




Words and expressions in each unit


person [ 'pə:sn ]人

cheerful[ 'tʃiəful ]快乐的;高兴的

hard-working [ hɑ:d 'wə:kiŋ ]工作努力的;勤勉的

patient [ 'peiʃənt ] 耐心的

smart[ smɑ:t ] 聪明的;机敏的

probably [ 'prɔbəbli ] 很可能

forget [ fə'get ] 忘记

smell [ smel ]气味

care[ keə ]照顾;照料

miss[ mis ] 想念;怀念

joke[ dʒəuk ]玩笑

laugh[ la:f ] 笑

remain [ ri'mein ] 仍然是;保持不变

strict [ strikt ] 严格的;严厉的

encourage [ in'kʌridʒ ] 鼓励

support[ sə'pɔ:t ]支持

successful [ sək'sesfl ]获得成功的

member [ 'membə ] 成员

paragraph [ 'pærəgra:f ] 段落

as well除……之外;也

take care of 照顾;照料

tell jokes 讲笑话

make fun of嘲弄;取笑

be strict about 对……要求严格

give up放弃

go to work上班

all day and all night 夜以继日


France[ fra:ns ]法国

french[ frentʃ ]法国的

flag [ flæg ]旗帜

wine [ wain]葡萄酒

tick[ tik ]标记号;打上钩

possible [ 'pɔsəbl ]可能的

Europe[ 'juərəp ]欧洲

store([ stɔ:] 大型)百货商店

vineyard [ 'vinjəd ] 葡萄园

excellent[ 'eksələnt ] 优秀的

south [ sauθ ]南部;南方

lie[ lai ] 位于;坐落在

coast[ kəust ]海岸;海滨

perfect [ 'pə:fikt ] 完美的

ski[ ski:]滑雪

tower [ 'tauə ] 塔

finish[ 'finiʃ ]完成

lift [ lift ] 电梯;升降机

step [ step ] 台阶

stairs [ steəz ]楼梯

receiver [ ri'si:və ] 接收者

date [ deit ]日期

greeting [ 'gri:tiŋ ] 问候

address [ ə'dres ]地址

(be) famous for以……而闻名

department store百货商店

prefer to更喜欢

go on holiday 去度假

go sightseeing去观光


blind [ blaind ]瞎的;失明的

radio [ 'reidiəu ]无线电广播

programme [ 'prəugræm ] 节目

helpful[ 'helpfl ] 有用的;有帮助的

rescue [ 'reskju: ]营救

mean [ mi:n]表示…的意思

receptionist [ ri'sepʃənist ] 接待员

allow[ ə'lau ]允许进入(或出去、通过)

pet [ pet ] 宠物

anywhere [ 'eniweə ] 任何地方

apologize[ ə'pɔlədʒaiz ] 道歉

lead[ li:d ] 带领

bark[ ba:k ] (狗)吠叫

wake [ weik ] 醒来

towel [ 'tauəl ] 毛巾

bottom [ 'bɔtəm ]底部

finally [ 'fainəli ] 终于;最后

airport[ 'eəpɔ:t ]机场

appear[ ə'piə ] 出现

act [ ækt ] 扮演(戏剧、电影中的角色)

