2、For every 10 letters you write, she writes one.
She's always the one who ends the phone call.You happen to mention when your birthday's coming up, because you know deep down she's already forgoteen it.Meanwhile ,she gives you just enough to keep you on the hook. ----Hayley3、“在我们的国家流行一句话,‘爱情就在那转角的巷子里’”
内心独白:“我家那边巷子里都是妓女” ----Gloria4、我们来自不同的世上,但我们彼此相容 ,爱将我们紧紧相连,共度风风雨雨.我到你的前面,仅有一事相许,我的心只属于你。
we"re from different worlds, yet we somehow fit together. Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather. I stand before you now with only one agenda:"to let you know my heart is yours.5、那么,成为好父亲的秘诀是什么,有时候事情会如你所愿,有时候则事与愿违,但你要坚持,因为当一切尘埃落地,一个好父亲的大部分特征就会自然出现。
但成长的搞笑之处就在这里,在很多年中,大家都很害怕标新立异,异于常人。然后突然的,几乎是一夜之间,每个人都想要和别人不一样了,像大部队猛地调头往反方向跑,而我们早就知道这一天会来,只是安静地等着。 ----Mitchell to Manny7、这会儿我只想回家,但回呀肯定要想办法道歉我说话太重伤了他们,他们原本大可以记恨我为难我,但他们没有。爱死他们了。
At that moment all I wanted was to be with my family. But of course, that meant finding a way to apologize to the people that I had belittled and rejected. They could have been petty. They really could have made me pay, but they didn’t. Never loved’em more.8、每年的这个时候,我们就会经常谈论传统,尽管我们深爱着自己的传统,但有时候我们最美好的回忆,却来自最颠覆传统的时刻。
9、“说话的时候一定要看着对方的眼睛,即使对方是个盲人你也应该这么做,然后告诉他‘我正在看着你的眼睛’” ----Phil
10、There's all kind of milestones in life,
the kind you expect to live through.The first kiss, birthday, graduations.If you're lucky, a wedding or two.Or even a new addition to the family. Then there's the kind you never dreamed you'd get to live through again, and that's the best kind of you. ----Modern Family11、不觉得好像伸出手臂就能拥抱全世界吗?
13、Back in '68,when i was sweeping up hair in that barbershop,i had this mental picture of the family that,if i was lucky enough,one day i would end up with—perfect wife,perfect kids,guess that,i didn't get any of that,would up with this sorry bunch.And i'm thankful for that every day.
14、We do strange things for the people we love. We lie to them, we lie for them. There may be some bumps along the way, but we never stop wanting the best for them. That's what makes it such a tough job, kind of the best job in the world.
17、“如果你爱它,就给它自由。除非它是一只狮子” ----Manny
Phil:“一半的非洲孩子和你一样!”19、我们来自不同的世界,但我们彼此相容 ,爱将我们紧紧相连,共度风风雨雨.我到你的前面,只有一事相许,我的心只属于你。
We do strange things for the people we love. We lie to them, we lie for them. There may be some bumps along the way, but we never stop waiting the best for them. That’s what makes it such a tough job. Kind of the best job in the world. ----克莱尔23、我是故意输掉让他开心点的吗?也许吧。但在今天,他需要这一场胜利.我们常常为了深爱的人做些稀奇古怪的事,我们对他们撒谎,我们为他们撒谎。或许生活中难免坎坷颠簸,但我们总希望他们过得尽善尽美。就像是肩负着最沉重的负担,但却是世上最甜蜜负担。
Whether it’s for themselves or for the people they love, yeah,15%, sometimes that’s just enough.26、I don't care if it's in a wall or if it's in the ground.Just as long as I end up with you.
他们会说我是怪胎,我的确很怪,有趣的那种怪,但是成长的可笑之处就在这里,在多年的时间中,大家都很害怕标新立异,异于常人然后,突然间,几乎是一夜之间,大家又都想异于常人,那就是我们胜利的时候。 ----米奇尔28、每年的这个时候,我们就会经常谈论传统,尽管我们深爱着本人的传统,但有时候我们最美好的回忆,却来自最颠覆传统的时刻。
We talk a lot about tradition this time of year. But as much as we love our traditions, Sometimes our best memories come from the times that are the most untraditional.29、“我曾经有好几次,把Manny化妆成了一个小女孩,然后出去跟别人介绍说,‘这是我女儿’。但当Manny看到他小时候的那些照片时,我为了不弄乱他的思维,就跟他说,那是你死去的双胞胎妹妹!” ----Gloria
30、We are from different world, yet we somehow fit together.
Love is what binds us, Through fair or stormy weatherI stand before you now with only one agendaTo let you know my heart is yours ----Modern Family