

理发师陶德经典台词精选 中英文对照版


1.Is everything all right Mr.Todd陶德先生,你还好吧.

I beg your indulgence, Anthony请原谅我的失态,安东尼.

2.Will I see you again?我还能再见到你吗?

You might find me if you like 随你喜欢好了

Around Fleet Street, I wouldn`t wonder我会在舰队街附近

Until then ,my friend.好,那么再见了,朋友

3.A customer 哦,客人!

Wait!What`s your rush?what`s your hurry?等等,你干吗那么急?不要急.

You gave me such a fright I thought you was a ghost!你让我吓了一跳我还以为你是个鬼魂呢!

Half a minute, can`t you sit ? Sit you down.Sit!很快就好,你稍等?快坐!请坐!

All I meant is that I haven`t seen a customer for weeks!我是想说已经有好几个星期没有顾客临门!

4.Did you come here for a pie,sir?你是来吃派的吗?先生?

Do forgive me if me head`s a little vague请原谅,我的脑子有点糊涂

What was that ?那是什么?

But you`d think we had the plague!From the way that people keep avoiding你也许以为我这里会传染瘟疫!因为那些人都避之不及.

No,you don`t!不过你没有.

5.I have sailed the world , beheld its wonders我航遍世界,阅尽奇迹.

From the Dradanelles to the mountains of Peru 从达达尼尔的海峡,到秘鲁的山脉.

But there is no place like London.但没有一处及得上伦敦.

No ,there is no place like London不, 没有哪里及得上伦敦.

You are young life has been kind to you.你很年轻,不曾经历过生活的磨砺.

You will learn.你终会明白.

There is a hole in the world like a great black pit..世间的坑洞,看黑潮汹涌.

And the vermin of the world inhabit it.世间的害虫聚集在其中.

And its morals are not worth what a pig could spit败坏的道德,猪狗般贱格

And its goes by the name ofLondon.掩藏在堂皇的盛名下—伦敦

At the top of the hole sit a privileged few在洞顶之上,当权者高坐.

Making mock of the vermin in the lower zoo.孤寂的园中,虫豸受尽嘲

Turning beauty into filth and greed.任由肮脏和贪婪将美丽占有.

I too have sailed the world and seen it is wonders我也曾游遍世界,目睹各种奇迹.

For the cruelty of men is as wondrous as Peru只因为人类的残酷堪比秘鲁的神奇.

But there is no place like London但伦敦的罪恶无处可比.

6.My mind is far from easy 我的心起了波澜

In these once familiar streets I feel shadows everywhere在这熟悉的街道上,四处影影绰绰.

7.There was a barber and his wife从前有个理发师和他的妻子

And she was beautiful.她是如此的美丽

A foolish barber and his wife这个愚蠢的理发师和他的妻子

She was his reason and his life她是他管理生存的唯一意义

And she was beautiful她动人美丽

And she was virtuous圣洁无瑕

And he was 而他….

Naive 天真幼稚

There was another man who saw 然后,另一个男人.

That she was beautiful见识了她的美丽

A pious vulture of the law那个藏在法律虚伪面具之下的秃鹫

Who, with a gesture of his claw探出了他的魔爪

Removed the barber from his place把理发师驱逐了出去

Then there was nothing but to wait 接下来他只需耐心等待

And she would fall她终将就范

So soft ,so young so lost and, oh,so beautiful柔软的皮肤,年轻的脸蛋,迷茫的眼神,美丽动人

And the lady, sir ,did she succumb然后好运位夫人,先生…她屈服了吗?

Oh, that was many years ago.哦,那是许多年前的事了

8.I doubt if anyone would know我想没有人会知道.

I`d like to thank you ,Anthony我得感谢你,安东尼

If you hadn`t spotted me ,I`d be lost on the ocean still如果不是你发现了和也许我仍旧迷失在大洋上

There is a hole in the wold like a great black pit 世间的坑洞,看黑潮汹涌

And it`s filled with people who are filled with shit群聚着众生,恶臭又腐朽.

And the vermin of the world inhabit it 世间的害虫,聚集在其中.


理发师陶德经典台词精选 中英文对照版相关文章
