


  1. My school is beautful.

  2. In my school, there are many pretty girls.

  3. My school is a place I will remember forever.

  4. My school is famous for the famous teachers.

  5. It's a place that I finds friendship and joy.

  6. We live a very happy life here.

  7. My school is so beautiful that i cannot think of leaving there for less a day.

  8. At the first sight you see ma school,you would love it.

  9. I like my school, because my school is very beautiful.

  10. There is a big playground in my school.

  11. I generally ride my bike to school.

  12. This school gives thorough instruction.

  13. He proposed founding a school there.

  14. A lot of birds flew over the school yesterday.

  15. The mess is next to tje library.


My school is very beautiful. It is in Guicheng, near the Qiandeng Lake. Do you know it? It is Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I like my school very much.There is a big playground in my school. We have P.E. class on the playground and we often play sports on it , too. Our teaching building has five floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor. It is big and clean. The computer rooms are on the third floor. There is a library on the second floor. There are many books in the library. I often read books here. There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too.The teachers

in my school

are very kind . The students are very polite and smart. I am happy in my school.


1. Every morning I go to school on foot 7:30, morning's fresh air makes me feel energetic.2. 8:00 class began, I learn English language,mathematical,biology historical and political geography.3. I have favorite subject, also have dislike subject, I like English best because it is interesting and studious, in the future work, the English study also play a imporant role.I don't like math because it is very boring. But I have to try my best to learn it well, because it trains my way of thinking.4. Night after school I often play basketball with our classmates, it is my favorite way to relax.5. Different people have different opinions about school life.As for me,I think it likes a cup of coffee.Maybe a little bitter,but I really enjoy it.Some students hate homework a lot.But I don't agree with them.Sometimes doing homework is a kind of relax.For example,when you do some creative homework.That must be very exciting and let me feel relaxed.Although sometimes we will have some problems,don't care about it.Just go ahead,nothing can make you lose interested in study.In a word,the harder we work,the better our future will be.6. I am returning this book./I want to renew this book.7. It's a cake course.8. What's your major?9. Learning is like rowing up-stream,not to advance but to drop back! The mind is like a horse on a plain, easy to let go but difficult.10. You can get used to everywhere if you learn the mathes physics and chemistry well.11. Refuse to tow the class.12. An idle youth a needy age.13. Me and my friends gathered at the school gate after school.14. Freedom is not that you can do anything without limits.15. I like the school life.Here are many students and I have many good friends.They alaways help me when I in trouble./I am a student.I do not like school life at all.It isso boring and I feel very stressful.


My school is beautful.我的学校是美丽的。

In my school, there are many pretty girls.在我的学校,那里有很多漂亮的女孩 My school is a place I will remember forever.我的学校是一个地方我会永远记得。

My school is famous for the famous teachers.我的学校以名教师出名。

It's a place that I finds friendship and joy.这是一个我找到了友谊和快乐的地方 We live a very happy life here. 我们在这里过着幸福的生活。

It's also a place that teach me precious values. 。


Students from poor families can have study grant. 我们老师非常和蔼可亲,对我们很关心,他不仅对我们传授科学文化知识,也在生活上关心我们,指导我们。

Our teacher is very kind, amiable, and cares about us a lot. He not only teaches us science and culture knowledge, but also cares about us in life and guides us.We live a very happy life here.部分家庭不富有的学生可以享受助学金。

Students from poor families can have study grant. 我们老师非常和蔼可亲,对我们很关心,他不仅对我们传授科学文化知识,也在生活上关心我们,指导我们。

Our teacher is very kind, amiable, and cares about us a lot. He not only teaches us science and culture knowledge, but also cares about us in life and guides us....


1. A hobby brings you renewed energy and excitement. This will carry over to the rest of your activities.爱好带给你全新的能量和激情,让你在接下来的活动中精力充沛。

2.I find that when you are doing your hobby it sparks your creativity. You are more likely to have creative breakthroughs. Solutions to problems you are facing will come to you.我发现,当你做喜欢的事情时,灵感会突然闪现,你很可能取得新的突破。

面对的问题也会迎刃而解.3.We all need to keep growing both professionally and personally. I don't care if your hobby is gardening, weightlifting, or reading, you will grow from it.我们都需要获得专业与个人成长。


4.Remember not to “Say No” to yourself. Invest in activities that lead to growth and renewal. Spend more time on yourself and you will have more productivity at work and all areas of your life.请记住:千万别对自己“说不”。

去参加一些让自己成长、给自己充电的活动吧,多为自己花点时间,你不仅工作更有效率,生活中的其他方面也能做好呢!5.Spending time on yourself results in more time and more focus in your other endeavours.多花点时间在自己身上确实能多出时间来,使你在其他事情上更加专注。


2. 亲情篇:A placid parent makes a placid home.平和的父母组建出和平的家。

The family is one of nature's masterpieces.家庭是大自然的杰作。

It is wise father that knows his own child. 了解自己孩子的父亲是聪明的。

It is the general rule that all superior men inherit the elements of superiority from their mother.一切高尚的人是从自己母亲那里继承来高尚之处。

The greatest thing in family life is to take a hint when a hint is intended-and not to take a hint when a hint is not intended.家庭生活中最妙之处在于点破愿被点破之处,忽视愿被隐瞒之处。

友情篇: It is well, when judging a friend, to remember that he is judging you with the same godlike and superiorimpartiality.最好在评价朋友之前先记得你也是同样被朋友评价着。

Friendship is like money, easier made than kept.朋友就像金钱,得来容易保持难。

A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway.朋友就是再怎么了解我们都一样热爱我们的人。

My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me!我最好的朋友是让我表现最佳的朋友。

When a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it.当朋友身处窘境,别问你能做什么,思考,并做合适的事。

Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.朋友来了又走,敌人则是可以慢慢积累的。

A friend is a gift you give yourself.朋友是你给自己最好的礼物。


I go to a middle school.重点词汇释义中学:middle school; secondary school; a late Qing Dynasty term for Chinese traditional learning; Chinese learning; high school上学:go to school; attend school; be at school


1 Learning is like rowing up-stream,not to advance but to drop back! The mind is like a horse on a plain, easy to let go but difficult 学如逆水行舟,不进则退2ou can get used to everywhere if you learn the mathes physics and chemistry well.学好数理化走遍天下都不怕3Me and my friends gathered at the school gate after school.放学后和朋友在校门口汇合4I well merry you after graduation,毕业后再娶你5An idle youth a needy age少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲6The way with you一路伴你7Refuse to tow the class拒绝拖课89Freedom is not that you can do anything without limits不是你想做什么你就可以做什么

