



通道宽又阔-崔京浩 三叶草,主题曲《大圣歌》-胡寅寅 ,孙悟空跳出炼丹炉时的插曲《五百年沧海》-郁钧剑,孙压在五行山下的插曲《走啊走》-周立夫,唐僧踏上取经路时的插曲《吹不散这点点愁》-牟炫甫,《三打白骨精》中孙悟空被唐僧赶走时的插曲《女儿情》-吴静,《取经女儿国》女王带唐僧游园时的插曲《相见难别亦难》-吴静,《取经女儿国》女王与唐僧师徒话别时的插曲《何必西天万里遥》-吴静,小雷音寺前在树林里杏仙歌舞曲《晴空月儿明》-迟重瑞,唐僧扫塔时的插曲《天竺少女》-李玲玉,玉兔精与唐僧婚礼上的插曲《青青菩提树》-杨洋,唐僧师徒静坐菩提树下的插曲《取经歌》-蒋大为,大结局时回忆取经路的插曲《敢问路在何方》-蒋大为,片尾曲《逍遥自在的孙大圣》-张许《生无名本无姓》-王小青《猪八戒之歌》-马国光《留不住去也难》-李殊《他多想是棵小草》-丁小青《心中有路是坦途》-迟重瑞 (来自百度)


Kings Never Die - Eminem&Gwen Stefani Here to stay依旧Even when I'm gone即便我已离开When I close my eyes当我闭上双Through the passage of time穿过时间的洪流Kings never die王者永I can hear the drummers drumming我可以听到隆隆And the trumpets小号齐鸣 Someone's tryna summon someone有人在召集众人 I know something's coming我知道审判日即将到来But I'm running from it to be standing at the summit但我远远逃离,只为伫立顶峰And plummet然后猛冲直下 How come it wasn't what I thought it was一切并非如我所想那般发生Was it, too good to be true?那是否太过美好,而显得并不真实

Have nothing, get it all but too much of it从一无所有到拥有一切,是不是得到的太多了

Then lose it again, then I swallow hallucinogens再次一无所有 我磕药让自己释怀'Cause if not, where the hell did it go?因为如若不然,这将向何处发展

'Cause here I sit in Lucifer's den by the dutch oven我坐在堕落天使的巢穴中,坐在荷兰烤箱旁Just choosing to sin我选择堕入罪恶Even if it means I'm selling my soul即使意味着我要出卖我的灵魂 我Just to be the undisputed again也要再次成为不容置疑的终极斗士Do whatever I gotta do this to win不惜一切代价只为战无不胜'Cause I got this motherfucking cloud over my head因为那该死的乌云蒙蔽了心Crown around it, thorns on it戴上皇冠,披上荆棘Cracks in it, bet you morons didn't冲破云霄,我打赌,你们这些愚人做不到Think I'd be back, did ya?你们以为我会再次归来,对吗

How 'bout that I'm somehow那我现在再回去变成你们这些失败者 Now back to the underdog怎样

But no matter how loud that I bark但是无论我像疯狗一样吠地多响 This sport is something I never bow-wow'd at这游戏是我从来不会屈服的I complain about the game我抱怨这游戏规则 I shout and I pout, it's a love-hate我大声呼喊,气愤不已,那是一场爱恨情仇的游戏But I found out that但是我发现I can move a mountain of doubt可以打消我心头那像山一样沉重的疑惑和痛苦Even when you bitches are counting me out即便你们这些混蛋将我驱逐And I appear to be down for the count让我陷入情绪低潮Only time I ever been out只有时间能将我治愈 And about is driving around town常常会选择在城里飙车With my fucking whereabouts, in a doubt 'cause无人知晓我的踪迹I been lost tryna think of what因为我已迷失,想要弄明白I did to get here but I'm not a quitter如何能找回自我 但我不会轻言放弃Gotta get up, give it all I got or give up绝不会让所有努力付诸东流,就此放弃Spit or shit or stepped on but kept going练习说唱 短暂小息,或者进步,但是绝不停下I'm tryna be headstrong but it feels like我努力勇往直前 但感觉I slept on my neck wrong似乎坚持错了方向'Cause you're moving onto the next你开始往下一个目标前进 But is the respect gone?是否曾经所有崇敬已消逝

