




Nice to meet you很高兴见到你。 Nice to see you again很高兴再见到你。

How have you been?你过得怎么样?








that is great , that would be great .--great 太经典了。

I got it .--get,太常用了,这里表理解,懂了,知道了。

you look gorgeous today.你今天光彩照人。



I will never get over you as long as the stars shine down。


get over ,忘记,克服(伤痛,失恋,,,,,,)经典啊。

what if we go along this way ,走下去会怎样--有没有想到张亮人的爱下去会怎样?what if =如果。


it hurt me so bad when I had to watch you go .不愿睁着眼睛看你远走的背影。

had to把无奈感表达淋漓尽致


mid-autumn festival 中秋节traditional festival 传统节日full moon 满月Jade Hare-the moon 玉兔goddess in the moon 嫦娥sweet-scented osmanthus wine 桂花酒1,这个最美丽的节日,想送你最特别的祝福.The most beautiful holiday,you want to send a special blessing.2,试着寻找最华丽的祝词,我没能做到.一句最朴实的话:中秋快乐!Try to find the most beautiful message,I did not do.One of the most simple:a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


How do you do?(初次见面通常用语) How are you?(比较熟悉的人之间用语) How are you getting along with...?(你近来...可好?) How are you doing?(您工作还顺利吧?) How is everything?(一切还好吧?) How is your vacation/holiday/Christmas Day/weekend?(假期怎么样?)当今美国社会流行口语用语,大致有: What''s up?(近来可忙?) Hello?Hi? What''s going on?(近来可好?) How is life? How is it going?anything new? Pleased to meet you again!...


He makes me very happy.他让我很开心 The changes to our town makes our life modern.我们乡镇的变化让我门的生活变的美好 This T-shirt makes her beautiful.这件T血衫穿在她身上很好看 My father died and it makes me very sad.他的爸爸去世了,这让他很伤心 Eating meat kan make us healhy. 吃肉可以使我们的身体健康


We"ll have an oral-English class in summer which is to strengthen your listening and spoken English.You"ll learn Look Ahead in the class.It is starting from July 27th to August 5th at Room 221 in our teaching building.If you have the intrest,please come to the teachers' office.And the Mr Black who is an American couple will come to have a conversation with the student twice a week你应该感谢我啊~~一分都没有


1.Fully use your time,especially your spare time.充分利用你的时间,特别是你的业余时间。

2.Find yourself some methods,especially thhose practical and effective ones.找到一些方法,特别是那些具有失效的方法。

3.Learn the basic knowledge systematically,don't make a mess.系统地学习基础知识,别学乱了。

4.Try to do as many exercises as possible after class.课后尽可能地做一些习题5.Read English every day.每天读英语


1.I playing computer.我在玩电脑.2.I am reading an English book.我在读英语书.3.She is doing her homework.她在做作业.4.He is playing football with his father.他在和他爸爸踢足球.5.Listen! She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。

6.I'm shopping with my mom.我在和我妈妈一起逛街.7.They are reading in the library.他们正在图书馆看书.8.He and xiaoming are playing basketball.他和小明在打篮球.9.He is helping the teacher with his homework.他在帮老师修改作业.10.They are having dinner.她们正在吃饭.



Walk on the road, walk on the sidewalk; no sidewalk, rely on the road to walk.2、穿越马路,要听从交通民警的指挥;要遵守交通规则,做到“绿灯行,红灯停” 。

Across the road, to obey the traffic police command; to comply with the traffic rules, do the green line, the red light stop".3、不要翻越道路中央的安全护栏和隔离墩。

Don't climb the security fence and isolation pier in the middle of the road.4、不要在马路上学骑自行车;未满十二岁的儿童,不要骑自行车上街。

Don't go to school on the road to ride a bicycle; chil

dren under twelve years of age, do not ride a bicycle in Shangjie.5、在没有交通民警指挥的路段,要学会避让机动车辆,不与机动车辆争道抢行。

In the absence of traffic police command section to avoid motor vehicles, motor vehicle road and does not struggle to grab the line....


I love swimming, but I don't like to go swimming today.我喜欢游泳, 但今天不想游。

My favorate sport is golf. 我最爱的运动是高尔夫。

My brother is absolutely a football lover. 我哥哥是个十足的足球爱好者。

I prefer basketball to football. 我喜欢篮球胜过足球。

How I wish to be a wonderful basketball player like Yao Ming! 我很想成为像姚明那样了不起的篮球运动员!...


1、He didn't go to school yesterday.翻译:他昨天没有上学。

2、She won the competition last night.翻译:她昨晚赢得了比赛。

3、I missed the bus this morning.翻译:我今天早上没赶上公共汽车。

4、we were happy the day before yesterday.翻译:前天我们很高兴。

5、He was in the kitchen yesterday.翻译:他昨天在厨房里。

6、My father was unhappy yesterday afternoon.翻译:我父亲昨天下午不高兴。

7、I often went to work by bus last year.翻译:去年我经常乘公共汽车上班。

8、When he was a child, he often listened to music. 翻译:他小时候经常听音乐。

9、The students went back home after class.翻译:学生们下课后回家。

10、The police caught the thief three days ago.翻译:警察三天前抓住了小偷。

11、The girl was born in 2003.翻译:这个女孩出生于2003年。

12、My father bought me a pen last week.翻译:我父亲上周给我买了一支钢笔。

13、My mother watched TV last night.翻译:我妈妈昨晚看了电视。

14、The boy sent me a gift just now.翻译:这男孩刚才送了一份礼物给我15、I played basketball yesterday afternoon.翻译:我昨天下午打篮球。

