



Avengers 已经苏醒了 The Tesseract has awakened. 它处在人类那微不足道的世界 It is on a little world, a human world. 人类觊觎它的能量 They would wield its power, 但只有我们的盟友才对它了如指掌 but our ally knows its workings as they never will. 他将为我们开路 He is ready to lead 我们的军队奇塔瑞 紧随其后 and our force, our Chitauri, will follow. 事成之后 那个世界归他 A world will be his. 整个宇宙 归您 The universe, yours. 至于人类 除了灰飞湮灭 还能有什么下场? And the humans, what can they do but burn? 所有人员注意 All personnel, 疏散命令已确认 the evacuation order has been confirmed. 联合暗能量任务 西区 飞马计划 到底什么情况? How bad is it? 问题就是 我们也不知道 That's the problem, sir. We don't know. 塞尔维格博士观测到 四小时前能量爆发一次 Dr.Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours a. NASA没准许塞尔维格进入测试阶段 NASA authorise Selvig to to test phase. 他没在测试 他根本就不在实验室里 He wasn't testing it. He wasn't even in the room. 这是魔方自发行为 Spontaneous event. 魔方自行启动? It just turned itself on? 现在它的能量等级呢? Where are the energy levels now? 不断上升 塞尔维格控制不了 我们就下令疏散了 Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered evac. 全部撤离还要多久?Freedom. 自由是弥天大谎 Freedom is life's great lie. 摆脱了它 你才能真正体会到 Once you accept that, in your heart, 什么才是平静 you will know peace. 说得好 平静 Yeah, you say peace, 我觉得你说反了吧 I kind of think you mean the other thing. 长官 弗瑞指挥官在拖时间 Sir, Director Fury is stalling. 这个地方马上要爆炸了 This place is about to blow 上面几百尺的土层塌下来 and drop a hundred feet of rock on us. 他打算把我们活埋了 He means to bury us. 以前的法老也这么干 Like the pharaohs of old. 他说得对 通道正在崩坏 He's right. The portal is collapsing in on itself. 两分钟内再不走我们就得丧命于此 We've t maybe two minutes before this goes critical. 好吧 Well, then. 我需要这些车 I need these vehicles. 他是谁? - 他们没告诉我 - Who's that? - They tell me. 特工希尔! Hill! 能收到吗? Do you copy? 巴顿叛变了 Barton has turned. 他们拿到了! 堵住他们! They have the Tesseract! Shut them down! 好 快走吧 别管了 快走! Okay, go. No, leave it. Go! 楼上没人了 长官 你快走 We're clear upstairs, sir. You need to go. 指挥官? Director? 弗瑞指挥官 能收到吗? Director Fury, do you copy? 宇宙魔方落入敌方手中 The Tesseract is with a hostile force. 有人员伤亡 希尔你呢? I have men down. Hill? 许多人被埋住了 A lot of men still under. 不知道有几人生还 I don't know how many survivors. 通知所有人 Sound a general call. 我要所有未参与救援的人员 I want every living soul not working rescue 去找那个手提箱 looking for that briefcase. 明白 Roger that. 科尔森 我们回基地 进入7级警戒 Coulson, get back to base. This is a Level Seven. 这意味着求你了 Please. 下次该先把钱收了 You should've got paid up front, Banner. 我说 对于一个 You know, for a man 应该避免压力的人而言 who's supposed to be avoiding stress 你真是选错了落脚的地方 you picked a hell of a place to settle. 逃避压力不是关键 Avoiding stress isn't the secret. 那该如何? 练瑜伽? Then what is it? Yoga? 你帮我带到郊区来 真够聪明的 You brought me to the edge of the city. Smart. 我猜这儿已经被包围了吧 I assume the whole place is surrounded. 只有你和我 Just you and me. 还有你那位小影后? And your actress buddy? 她也是特工吗? 这么早就入伙了? Is she a spy, too? They start that young? 我当初也是 I did. 你是谁? Who are you? 我叫· Natasha Romanoff. 你是来杀我的吗 小姐? Are you here to kill me, Ms.Romanoff? 