






(来到饭厅,老板、侍者上) 我:老板,满汉全席



(上菜、吃) 侍:先生,请付款吧





老板——(过去找老板) (老板上) 老板:没有钱



(我从信封里掏出一张百万英镑的支票,看到了,所有人都呆了) 老板:先生,你看这…呵呵,这,来了大声招呼嘛,想您这样的贵人就点这点小菜,也怪不得我没有注意了…呵…这不,小二这不把我叫来伺候你了吗





我:真不好意思,我还有事,可这,我只有这一张钞票了 老板:这点小事何必提它呢,我很乐意把这比小帐延迟到下次再收。





Me: I can no longer put up with each stomach pores are the wave of protest, I would rather eat a meal of bread thin, even killed, but also stronger than that of the torment of hell! (Come to the dining room, the boss, the waiter on) Me: Boss,满汉全席! Samurai: That'll be 10 shillings to buy a child, you bring so much money? Me: No problem, I must be paid at an add beef, a cup of cocktail, wine is better! (Serve, eat) Samurai: Sir, please you Pay! Me: I beg your pardon, I have nothing now, I can dispose of life to you, because I finally said this time the lie, but a friend of mine left me a letter, let me look at noon, please let me look End it, let your disposal! Samurai: My goodness! My goodness! I did how much a folly, that he was unable to pay early! The boss - (the past to find the boss) (On bosses) Boss: No money? How that line! Where is he? (I took out an envelope from one million pounds of the check, see, everyone stayed) Boss: Sir, you look it ... Oh, this, to a loud call them, do you think of elegant dishes on the point of this point, it is no wonder that I have not paid attention to this ... ... Oh no, this does not put the second call to wait on me you吗! This满汉全席hospitality of our hotel you really are a disgrace to you! What would also like to point? Karaoke should be ok? Miss a bit to find out how to dance? Me: I am sorry, I have done, that I only had it for a banknote in the Boss: This is trivial then why mention it, I am very happy to this account than the small delay until the next re-admission. Me: I may not this time this brings. Boss: no problem, no problem, I can wait, and not only that, you can always choose the time and eat any food, any time and is willing to pay on time pay, then store it for pleasure, you are entirely because endogenous Scherzo only deliberately dress up and everyone's joke. Me: Then I leave it? Boss: You take care, you take, the road safety! ! ! ! !

