1、千灯花塔西唐 《题奉国寺》2喜东南见塔灯宋陆游 《小舟航湖夜归书》3、塔灯照夜层宋陆游 《游近村》4、灯分寺塔晴偏见宋仇远 《奉寄田上人》5、禅僧遥指塔灯明宋丁宝臣 《留师崇法院》6、塔灯落淮水宋范成大 《送江朝宗归括苍》7、孤塔耿疏灯宋郭印 《正月初八日同莫少虚蒲大受王园泛舟各赋二首》8、云杪荧荧一塔灯宋李琏 《题金陵杂兴诗后十八首》9、灯远村民多点塔宋刘克庄 《送叶知郡》10、塔上风微夜有灯宋阮阅 《郴江百咏并序·南塔寺》11、灯残古塔霜宋释惟凤 《与行肇师宿庐山栖贤寺》12、共点油钱放塔灯宋项安世 《次韵潘都干元夕》13、实塔星华见夜灯宋谢谔 《读书台》14、夜间七塔万枝灯宋谢泌 《长乐集总序》15、月华高过塔灯遥宋徐集孙 《湖西纳凉》16、山载塔灯金笔立宋张镃 《五月十六日夜南湖观月》17、塔古灯犹照宋赵与
《橘二首》18、云杪荧荧一塔灯宋周文璞 《初至长干寺》19、临流见塔灯明唵囕香公 《住静(八首)》20、塔里残灯??明程嘉燧 《昆山题画》21、灵隐塔高灯欲无明楚石梵琦 《晓渡西湖》22、千灯燃雨塔明高启 《寄熹公》23、塔院莲龛正试灯明盛时泰 《望凭虚阁外山色赠詹东图因寄陈仲鱼》24、塔铃无声灯劫劫明王彝 《己酉练圻寓舍咏雪》
” 到灯塔去读后感,:在这本书的前言里,编者写到,读过的小说,再看任何文学作品都会像面对白纸一样感到枯燥和乏味。
英:To the lighthouse content : a brief introduction to the lighthouse is a war ramzy after the family and few close friends in a scottish islands for a long life. the author tried to in t story is very simple in the vel discuss the meaning of life and nature, pointed out to be passed on from time to hand it does t matter to death threats from the earth. the lighthouse flashes of which is the symbol of ramzy the souls of the light. t book write Write a te, such as the perspective of transformation, two hours, symbols, using music, painting, etc.To the lighthouse from the friends, distinguished : it is the author dedicating novel. to the lighthouse, the centre of clues ramzy the family and few visitors in the first world war and fragment of life experiences ramsay's youngest james want to go to the lighthouse, but owing to bad weather and unsatisfied. when war broke out, ramsey a preferred. after the war, with a pair of three-good and take a boat out to sea, at last The lighthouse. and sit in the occupied nevertheless ramzy arrive in a lighthouse, in momentary feeling, the central committee dropped a pen and mapped out for vision and something beyond themselves and become a real artist. there is no 起伏跌宕 the content of the three parts, in turn for the time passes the lighthouse.The main characters later, its practical activities is limited to the novel. the first half of a series of description, in the author's own mother for a living, and mrs three-good, the author's shadow. in addition, the author to achieve the most beautiful breece lily family. surface, lily's a language, the main lineNovel. the first half of a series of description, in the author's own mother for a living, and mrs three-good, the author's shadow. in addition, the author to achieve the most beautiful breece lily family. surface, lily's a language, its main activities is mainly for people, but the characters in a reasonably active ideological activities, the author himself a prototype of the people andthe structure of the novel for the potential for a clue to be lisa and complex level, the characters in the world, and outside it ; ramsey a experience is the first level, lisa by the art of life '. the second level is the story of the novel is out in a novel.To the lighthouse , strike at the net from : in the preface of book, the editor wrote, read novels, more any literature will like the white paper was as dull and tedious to read carefully. therefore, not to have a profound and abstract, the daily life and a there is psychological process of linguistic life, if this is novel, it is not high, it is difficult to understand.
《灯塔》改编自《奇异恩典》(Amazing Grace),也有人称《天赐恩宠》)创作于18世纪的赞美歌,经梁芒重新填词后,由黄绮珊演唱,
关于<到灯塔去>评价的英文原版 布莱克斯东
Reading the lighthouse later again to read any book ordinary novel, can make you feel oneself is left the daytime light and join in the groves, and had made of cardboard world
梦想像一座灯塔Dream is like a light tower.
The lighthouse will never feel lonely, because you are the shoreline.