'Cause someone told me that但是有人曾经告诉我(Kings never die)王者永生Don't give me that sob story liar不要给我那些讲虚假的煽情故事,Don't preach to the choir不要找借口 更不要不要白费唇舌You ain't ever have to reach in the fire to dig deep你都从没直面那火焰,坚持挖掘真相Nobody ever handed me shit in life, not even a flyer这糟糕的生活中,无人对我施予援手Wouldn't even take shit into consideration我才不在乎其他一切与我无关的事Obliterate anyone in the way这条路上抹去所有人I think I see why a lot of rappers get on these features我想我知道为什么那么多rappers想要在一首歌里各种炫技And try to show out on a track with me想跟我合作来给他们的歌添彩But it'd actually have to be但是 真的很差劲的A fucking blowout to get me to retire表演就想让我退休Tell these new artists that kings never die我要告诉你们这些新起之秀,王者永生I know shit has changed in this age我知道,在这时代,一切都在改变 Fuck a Twitter page去他的推特首页Did just say I've been upstaged?你是说我大势已去了吗

Why am I online? It's driving me crazy我为什么要在网上

这让我抓狂I'm riding shotgun tryna get a gauge我拿着枪想要搞清楚Almost hot, but I'm not running kaboom我在网上挺火的,但是并没有引起大轰动,With a stage pass and this shit只是得到上台舞台表演的机会And opinions sway, I can hear them say各种言论纷纷扬扬 我可以听到他们在说 If I stay passionate maybe如果我保持热情I can stay Jay miraculous那么我可以创造奇迹Comeback as if I went away, but detractors要我卷土重来,Just say some bullshit for the Renegade看起来好像我曾经离开过Someone's gonna make me blow my composure有些人让我无法冷静下来Here I go again, to the stage现在我重新开始,走上舞台And I feel like I'm in a cage我感觉好似身陷笼中They so want a champion to fall他们渴望看到冠军惨败I still wonder why I laugh at 'em难怪我会取笑他们,'Cause why carry when I'm all因为他们从来都赢不了我So fuck what these cynics say去他的愤世嫉俗之言Just goes to show即便我深陷困境 That when my back's against the wall我也会让他们看看我的不屈And I'm under attack again而我现在又再次成为攻击的目标 I'll act as if I'm posted up我也会像是众所周知般的勇敢面对With this pented rage这幽闭的笼子里 'Cause saw all these plaques in my office看着录音室里白金唱片On the floor stacked against the door一直堆放到到门边All be just metaphors for the odds of难道它们也单单只是象征When you comin' back again为了叫我回到从前的水平 'Cause all the accomplishments, accolades, awards那些所有的成就,荣耀,奖项And trophies just don't mean jack anymore其实根本就什么意义都没有'Cause I'm here today and gone tomorrow因为即使我今天活着,我也可能明天就会逝去And I'm not gonna be我不会永恒Here to stay威名依旧Even when I'm gone即便我已离开When I close my eyes当我闭上双眼Through the passage of time穿过时间的洪流I want it, I'm coming to get it我想拥有一切,我来此争取将其拥有So you son of a bitches don't duck所以,你们这些混蛋不要Your gun and get rid of those再叫嚣Critics all end up in critical, think your shit我会摆脱掉那些最终躺在急症室的你们Is dope all you're gonna get is smoked then你们自以为你自己很厉害 你们只能被我摧毁地尸骨无存And I'm not stopping until I'm top again我不会停下脚步,直到我再次登顶All alone and on a throne独拥宝座Like a token of respect, or a homage poem向我表示尊重,荣耀的诗歌Or an ode, I've been on或者一首颂歌,我就会永生Tossed in the air by my own arm将我自己投掷至空中And launched so hard I broke my collarbone向上发射,用力过猛我折断了我的锁骨And it's my time to go你们认为是我应该离开的时候 But I'm still not leaving而我不会就此离开Stop for no one, I don't know没人可以阻止我,我也不清楚But I've been told that I should go但是我被告知Launch a Rover, knock it over如果有障碍挡在你面前,摧毁它 Time to go for that pot of gold, 'cause是时候准备那个绝杀了They say kings never die他们说,王者永生Just ask Jam Master Jay尽管看看Jam Master JayThey just grow wings and they fly他们长出了羽翼,遨游飞翔So, hands up, reach for the sky所以,高高举起你们的手Try to hold up and provoke these moments努力铭记这辉煌时刻'Cause in a blink of an eye因为眨眼间They'll be over一切便会结束Tryna secure your legacy like Shakur像2PAC那般,书写自己的传奇And ensure that nobody's确保无人Ever gonna be what you were能与你的辉煌战绩相匹敌So before you're leaving this Earth所以,在你离开这个星球前You want people to feel the fury你想让人们感受到Of a pure evil cerebral berzerk那前所未有狂怒Deacon of words, syllable genius at work执事祝辞,音节天才Plus I'm think that they're mistaking另外,我觉得他们误解了My kindness for weakness, distill it with meanness我的仁慈和怯弱只是一味谈论我的刻薄、卑劣With some kind of back flipping burgers他们吃着烤架上一些反面On the grill for some peanuts带有花生汉堡包说道Secure us to arenas, call me Gilbert Arenas确保我们能上圆形斗兽场,叫我Gillbert Arenas Still appeal to the dreamers我仍旧着迷于那些追梦者I made it to the silverscreen我大获成功 Where Rocky stepped with the demons跻身于Rocky曾与恶魔周旋的地方Khalil on the beat 'cause making the beatKhalil正在战场上,因为我从没觉得我们是在制作节奏Ain't the same feeling to me is killing the beat我们是在毁灭中产生节奏It's fulfilling to me, what filling a seat is这让我感觉到我真的是实实在在坐在王位上的感觉That sound, vomit, thirst旋律,嘶吼与渴望 And how common underground commons eat以及生活在贫民区时那些救济粮Outsider stomach growl, throbbing hunger到处寻找机会Out-rhyming everyone, God just give me one shot但上帝只给我这一次成功的机会I swear that I won't let you down我发誓,我不会让你失望I'mma be around forever即便长眠于土 Entertain even in the ground我也会永垂不朽You ain't ever gonna hear me say I ain't你绝对不会听到我说我并非永恒Here to stay威名依旧Even when I'm gone即便我已离开When I close my eyes当我闭上双眼Through the passage of time穿过时间的洪流Kings never die王者永生Kings never die王者永生


