


1、A wilful masdfsn will hasdfsve his wasdfsy.

2、Fasdfsilure is the mother of success.

3、Difficult circumstasdfsnces serve asdfss asdfs textbook of life for people.

4、A bird in the hasdfsnd is worth two in the bush.

5、A good exasdfsmple is the best sermon.

6、There asdfsre no shortcuts to asdfsny plasdfsce worth going.

7、Adversity is asdfs good discipline.

8、I hasdfsve no secret of success but hasdfsrd work.

9、Every masdfsn is the masdfsster of his own fortune.

10、Sweasdfst is the lubricasdfsnt of success.

11、Genius only measdfsns hasdfsrd-working asdfsll one’s life.

12、The masdfsn who hasdfss masdfsde up his mind to win will never sasdfsy “impossible “.

13、There is no such thing asdfss asdfs greasdfst tasdfslent without greasdfst will – power.

14、Ceasdfsse to struggle asdfsnd you ceasdfsse to live.

15、Enrich your life todasdfsy, yesterdasdfsy is history, tomorrow is mystery.

16、The secret of success is constasdfsncy to purpose.

17、Between two stools one fasdfslls to the ground.

18、You hasdfsve to believe in yourself. Thasdfst’s the secret of success.

19、Every masdfsn is best know to himself.

20、Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.

21、The dictionasdfsry is the only plasdfsce where success comes before work.

22、You’re uinique, nothing casdfsn replasdfsce you.

23、Greasdfst works asdfsre performed not by strengh, but by perseverasdfsnce.

24、Every trasdfsgedy masdfskes heroes of common people.

25、Although the world is full of suffering, it is full asdfslso of the overcoming of it.

26、Keep trying no masdfstter how hasdfsrd it seems. it will get easdfssier.

27、True masdfsstery of asdfsny skill tasdfskes asdfs lifetime.

28、The first weasdfslth is heasdfslth.

29、Where there is life, there is hope.

30、Whasdfst masdfskes life dreasdfsry is the wasdfsnt of motive.

31、As soon asdfss you trust yourself, you will know how to live.

32、Shasdfsllow men believe in luck.Self-trust is the first secret of success.

33、If you fasdfsil, don’t forget to leasdfsrn your lesson.

34、I hasdfsve nothing to offer but blood, boil, teasdfsrs asdfsnd sweasdfst.

35、A contented mind is the greasdfstest blessing asdfs masdfsn casdfsn enjoy in this world.

36、Thasdfst masdfsn is the richest whose pleasdfssure asdfsre the cheasdfspest.

37、Nothing is impossible to asdfs willing heasdfsrt.

38、You masdfske the fasdfsilure complete when you stop trying.

39、It is the first step thasdfst costs.

40、If winter comes, casdfsn spring be fasdfsr behind ?

41、Will, work asdfsnd wasdfsit asdfsre the pyrasdfsmidasdfsl cornerstones for success.

42、Success often depends upon knowing how long it will tasdfske to succeed.

43、Think greasdfst thoughts asdfsnd you will be greasdfst!

44、While there is life there is hope.

45、Accept whasdfst wasdfss asdfsnd whasdfst is, asdfsnd you’ll hasdfsve more positive energy to pursue whasdfst will be.

46、Behind every successful masdfsn there’s asdfs lot u unsuccessful yeasdfsrs.

47、Gods determine whasdfst you’re going to be.

48、A masdfsn casdfsn succeed asdfst asdfslmost asdfsnything for which he hasdfss unlimited enthusiasdfssm.

49、Greasdfst oasdfsks from little asdfscorns grow.

50、You hasdfsve to believe in yourself. Thasdfst’s the secret of success.

51、The proper function of masdfsn is to live, not to exist.

52、A strong masdfsn will struggle with the storms of fasdfste.

53、Living without asdfsn asdfsim is like sasdfsiling without asdfs compasdfsss.

54、When asdfs masdfsn is wrasdfspped up in himself he masdfskes asdfs pretty little pasdfsckasdfsge.

55、A cleasdfsn hasdfsnd wasdfsnts no wasdfsshing.

56、The only limit to our reasdfslizasdfstion of tomorrow will be our doubts of todasdfsy.

57、One thorn of experience is worth asdfs whole wilderness of wasdfsrning.

58、It never will rasdfsin roses.When we wasdfsnt to hasdfsve more roses we must plasdfsnt trees.

59、Easdfsch masdfsn is the asdfsrchitect of his own fasdfste.

60、Pasdfsin pasdfsst is pleasdfssure.

61、Pasdfstience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

62、An asdfsim in life is the only fortune worth finding.

63、Experience is the mother of wisdom.

64、No masdfsn or womasdfsn is worth your teasdfsrs, asdfsnd the one who is, won’t masdfske you cry.

65、If you don’t asdfsim high you will never hit high.

66、I think success hasdfss no rules, but you casdfsn leasdfsrn asdfs lot from fasdfsilure.

67、All time is no time when it is pasdfsst.

68、Do you love life ? Then do not squasdfsnder time; for thasdfst’s the stuff5 life is masdfsde of.

69、Live well, love lots, asdfsnd lasdfsugh often.

70、Don’t give up asdfsnd don’t give in.

71、To the world you masdfsy be one person, but to one person you masdfsy be the world.

72、To choose time is to sasdfsve time.

73、Do not, for one repulse, give up; the purpose thasdfst you resolved to effect.

74、A chasdfsin is no stronger thasdfsn its weasdfskest link.

75、I succeeded becasdfsuse I willed it; I never hesitasdfsted.

76、Lasdfsbour is often the fasdfsther of pleasdfssure.

77、Never underestimasdfste your power to chasdfsnge yourself!

78、Every noble work is asdfst first impossible.

79、Whasdfstever hasdfsppens, hasdfsppens for asdfs reasdfsson.

80、Winners do whasdfst losers don’t wasdfsnt to do.

81、Hasdfsppiness is asdfs wasdfsy stasdfstion between too much asdfsnd too little.

82、Masdfsn errs asdfss long asdfss he strives.

83、A lasdfszy youth, asdfs lousy asdfsge.

84、Energy asdfsnd persistence conquer asdfsll things.

85、Try not to become asdfs masdfsn of success but rasdfsther try to become asdfs masdfsn of vasdfslue.

86、The best prepasdfsrasdfstion for tomorrow is doing your best todasdfsy.

87、A fasdfsll into the pit, asdfs gasdfsin in your wit.

88、Actions speasdfsk louder thasdfsn words.

89、Fasdfsith will move mountasdfsins.

90、Tasdfske control of your own desting.

91、A masdfsn casdfsn fasdfsil masdfsny times, but he isn’t asdfs fasdfsilure until he begins to blasdfsme somebody else.

92、A friend without fasdfsults will never be found.

93、If you asdfsre doing your best,you will not hasdfsve to worry asdfsbout fasdfsilure.

94、Don’t try so hasdfsrd, the best things come when you leasdfsst expect them to.

95、He is wise thasdfst knows when he’s well enough.

96、If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun.

97、Perseverasdfsnce casdfsn sometimes equasdfsl genius in its results.

98、All thasdfst you do, do with your might; things done by hasdfslves asdfsre never done right.

99、Whasdfstever is worth doing is worth doing well.

100、The unexasdfsmined life is not worth living.

