



可翻译为: It's good for young people to try something new.


五年级暑假趣事英语作文:Summer HolidayI like the summer holidy so much. I look forward to summer holiday every year. Last summer, I went to Shen zhen for my holiday, and it is also a city of seashore like Haikou. I enjoyed having a walk along the beach after supper or having a swim in the afternoon. The sky is blue, the air is clear.Wherever you go, You can always see the green trees, the neat grasses and the colourful flowers. They were really wonderful. Shen Zhen has a lot of tall buildings. And it is a modern city.


Last week, I went to the bar with my friends. We sang some nice songs together, We danced on the floor happily. We drank some beer or tea, We ate more fruits and some delicious food.We had a good time in the bar. Then we went home by person.


The hot summer is often a test of perseverance,determination of each person different,but the desire to open the doors forever.The distance depends on you and I are willing to go into.Through the hot,they represent you embark on a new starting point.Today,I inadvertently read,see Tong Dizhou This text.Tong Dizhou learning very poor,but his hard work,the morning and evening are reasonable use of learning from the last one as the first.I get some great deal of inspiration :Whether jolly order to be successful,have to pay for their hard work and sweat in order to obtain a bumper joy...


I like nothing more than singing in the world. First of all, singing can inspire me to move on and on no matter what trouble I come across.Second, singing, in my point of view, is the best way to express my feelings exactly.Once I am in a bad or good mood, I will sing loudly with my friends, by which means I share happiness and sorrow with others.Last, singing also makes it easier and more possible for me to free myself from pressure.


The hot summer is often a test of perseverance,determination of each person different,but the desire to open the doors forever.The distance depends on you and I are willing to go into.Through the hot,they represent you embark on a new starting point.Today,I inadvertently read,see Tong Dizhou This text.Tong Dizhou learning very poor,but his hard work,the morning and evening are reasonable use of learning from the last one as the first.I get some great deal of inspiration :Whether jolly order to be successful,have to pay for their hard work and sweat in order to obtain a bumper joy

我听到此事感到好难过.. 英文句子怎么写.

用sorry带有抱歉的意思,如果纯粹要表达难过,同BAD, SAD也是可以的1. I am sorry about that.2. I feel terribly sorry about that.3. I feel sad about that.直译的话也有另一种意思:I felt sad when I heard about that.


Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip. 为了旅途中最值得留念的一天,谨向您表示感谢。

Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months.在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。


Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip.为了旅途中最值得留念的一天,谨向您表示感谢。

Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting .为了使我去纽约的旅游有趣(愉快)(大有收获),您做了许多事,特此致谢。

Thank you for contributing so much to the pleasure of our stay in ...感谢您为使我们在……的停留期间的愉快所作的许多努力。

Thank you so much for your generous hospitality.非常感谢您慷慨的款待。

I hope something will bring you to New York soon so that I can reciprocate your kindness.希望不久您能有机会到纽约来,使我能答谢您的盛情。

You must give me the chance to return your kindness when you visit here.希望您光临我处,使我能答谢您的盛情。

Thank you very much .很(非常)(最真诚地)(确实)(衷心)感谢您。

Many thanks for your kind and warm letter.感谢您友好而热情的来信。

Thanks a million .万分(非常)感谢。

Please accept my sincere appreciation for ...请接受(致以)真挚的(衷心的)(深切的)感谢......I sinc

erely appreciate ...我真挚的(深深的)(热情的)感谢......I am very sincerely grateful to you for ...为了……,我非常真挚的(深深的)(真诚的)感谢您。

There is nothing more important to me than to receive one of your letters.再也没有比收到您的来信更使我觉得重要(快慰)(感激)了。

Your letters are so much fun .您的来信充满了乐趣(给了很大安慰)(带来了欢乐)(使我不感寂寞)。

Your most courteous letter...您那彬彬有礼(体贴入微)(令人欣慰)的来信……I cannot tell you how much your letter delightedme.我无法告诉您,您的来信使我多么高兴(宽慰)(觉得有趣)(陶醉)。

I love the way you say things in your letters. You make even the smallest incident seem so interesting.我很欣赏您在信中描述各种事物的手法,您的妙笔使细小的事情都显得很有趣(重要)(动人)(神秘)。


向你推荐my love--西城男孩的歌词吧 my love an empty street an empty house a hole inside heart i'm all alone and the rooms are getting smaller i wonder how i wonder why i wonder where they are the days we had the songs we sang together 这觉得这几句描写得蛮好的。

推荐给你and oh! my love i'm holding on forever reaching for a love that seems so far so i say a litter prayer no my dream will take me there where the skies are blue to see you once again my love overseas from coast to coast find a place i love the most where the fields are green to

see you once again my love i try to read i go to work i'm laughing with my friends but i can't stop to keep myself from thinking i wonder how i wonder why i wonder where they are the days we had the songs we sang togetther and oh! my love i'mholding on forever reaching for a love that seems so far so i say a litter prayer no my dream will take me there where the skies are blue to see you once again my love overseas from coast to coast find a place i love the most where the fields are green to see you once again to hold you in my arms to promise my love to tell you from my heart you are all i'm thinking of