百万英镑台词啊啊啊 要可以复制的

既然活着就要努力使自己幸福,明白自己所想要的,踏踏实实为自己想要的去奋斗Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: If theres magic in boxing, its the magic of fighting battles beyond endurance, beyond cracked ribs, ruptured kidneys and detached retinas. Its the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody sees but you. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: To make a fighter you gotta strip them down to bare wood: you cant just tell em to forget everything you know if you gotta make em forget even their bones... make em so tired they only listen to you, only hear your voice, only do what you say and nothing else... show em how to keep their balance and take it away from the other guy... how to generate momentum off their right toe and how to flex your knees when you fire a jab... how to fly back and up so that the other guy doesnt want to come after you. Then you gotta show em all over again. Over and over and over... till they think theyre born that way. Frankie Dunn: You forgot the rule. Now, what is the rule? Maggie Fitzgerald: Keep my left up? Frankie Dunn: Is to protect yourself at all times. Now, what is the rule? Maggie Fitzgerald: Protect myself at all times. Frankie Dunn: Good. Good. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: All fighters are pig-headed some way or another: some part of them always thinks they know better than you about something. Truth is: even if theyre wrong, even if that one thing is going to be the ruin of them, if you can beat that last bit out of them... they aint fighters at all. Maggie Fitzgerald: Youre gonna leave me again? Frankie Dunn: Never. Frankie Dunn: I think someone should count to 10. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: [after hitting someone] 110. Get a job, punk. Maggie Fitzgerald: Momma, you take Mardell and JD and get home fore I tell that lawyer there that you were so worried about your welfare you never signed those house papers like you were supposed to. So anytime I feel like it I can sell that house from under your fat, lazy, hillbilly ass. And if you ever come back, thats exactly what Ill do. Maggie Fitzgerald: I saw your last fight, Shawrelle. Spent so much time face down I thought the canvas had titties. Father Horvak: Whats confusing you this week? Frankie Dunn: Oh, its the same old one God-three God thing. Father Horvak: Frankie, most people figure out by kindergarten its about faith. Frankie Dunn: Is it sort of like Snap Crackle and Pop, all rolled into one big box? Father Horvak: Youre standing outside my church, comparing God to Rice Krispies? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Frankie likes to say that boxing is an unnatural act, that everything in boxing is backwards: sometimes the best way to deliver a punch is to step back... But step back too far and you aint fighting at all. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Shes getting pretty good. Frankie Dunn: Yeah, real fast. Its almost as if someones been helping her. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Oh, I dont know. Maybe shes just got what it takes. Frankie Dunn: Shes got my speed bag, is what shes got. [walking away] Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Now, howd she get that? Ref #1: Is this your fighter? Frankie Dunn: This is my fighter. Frankie Dunn: Whats she sayin? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Wants to know what youre readin. Frankie Dunn: Its Yeats. [turns to Maggie] Frankie Dunn: Keep your head back. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Why dont you talk a little Yeats to her? Show her what a treat that is. Frankie Dunn: Mo cuishle means my darling. My blood. Frankie Dunn: [to Maggie] All right. Im gonna disconnect your air machine, then youre gonna go to sleep. Then Ill give you a shot, and youll... stay asleep. Mo cuishle means My darling, my blood. Father Horvak: Frankie, Ive seen you at Mass almost every day for 23 years. The only person comes to church that much is the kind who cant forgive himself for something. [repeated line] Frankie Dunn: I dont train girls. Frankie Dunn: How many times do I got to tell you that bleach is bleach. Why cant you just buy the cheap stuff, you always have to buy the expensive stuff. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: It smells better, Frankie. Frankie Dunn: Bleach smells like bleach. Maggie Fitzgerald: Im 32, Mr. Dunn, and Im here celebrating the fact that I spent another year scraping dishes and waitressing which is what Ive been doing since 13, and according to you Ill be 37 before I can even throw a decent punch, which I have to admit, after working on this speed bag for a month may be the Gods simple truth. Other truth is, my brothers in prison, my sister cheats on welfare by pretending one of her babies is still alive, my daddys dead, and my momma weighs 312lbs. If I was thinking straight Id go back home, find a used trailer, buy a deep fryer and some oreos. Problem is, this the only thing I ever felt good doing. If Im too old for this then I got nothing. That enough truth to suit you? Frankie Dunn: What you learn tonight? Maggie Fitzgerald: Always protect myself. Frankie Dunn: Whats the rule? Maggie Fitzgerald: Always protect myself. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Anybody can lose one fight, anybody can lose once, youll come back from this youll be champion of the world. Danger Barch: Anyone can lose one fight. Frankie Dunn: I want you to jab, right in the tits, until they turn blue and fall off. Frankie Dunn: How many eyes do you need to finish this fight? Maggie Fitzgerald: Ones enough. Maggie Fitzgerald: Shes tough, I cant go inside, I cant get close enough to hit her. Frankie Dunn: You know why that is? Maggie Fitzgerald: Why? Frankie Dunn: Cause shes a better fighter than you are, thats why. Shes younger, shes stronger, and shes more experienced. Now, what are you gonna do about it? Maggie Fitzgerald: [Next round starts. Maggie knocks her out in few seconds] Frankie Dunn: Girlie, tough aint enough. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: There is magic in fighting battles beyond endurance [Eddie has his feet up on the desk] Frankie Dunn: You got big holes in your socks. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Oh, theyre not that big. Frankie Dunn: Didnt I give you money for some new ones? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: These are my sleeping socks. My feet like a little air at night. Frankie Dunn: How come youre wearing them in the daytime, then? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Cause my daytime socks got too many holes in them. Frankie Dunn: So is Jesus a Demigod? Father Horvak: There are no Demigods, you fucking Pagan! Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: I have HBO. Frankie Dunn: You wouldnt start training to be a ballerina at 31 now, would you? Maggie Fitzgerald: Already been workin it for three years. Frankie Dunn: And you cant hit a speed bag? What kind of training is that? Maggie Fitzgerald: I never had any, boss. Frankie Dunn: Well, I hate to say it, but it shows. Maggie Fitzgerald: Were flying? Frankie Dunn: Would you rather drive? Maggie Fitzgerald: Youre askin me? Frankie Dunn: Would you rather fly or would you rather drive? Maggie Fitzgerald: So, I finally get to decide something? Frankie Dunn: Thats what Im saying. Maggie Fitzgerald: Fine. Fly there, drive back. Frankie Dunn: Thats the stupidest thing I ever heard of. How the hell we gonna do that? Maggie Fitzgerald: You said it was up to me. Maggie Fitzgerald: Ive got nobody but you, Frankie. Frankie Dunn: Well, youve got me. Maggie Fitzgerald: Working the bag, boss. Frankie Dunn: Im not your boss and that bags working you. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Seems there are Irish people everywhere, or people who want to be. Danger Barch: [of a water bottle] Howd you get all the ice in here through this little tiny hole? Maggie Fitzgerald: You got any family, boss? Frankie Dunn: What? Maggie Fitzgerald: Youre spending so much time with me. I didnt know if you had any. Frankie Dunn: Well, Ive got a daughter, Katie. Maggie Fitzgerald: Well thats family. Frankie Dunn: Were not exactly close. Maggie Fitzgerald: How much she weigh? Frankie Dunn: What? Maggie Fitzgerald: Trouble in my family comes by the pound. Danger Barch: Oh, look, Im Shawrelle! Im humping the canvas! Maggie Fitzgerald: Did you see the fight? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Of course I did. You had her cold, Maggie. Maggie Fitzgerald: I shouldnt have dropped my hand. I shouldnt have turned. Always protect myself... how many times did he tell me that? Maggie Fitzgerald: I cant be like this, Frankie. Not after what Ive done. Ive seen the world. People chanted my name. Well, not my name, some damn name you gave me. They were chanting for me. I was in magazines. You think I ever dreamed thatd happen? I was born two pounds, one-and-a-half ounces. Daddy used to tell me Id fight my way into this world, and Id fight my way out. Thats all I wanna do, Frankie. I just dont wanna fight you to do it. I got what I needed. I got it all. Dont let em keep taking it away from me. Dont let me lie here till I cant hear those people chanting no more. Frankie Dunn: [Reads a script from a book in Gaelic] Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: What the hell kind of language is that? Frankie Dunn: What do you want? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: I just thought you should know you got a fighter out there not talking to another manager. Frankie Dunn: Not talking to another manager? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: And not just any manager. Mickey Mack. Frankie Dunn: You came in here to tell me Big Willie is not talking to Mickey Mack. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Not a word. Neither one of him. Frankie Dunn: [Frustrated] Im tryin to read here. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Well, if you think that more important. Danger Barch: [Repeated line; yelling] And I challenge the Motor City Cobra, Thomas Hit Man Hearns to fight me for the Welterweight Championship of the whole world! Maggie Fitzgerald: [first meeting] Mr. Dunn? Frankie Dunn: Hmm. I owe you money? Maggie Fitzgerald: No sir. Frankie Dunn: I know your mama? Maggie Fitzgerald: Dont rightly know, sir. Frankie Dunn: Then what is it you want? 建议还是自己亲自看,望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢













