冻的河面上时,他听见了“咔咔”的响声.他吓坏了,他以为冰面要裂开了所以趴在冰面上不敢动弹.当一辆满载货物的马车驶过他身边时,他的眼神变的很迷茫.是啊,这就是“过度忧患综合症”的表现.还有一个有趣的现象就是现在的社会,被自己吓倒的人数要远远超过被困难打倒的人,是啊,“自己才是自己最大的敌人”,这就是真正的原因吧.而罪魁祸首正是那个叫做“生于忧患”的理念. 放下你那装满“忧虑”的包袱吧,只有轻装上阵才能获得成功.生活是过出来的,而不是想出来的.相信人生只有走出来的美丽,没有想出来的辉煌.就像文才是写出来的,口才是练出来的,而不是忧虑出来的,想出来的一样.即使是失败的经验也一定比事先无尽的忧虑要来得实在,只要你有输的起的精神就一定会赢来新的机遇,就会成功.而忧虑只能让你踌躇不前,在梦想门前却要徘徊的人,注定要和梦想相隔,在河的这一边把自己站成岸.但即使你面对的阻碍无法超越,即使你没有好的应对方法,但只要你有敢于面对强敌的勇气,你就会发现奇迹是可以创造的. “车到山前必有路”不一定只是那些事到临头却一无准备之人的开脱之词,“机关算尽”也不一定是好事,有时候我们反而要适当的“头脑简单”到那时你会发现春履与秋痕一样是美好的景色,固然要死的安乐,但人活着不是为了死.是不是安乐的度过医生才更有意义呢
Euthanasia is one of society's most widely and hotly debated moral issues. It has pained and exhausted the courts for entirely too long, questioning the ethics and morality of the issue. It is a never-ending loop that by no means considers our right, or the victim's right, to freedom. I believe that euthanasia is only debated and kept on the political agenda to keep the courts busy, thereby ensuring the security of political pocket books. The vast majority of the population is in favor of euthanasia. However, their elected candidates don't represent their views. Thus eliminating their power of democracy and right to freedom. of society's most widely and hotly debated moral issues. It has pained and exhausted the courts for entirely too long, questioning the ethics and morality of the issue. It is a never-ending loop that by no means considers our right, or the victim's right, to freedom. I believe that euthanasia is only debated and kept on the political agenda to keep the courts busy, thereby ensuring the security of political pocket books. The vast majority of the population is in favor of euthanasia. However, their elected candidates don't represent their views. Thus eliminating their power of democracy and right to freedom. Euthanasia is one of society's most widely and hotly debated moral issues. It has pained and exhausted the courts for entirely too long, questioning the ethics and morality of the issue. It is a never-ending loop that by no means considers our right, or the victim's right, to freedom. euthanasia is only debated and kept on the political agenda to keep the courts busy, thereby ensuring the security of political pocket books. The vast majority of the population is in favor of euthanasia. However, their elected candidates don't represent their views. Thus eliminating their power of democracy and right to freedom. 安乐死
The fast advance of medicine and life–extending technologies enable life to be prolonged 。
But it’s this leap of technologies to prolong life and control dying that raises the controversial topic—euthanasia( 安乐死)or mercy killing.People supporting mercy killing argue that euthanasia is humane because it helps to hasten the death of hopelessly ill patients,relieving them from the agonizing pain , which is good for both the doomed people and their families. For these people,staving off death is to compromise a fundamental value—the quality of human life. However,those who object to euthanasia think it is immoral to give uptreatment or commit suicide with doctors’ assistance。
In their opinions, that is nothing less than murdering.IN fact, to continue or terminate life is a moral choice because it involves a decision about a fundamental human good , the preservation of life . After all, life is the mast precious asset that we have for creativity and productivity.转载百度
The fast advance of medicine and life–extending technologies enable life to be prolonged 。
But it’s this leap of technologies to prolong life and control dying that raises the controversial topic—euthanasia( 安乐死)or mercy killing. People supporting mercy killing argue that euthanasia is humane because it helps to hasten the death of hopelessly ill patients,relieving them from the agonizing pain , which is good for both the doomed people and their families. For these people,staving off death is to compromise a fundamental value—the quality of human life. However,those who object to euthanasia think it is immoral to give up treatment or commit suicide with doctors’ assistance。
In their opinions, that is nothing less than murdering.