有些时候 这样的不理解潜伏在我们周围的有很多 能做的是努力 毕竟那样的不理解是自己亲人给的 我们能做的就是接受以及全力的挣扎 不管你喜欢什么 自己努力就好

歌手Hotel Books 歌曲Lose Yourself 。


they say it's hard to fall inlove都说爱上一个人很难maybe they never learned how to patiently wait也许只是他们不会耐心等待they say it's always dark before the dawn 都说黎明前总是黑夜butyou say goodbye before the dawn could break可还未曾破晓你就已经道别so who's really right in the end所以最后孰是孰非when you tore down the walls当你击溃所有防线but I'm the one alone in this bed我却是那个独守空房的人as you feel his hands around your waste就像你感到他的手桎梏着你的双腕I can feel them around my neck我却感到他将手伸向我的颈间God, this complacency has numbed me天啊,这自大已将我麻痹and this numbing has scared me back into the deep而这麻木的感觉却带来更深的恐惧I'm slowly learning how to learn from something 我逐渐知道了要长记性and realizing the only thing worse than feeling pain明白了比感到疼痛更煎熬的是is feeling nothing 毫无感觉there is an intoxication in her smile and it went straight to my head她的微笑是难戒的毒,直击脑海without it I can't see past these blurred lines that I've always been fed若没这个我难见过去这模糊的光芒使我始终沉迷其中and sometimes I wonder, maybe my chest cavity is growing bigger有时我好奇是否我的胸腔开始扩大or maybe my heart is just sinking若不是就是我的心在慢慢下沉either way we decorate this ship ,it's still sinking不论如何我们用心经营的一切,还在不断被淹没and I always had love to blame而我总爱抱怨and I always had love to blame认为这不是我的错as I try to find my way ,I feel this pain只要我想找到出路便会感到这痛苦and I had love to blame我便会怪罪一切I had love to blameif I were to believe in love若是我当时相信爱情I would have to see a flood我便会在看到洪流之时but knowing my luck I would somehow float to shore明白我没什么好运便停泊靠岸and have to wake up梦醒I don't want to wake up而我却不愿醒来I don't want to wake up不愿就这么结束'cause I'm trying, just trying to find the light inside因为我还在不断的不断地寻找着内心的光亮so roll this stone away所以断了这牵绊I'don't want to sleep another day我不愿再多睡一天(这里好矛盾啊。

= =)I just want to be in your presence我只是想在你的身边仅此而已so please let me fade away 所以求你,忘了我fin。




出自原声集19.The Cup