I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起的感觉. No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is, won't make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得你这么做的人不会让你哭泣.The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁却犹如远在天边.To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world .对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整天世界.Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间.Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.爱你的人如果没有按你的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你.Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near.The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart我们如海鸥之与波涛相遇似地,遇见了,走近了。


Love you, think of you, love you secretly, eagerly love you, wait, feel disappointed, try hard, lose, and feel sad, go apart, and recall.All of these are for sake of you. And I will never regret for it.钟情,相思,暗恋,渴慕,等待,失望,试探,患得患失,痛不欲生,天涯永隔,追忆似水流年……种种这些,都曾因你而经历,也就誓不言悔。

The more you wanna know whether you have forgotten something, the better you remember; I once heard that, the only thing you can do when you no longer have something is not to forget.你越想知道自己是不是忘记的时候,你反而记得越清楚,我曾经听人说过,当你不能再拥有的时候,唯一可以做的就是令自己不要忘记。













” 我等着。









”我火了,说: “朋友,对外地来的,你们不能总拿衣帽取人哪。





”我把那张钞票递给他,说: “哦,那好;对不起了。

” 他笑着接了过去,这是那种无处不在的笑容,笑里有皱,笑里带褶,一圈儿一圈儿的,就像往水池子里面扔了一块砖头;可是,只瞟了一眼钞票,他的笑容就凝固了,脸色大变,就像你在山麓那些平坎上看到的起起伏伏、像虫子爬似的凝固熔岩。












































《百万英镑》(The £1,000,000 Bank Note)是美国著名幽默讽刺作家马克·吐温的一部经典短篇小说。








本文以 故事中的对话片段为主要素材,综合定性研究与定量研究的方法,从系统功能语法的人际功能角度,分析伦敦人与亨利对话时所扮演的角色转变,从冷眼相向到阿谀奉承、争相讨好的态度剧变,从而更好地理解作者如何通过高超的语言使用技巧,达到强烈的幽默讽刺的效果。

