闷闷不乐[mèn mèn bù lè]
1、没有比闷闷不乐更幼稚的事了。There is a no more babyish thing than a dump.
2、自从他的狗死了以后,乔一直闷闷不乐。Joe has been under a cloud since his dog died.
3、她嘲笑他闷闷不乐的脸。She laughed at his glum face.
4、为什么要闷闷不乐的等?Why do you wait and mope?
5、低分数使海伦闷闷不乐。Low grades are getting Helen down. 6、时间消逝着,她保持一种闷闷不乐的沉默。The day wore on and she preserved a sullen silence.
7、他看起来总是闷闷不乐的并且总是很匆忙。He always looks worried and he's always in a hurry.
8、我不喜欢有人闷闷不乐。I hate people being unhappy.
9、你怎么还闷闷不乐的?Why are you still so worried?
10、别在家里那样闷闷不乐地闲荡——去散散步。Don't mope around the house like that go for a walk.
11、不管是什么原因让你闷闷不乐,都要等到周末。Whatever the reason for your moodiness, just wait for the weekend.
12、一个神色紧张的纳税人正闷闷不乐地与前来查帐的税务审计员交谈着。A nervous taxpayer was unhappily conversing with the IRS Tax auditor who had come to review his records.
13、这吻没能让她享受丝毫快感,反而使她闷闷不乐,因为是媚兰出的主意。Scarlett could hardly take any joy from the kiss, so sullen was her heart at Melly's prompting it.
14、但是她说,尽管闷闷不乐的,但是潘多拉表现出来的还是高兴的,健康的。But, she says, despite the long face, Pandora appears to be happy and healthy.
15、你的信使我充满了欢乐……自从与你分手以后,我一直闷闷不乐,愁眉不展。Simon glumly watched TV and went to bed snappy.
16、难怪没有找到重要信物的小天后事后一直闷闷不乐。No wonder not important to find a small Xin Wu has been depressed after days.
17、阿兰闷闷不乐地钻进自己的睡袋,渐渐地进入了梦乡。Gloomily, Alan climbed into the sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep.
18、人一幸福,他的仇人就闷闷不乐;一遇灾难,朋友也会离去。When a man is successful even his enemy is friendly; in adversity even his friend disappears.
19、如果能及时思考冷静地分析,那么就不会让自己时常闷闷不乐了。If you can think calmly and timely analysis, it will not let themselves often depressed by.
20、迈克尔:我一直看了你大约有一个小时了,比利。为什么你闷闷不乐?Michael: I have been watching you for about an hour, Billy. Why are you moping around?
21、但是,妻子却总是因为一些小事情闷闷不乐,俩人经常吵架,才闹到离婚的田地。However, his wife was always depressed because of trivial matters, the two quarrel often only went to the field of divorce.
22、在重大而值得歌颂的时刻,欧洲人会被迫在贝多芬的《欢乐颂》中闷闷不乐的渡过。On grand, anthem-worthy occasions Europeans will be spared having to stumble through Beethoven's "Ode to Joy".
23、看到他和她的小妹妹说笑玩乐,她有时也会露出笑容,但过不一会,又恢复了闷闷不乐的神情。She laughed now and again at his jokes and games with her little sisters, but relapsed quickly into a dejection .
24、有一天,他正闷闷不乐地坐在白色城堡时,发生了一件事,使他那绝望的心灵燃起了希望的火花。One day as he was sitting unhappy in the White Castle, a thing occurred that kindled a spark of hope in his despairing mind.
25、用一个大鸡蛋做的煎蛋卷许更大,但大鸡蛋并不一定比小鸡蛋更好——产下大个鸡蛋的母鸡肯定闷闷不乐。It might make a larger omelette but a bigger egg isn't necessarily a better one —and it certainly doesn't make the hen that laid it very happy.
26、一对夫妻大吵一场之后,两个人闷闷不乐地开着车,走出很远双方仍不肯让步。丈夫指着牧场上的一头骡子,说道。 BangNiShouji.com A husband and wife drove for miles in silence after terrible argument in which neither would budge. The husband pointed to a mule in a pasture.