

英语分手后的短句子 分手后的英文句子

分手要有多绝望,才能做到不念念不忘。You don’t realize how much you care about someone until they don’t care about you。你不会意识到你有多在乎某人,直到他们不再在乎你了。原来英语也可以如此伤感。

英语分手后的短句子 分手后的英文句子


1 Gone are the days we were together.
2 What can I do to resume / renew our good old days?
3 If only we hadn"t ever met before !
4 Bless I am free again
5 Come back if I"m the one
6 Hard to forget are the days we huddled for comfort.
7 As you are gone, so is my spiritual self .
8 Gone as you are, you are always on my mind.
9 I left you a man /a woman
10 when they get to the part where he"s breaking her heart, it can really make me cry, just like before.

(全都是我自编的,除了第十句。 )



英语分手后的短句子 分手后的英文句子相关文章
