







肉麻的情话 ,求各位帮帮小弟我了。

坐楼主一个沙发~:)勇气 courage 歌手:梁静茹 专辑:勇气 词:光良 曲:瑞业 终于做了这个决定 别人怎么说我不理 只要你也一样的肯定Finally I made up my mind, regardless of what else's thinking, as long as you're sure as me我愿意天涯海角都随你去 我知道一切不容易I want to follow you to the end of the earth; I know that everything is hard-won.我的心一直温习说服自己 最怕你忽然说要放弃And my heart has always been persuading me; for fear that you'll give up suddenly.爱真的需要勇气 来面对流言蜚语,Love really need courage, to affront (be up against) those scandals.只要你一个眼神肯定 我的爱就有意义My love would be significative, if I got the affirmative expression in your eyes.我们都需要勇气 去相信会在一起 人潮拥挤我能感觉你We all need courage; to believe we'll be together, in the crowds I can feel that放在我手心里 你的真心your truly heart you put in my hands.如果我的坚强任性 会不小心伤害了你If my restiveness and caprice would hurt you incalculably你能不能温柔提醒 我虽然心太急 更害怕错过你!Would you remind me softly? Though I'm too impulsive; don't want to lose even more!彩虹 rainbow原唱:杜德伟词曲:陈羽凡MTV导演:黄中平爱了就别伪装,迷失了也别彷徨Love makes no disguise; and no oscillation when stray不管未来怎样,你都要保持坚强No matter what the future will be, you should be strong如果明天你的心,依然还在流浪, If your heart is still wandering in times to come我愿意承受这份爱,陪着你,打造一片天地I would take in this love, be your side, to start another new world我的世界从此以后多了一个你,每天都是一出戏You come into my world from this moment on, everyday is wonderful!无论情节浪漫或多离奇,这主角,是你Whether the scenario is romantic or dulcet; the protagonist, is gonna be you我的世界从此以后多了一个你,有时天晴,有时雨You come into my world from this moment on, sometimes it’s sunny, sometimes has rain,阴天时候,我会告诉你,我爱你,胜过彩虹的美丽。

When it’s rainy, I will tell you, I love you, more than the beauty of the rainbow------当我遇上你 You make my life worthwhile歌手:刘德华 专辑:心蓝曲:陈德建词:刘德华短短一生太多的变化Life is short and rushing by难得又慢慢步进了平凡Have you ever dreamed of being ordinary忘掉了多不想失去The thought of forgetting却终于失去他Why becomes of losting you偏偏空虚心里多记挂The sighing of ny heart is missing you风吹不息又似真却似假Winds blow as reflection of my life前路我可不惜一切Good fortunes I make it stay再编织一个家To give you a home to play现在不想想呀一世不想烦Not only for a moment but also forever long有谁人谁人令我不再惊怕Now I pass through storms and tears遇上你你知道吗You make my life worthwhile我不能一息间将你等于他Standing by me can't release her是你在旁牵起了变化You inspire me to live on心枯也不禁说出这段情话Speak softly love from my trembling heart是爱你你相信吗Do you feel my tender words我竟然经得起心痛的伤疤That colour my broken heart and shine在那最后一刻你不经意间A moment that you come into my world永远已替代她There's forever without her歌曲:一眼万年歌手:s.h.e 专辑:天外飞仙片头曲泪有点咸有点甜你的胸膛吻着我的侧脸回头看踏过的雪慢慢融化成草原而我就像你没有一秒曾后悔爱那么绵那么粘管命运设定要谁离别海岸线越让人流连总是美得越蜿蜒我们太倔强连天都不忍再反对深情一眼挚爱万年几度轮回恋恋不灭把岁月铺成红毯见证我们的极限心疼一句珍藏万年誓言就该比永远更远要不是沧海桑田真爱怎么会浮现翻译:Song Title: A Look Lasts Ten Thousand Years (对吗?)Artist: s.h.e.Album: Title Themes from the T.V. series Fairy from the WonderlandTear's a bit salty, a bit sweet,Your chest kissing the side of my face.I turn my head, look at the trodden snow,slowly melts and becomes grassland.And I'm just like you, never regretting a second of this time.Love is that soft, that sticky,Who cares if fate destines someone to leave?The more the shoreline makes people attach to it (bad translation),it's always more beautifully curved.We're so stubborn, even the -sky- can't bear to refuse us anymore.Our love is deep, one look, and our affection lasts ten thousand years.Many times come and go, but our love won't burn out.Let the years of our lives spread out as a red carpet,and testifes the limit of our love.A sentence of heartache becomes a treasure of ten thousand years,a promise then should last more than eternity.And if not for the turns of the world,how can love be floated and be shown?歌曲:喜欢你没道理 歌手:张韶涵 专辑:潘朵拉一颗真心加九十九朵玫瑰等于满分的恋爱心动感觉感动像综合巧克力般多变但怎么选择都是快乐滋味爱情添加了梦想秘密花园就会浮现等我们一起去探险原来爱的甜美就制造在每一个瞬间保存期限是永远恋爱ninety-nine 久久延续的浪漫喜欢你没有道理好心情用不完恋爱ninety-nine 久久甜蜜在心坎品尝你温柔宠爱超完美的口感一个微笑加九十九滴眼泪等于百分百恋爱苦辣酸甜把手伸进糖果盒挑个心愿薄荷或草莓你都为我实现翻译:Song Title: Loving you makes no sense (What do you say?)Artist: Angela ChangAlbum: PandoraA genuine heart plus ninety nine rosesequal to love to the fullest and the feeling of a moving heart.Be touched is like a batch of mixed chocolates,varies but any choice will have a happy taste.Love adds a dream, secret garden then will appearwaiting for us to explore.It turns out the sweetness of love is created at each moment,the expire date's til forever.Love LoveNinety Ninethe romance that lasts for a long timeloving you makes no sensethe good feeling never endsLove LoveNinety NineSweet feeling is in my heart.Taste your kind and favored loveit's such a wonderful feeling. (bad phrasing)A smile plus ninety nine tearsequal to the fullest of love in every flavors.Reach into the candy pouch to pick out a heart's wish.Mint or strawberry you'd all fufill for me.


每天一句话 很励志

next day 苹果的才有

