

英语安慰人的话精选 英文安慰人的句子推荐


1、Look at the brighter side. 往好的方面想吧。

2、Every cloud has a silver lining. 再黑暗的地方也有一线光明。

3、When god closes a door, he opens a window. 山不转水转。

4、Keep trying! don’t give up the ship. 继续努力!别轻易放弃!

5、Keep your chin up. 别灰心。祝福语

6、 Don‘t worry. 别担心。

a. — Is my illness serious? 我的病严重吗?

— Don‘t worry. You‘ll be well soon. 别担心,你很快就会好的。

b. — Can I pass the exam? 我能通过这次考试吗?

— Don‘t worry. I think you can. 别担心,我认为你能通过。

7、 Don‘t be afraid. 别担心。

a. — Will he agree to see me? 他会同意见我吗?

— Don‘t be afraid. 别担心。

b. — Will the exam be very difficult? 考试会很难吗?

— Don‘t be afraid. 别担心。

8、Carry the weight of the world on one’s shoulders:自以为重任在肩。

9、Win a few, lose a few. that’s life. 有得也有失,生活就是如此。

10、Things are never as bad as they seem. 事情往往不像看上去的那么糟。爱情短信大全

11、I would also like you the world will need; not the only one; we are similarly afflicted people pity each other. we reduced the same person.我也和你一樣倒楣,天下苦命的人不只你一個,我們是同病相憐,我們同是天涯淪落人。

12、This is not the end of world. 還沒到世界末日。

13、 It‘ll be OK/all right. 行,没问题。

a. — Will my plan work? 我的计划会起作用吗?

— It‘ll be OK/all right. 没问题。

b. — Will the meeting succeed? 会议会成功吗?

— It‘ll be OK/all right. 没问题。

14、 It‘s all right. 没问题。

a. — Will you help me with my Engli**? 你会帮助我学英语吗?

—That‘s all right. 没问题。

b. — Will the car pass the test? 汽车能通过检验吗?

— It‘s all right. 没问题。


英语安慰人的话精选 英文安慰人的句子推荐相关文章