这样事情会闹得很不愉快的 Because that's not going to work out for everyone. 不 当然不是 我代表来的 No, of course not. I'm here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D. 他们怎么找到我的? How did they find me? 我们从没跟丢过 博士 We never lost you, Doctor. 只是保持距离罢了 We've kept our distance. 也帮助过你不受他方势力 Even helped keep some other interested parties 的骚扰 off your scent. 为什么? Why? 好像很信任你 Nick Fury seems to trust you. 我们现在需要你挺身而出 But now we need you to come in. 如果我拒绝呢? What if I say no? 我会说服你 I'll persuade you. 那如果我的另一面说不呢? And what if the other guy says no? 他安分守己已经一年多了 You've been more than a year without an incident. 我想他不会打破平静的 I don't think you want to break that streak. 可不是每次我都能控制住的 Well, I don't every time get what I want. 这不是复仇者 This isn't about the Avengers. 我们看到了名单 We've seen the list. 你手下有世界顶级的秘密安全部队 You're running the world's greatest covert security network 你却要把人类的安危和命运 and you're going to leave the fate of the human race 交给一群怪物 to a handful of freaks. 我没想交给谁 I'm not leaving anything to anyone. 我们需要一个应急部队 We need a response team. 他们可能性格孤僻 甚至有缺陷 These people may be isolated, unbalanced even 但我相信 正确指引下这是一支好队伍 but I believe with the right push they can be exactly what we need. 你相信? You believe? 胜仗不是靠直觉 指挥官 War isn't won by sentiment, Director. 不 靠的是士兵 No, it's won by soldiers. 时间不多了 There's not enough time. 必须把它抛下水! I got to put her in the water! 你不会孤单的 You won't be alone. 天呐 Oh, my God. 这人还活着! This guy is still alive! 睡不着? Trouble sleeping? 我睡了70年了 长官 已经睡够了 I slept for 70 years, sir. I think I've had my fill. 那你应该出去转转 开心点 看看世界 Then you should be out, celebrating, seeing the world. 我昏迷时 我们在打仗 When I went under, the world was at war. 我醒来后 他们说我们赢了 I wake up, they say we won. 但他们没说我们丢了什么 They say what we lost. 一路走来确实有些错误 We've made some mistakes along the way. 最近也有个 Some, very recently. 你是带着任务来的 长官? Are you here with a mission, sir? 是的 I am. 想要让我重返世界? Trying to get me back in the world? 是去拯救它 Trying to save it. 组织的秘密武器 HYDRA'S secret weapon. 他们找你的时候 Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean 一代钢铁侠从深海里捞上来的 when he was looking for you. 他想法和我们一样 He thought what we think. 好吧 那... Well, then... 就这么说定了 注意安全 Square deal. Fly safe. 认真工作哦 Work hard. 你能送我去拉呱迪亚机场吗? So, any chance you're driving by LaGuardia? 我可以送你过去 - 太好了 I can drop you. - Fantastic. 诶我说 I want to hear 那个大提琴女 你俩还好着么? about the cellist. Is that still a thing? 她回波兰去了 She moved back to Portland. 什么? 讨厌! What? Boo! 离基地还有四十分钟 长官 We're about 40 minutes out from home base, sir. 这个班纳博士想复制博士在我身上用的药? So, this Dr Banner was trying to replicate the serum they used on me? 很多人都想 A lot of people were. 你是世界上第一个超级英雄 You were the world's first superhero. 班纳觉得伽马射线可能是解开 Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking 艾斯金博士的配方的关键 Erskine's original formula. 他没成功 对吧? Didn't really go his way, did it? 确实 Not so much. 不变身时 他就像霍金 When he's not that thing, though, the guy's like a Stephen Hawking. 就是说他很聪明 He's like a smart person. 我得说 I gotta say, 正式见到你真是非常荣幸 it's an honour to meet you officially. 之前也见过 I've sort of met you. I mean, 你沉睡时我看过你 I watched you while you were sleeping. 我是说 他们把你 I mean, I was present 从冰层里救起的时候我在场 while you were unconscious from the ice. 对于我来说能跟你 You know, it's really just a huge honour 同船真是莫大的荣幸... to have you on board this... 我希望我能胜任 I hope I'm the man for the job. 哦 那必须的 Oh, you are. Absolutely. 我们把制服改了改 We made some modifications to the uniform. 我自己加了些设计进去 I had a little design input. 制服? The uniform? 星条啥的会不会 Aren't the stars and stripes a little动力装置已达到峰值 Power plant performing at capacity. 准备就绪 We are clear. 引擎全开 All engines operating. 神盾局193.6号紧急协议已实行 S.H.I.E.L.D. Emergency Protocol 193.6 in effect. 已达到预定高度 长官 - 好 We Are at level, sir. - Good. 隐形吧 Let's vanish. 启动模拟反光板 Engage retro-reflection panels. 反光板已启动 Reflection panels engaged. 各位 Gentlemen. 博士 感谢你的光临 Doctor, thank you for coming. 感谢你友好的邀请 Thanks for asking nicely. 那 我要在这里待多久? So, how long am I staying? 等我们夺回宇宙魔方 Once we get our hands on the Tesseract, 你就自由了 you're in the wind. 那你们进展如何? Where are you with that? 我们正在扫描全球所有 We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible 无线摄像头 camera on the planet. 手机 笔记本电脑... Cell phones, laptops... 只要连得上卫星 就都是我们的眼线 If it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us. 就这样还是来不及 That's still not gonna find them in time. 你们得缩小搜索范围 You have to narrow your field. 你能调用多少光谱分析仪? How many spectrometers do you have access to? 你需要多少? - 那联系所有的实验室吧 How many Are there? - Call every lab you know. 让他们把光谱分析仪放到房顶 Tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof 校准到搜索伽马射线 and calibrate them for gamma rays. 我会用聚群识别 草拟出跟踪算法 I'll rough out a tracking algorithm, basic cluster recognition. 这样起码可以排除几个区域 At least we could rule out a few places. 有我工作的地方吗? Do you have somewhere for me to work? 罗曼诺夫特工 Agent Romanoff, 麻烦你带班纳博士去他的实验室 好吗? could you show Dr Banner to his laboratory, please? 你会喜欢的 博士 那儿设备齐全 You're gonna love it, Doc. We got all the toys. 把这个放到那边 Put it over there. 你从哪找来的这些人? Where did you find all these people? 神盾局从来不缺敌人 博士 S.H.I.E.L.D. has no shortage of enemies, Doctor. 这就是你要找的东西? Is this the stuff you need? 对 铱 Yeah, iridium. 陨石里就有 能形成反质子 It's found in meteorites. It forms anti-protons. 这东西可不好找 It's very hard to get hold of. 神盾局知道你需要它就更难了 Especially if S.H.I.E.L.D. knows you need it. 一时糊涂嘛 Well, I didn't know. 你来啦! Hey! 宇宙魔方教会我好多 The Tesseract has shown me so much. 不只是知识 是真理 It's more than knowledge. It's truth. 我知道 I know. 你看到了什么 巴顿特工? What did it show you, Agent Barton? 我的下一个目标 My next target. 要我做什么 Tell me what you need. 声东击西 I need a distraction. 还有一颗眼珠 And an eyeball. 我是说 要是太麻烦的话 I mean, if it's not too much trouble. 没 没 不麻烦 No, no. It's fine. 是套典藏版 It's a vintage set. 我搜集了几年才集齐 It took me a couple of years to collect them all. 九成新 Near mint. 边角有点磨损 但是... Slight foxing around the edges, but...



我想要美剧复仇的台词 英文txt

When deception cuts this deep ,someone has to pay.欺骗伤人至深,必须有人为此付出代价When everything you love has been stolen from you , somestimes all you have left is revenge.当你所爱的一切被人剥夺,你所剩下的唯有复仇。

Trust is a difficult thing ,whether it's finding the right people to trust or trusting the right people will do the wrong thing.But trusting your heart is the riskiest thing of all.In the end , the only person wo can truly trust is ourselves.信任来之不易,无论是找到值得你信任的人,还是相信就连他们也会背叛你,但相信自己的心,却是最大的冒险。


For the innocent ,the past may hold a reward.But for the treacherous , it's only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve.对于无辜的人,过去承载着美好的回忆,但对于那些背信弃义的人,他们最终会因为他们丑恶的过去而得到应有的报应Are we true to ourselves or do we live for the expections of others and if we are open honest ,can we ever truly be loved.Can we find the courage to realse our deepest secrets or in the end ,are we all unknowable ever to ourselves.我们对自己坦诚吗





Guilt is a powerful affliction.You can try to turn your back on it ,but that's when it sneaks up behind you and eats you alive.愧疚是一种折磨人心的东西,你可以试着假装它不存在,但同时它也在不知不觉中啃噬着你的生命。

Some people struggle to understand their own guilt ,unwilling or unable to justify the part they play in it.Others run away from their guilt , shedding their conscience until there's no conscience left at all.一些人挣扎着想认清自己的内疚,不愿或不能为自己洗脱罪名。


Like life , revenge can be a messy business.And both would be much simpler if only our heads could figure out , which way our hearts will go.But the heart has its reasons ,of which reason cannot know.复仇如同生活,犹如一团乱麻,如果我们的理智能指引心的方向,一切都能迎刃而解。

然而人心是无法控制的,也是无法读懂的.Trust is the one luxury I cannot afford.信任这种奢侈之物我可承担不起。

Within each of us is the capacity for both good and evil. But those who are able to blur the moral dividing line hold the true power.每个人心中都有一个天使一个恶魔,只有那些游刃于道德界线边缘的人,才是真正的强者。

We all have secrets we keep locked away from the rest of the world…Friendship we pretend, relationships we hide. But worst of all is that love we never let show. The most dangerous secrets a person can bury are those we keep from ourselves.每个人都有不愿为外人所知的秘密:虚情假意的友情、密不可宣的关系……但最糟糕的是我们深埋心中的爱意。


Some say loyalty inspires boundless hope. And while there maybe, there is a catch. True loyalty takes years to build, and only seconds to destroy.有人说忠诚能激发无穷无尽的希望,这背后或许还有一句潜台词——真正的忠诚,成于成年累月,却可在弹指之间灰飞烟灭。

Sometimes bad things happen to good people.有时候好人却得不到好报。

Some say that our lives are defined by the sum of our choices. But it isn’t really our choices that distinguish who we are. It’s our commitment to them.有人说我们的人生由自身不断的选择所决定。


For someone, commitment is like faith, a chosen devotion to another person or an intangible ideal. But for me, commitment has a shadow side, a darker drive that constantly asks the question how far am I willing to go.对于某些人来说,承诺如同信仰一样,是自愿向他人或无形的理想效忠。


复仇者联盟 英文+中文台词











Boomer Submarine 雷鸣潜艇 ---------------- 选择: - Boomer systems operational 雷鸣潜艇系统运转中 - Maintaining position and depth 保持位置和深度 - Deep sea vessal standing by 深海船只待命中 - Engines primed 引擎启动 - Air pressure stabilized 保持舱压状态 移动: - Adjusting rudder 改变尾舵 - Checking current 检查洋流 - Propeller systems engaged 推进系统启动 - All ahead, full 全速航行 - Thrusting forward 向前推进 攻击地面目标: - Locking missile coordinates 锁定导弹坐标 - Missiles ready for launch 导弹准备发射 - Guidance systems checked 制统检查完毕 - They'll never see it coming 他们决不知道从哪儿来 - Yuri will be proud 尤里会感到骄傲的 - Let the missiles fly 准备发射导弹 攻击水中目标: - Torpedos armed 鱼雷就绪 - This will be a sinker 它会沉入大海的 - Fire (鱼雷)发射 - Bring them down to our level 让它们沉到我们下面去 - Launch initiated 开始发射 - Sharkbait! 鲨鱼之饵