climb[ klaim ]攀登;攀爬

dark [ da:k ]黑暗的

nothing[ 'nʌθiŋ ] 没有什么;没有一件东西

arrive at 到达

by oneself独自

lead to带着(某人)到……

fall asleep 入睡

wake up醒来

get down 蹲下;趴下

fire engine消防车


save[ seiv ] 拯救

pine [ pain ]松树

discuss[ di'skʌs ]讨论

branch [bra:ntʃ] 树枝

root [ ru:t ]根

fight [ fait ] 与…作斗争

against [ ə'genst] 反对

example [ ig'za:mpl ] 例子

harmful[ 'ha:mfl ] 有害的

gas[ gæs ] 气体

produce[ prə'dju:s ] 产生;生产

oxygen [ 'ɔksidʒən ] 氧气

major [ 'meidʒə ] 主要的

convenient [ kən'vi:niənt ] 方便的

furniture [ 'fə:nitʃə ] 家具

imagine [ i'mædʒin ] 想象;设想

disease[ di'zi:z ] 疾病

dig [ dig ]挖

hole[ həul ] 洞

carry [ 'kæri ] 搬;扛;背

container[ kən'teinə ]容器

take in 吸收

come from来自

for example例如

in fact(补充细节)确切地说

look around环顾四周

made of由……制成

millions of大量的;数以百万计的

good for对……有用;对……有好处


drop [ drɔp ]滴;掉下;落下

journey[ 'dʒə:ni ] 旅行;旅程

quantity[ 'kwɔntəti ] 数量

experiment [ ik'sperimənt ]实验;试验

fresh [ freʃ ] 淡的;无盐的

salt[ sɔ:lt ]盐

on [ ɔn ] (表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中)

voice [ vɔis ]嗓音;说话声

reservoir[ 'rezəvwa: ] 水库

add [ æd ] 增加;添加

chemical[ 'kemikl ]化学品

through[ θru: ]通过;穿过

pipe[ paip ] 管道

valuable[ 'væljuəbl ]宝贵的;很有用的

bit[ bit ] 有点;一点

bank [ bæŋk ] 银行

change [ tʃeindʒ ] 找给的零钱;找头

return[ ri'tə:n ]归还

vapour[ 'veipə ] 蒸汽、雾气

form[ fɔ:m ]形成;构成

stir [ stə: ]搅拌

continue [ kən'tinju: ]继续

crystal [ 'kristl ]结晶(体)

turn off 关掉

add ...to...把……加入……

a bit 有点;一点

part of ……的一部分

packet money (父母给孩子的)零花钱

made up of由……组成

dry up 干涸

Unit 6

electricity [ ilek'trisəti ]电

conversation[ ˌkɔnvə'seiʃən ]谈话

identify [ ai'dentifai ] 确认;认出

rule[ ru:l ] 规则

anyone [ 'eniwʌn ]任何人

reply[ ri'plai ]回答

foolish [ 'fu:liʃ ]愚蠢的

wire [ 'waiə ]电线

connect[ kə'nekt ](使)连接

cable [ 'keibl ]电缆

moment[ 'məumənt ]瞬间;片刻

battery[ 'bætəri ]电池

cooker [ 'kukə ]厨灶;炉具

fridge[ fridʒ ]冰箱

bulb [ bʌlb ]电灯泡

lock [ lɔk ](用锁)锁上

test [ test ]测试

tidy[ 'taidi ]使整洁;使整齐

touch [ tʌtʃ ] 触摸;碰

a packet of 一袋

in a way 在某种程度上

be connected to连接到

power station 发电站

washing machine 洗衣机

switch off 关(电灯、机器等)

tidy up 收拾妥;整理好

air conditioner 空调


poem[ 'pəuim] 诗歌

ordinary [ 'ɔ:dnri ] 普通的;平凡的

feeling [ 'fi:liŋ ]感觉;情感

order [ 'ɔ:də ] 命令

advice [ əd'vais ] 建议

aloud [ ə'laud ] 大声的;高声的

group [ gru:p ]组;群

agree [ ə'gri: ]同意

disagree [ ˌdisə'gri: ] 不同意

rhyme [ raim ] 押韵的

complete [ kəm'pli:t ] 完整的;整个的

well [ wel ] 井;水井

shower [ 'ʃauə ] 淋浴

site[ sait ]建筑工地

narrow[ 'nærəu ] 狭窄的

height[ hait ] 高度

superman[ 'su:pəmæn ] 超人

seller [ 'selə ] 卖着;卖方

smile [ smail ] 微笑

rush[ rʌʃ ]迅速移动

crowd[ kraud ] 人群

at all一点也(不);完全(不)

worried about 为……担忧

newspaper stand 报摊

rush out 冲出去

a crowd of一群


career [ kə'riə ]事业

planet [ 'plænit ] 行星

satellite [ 'sætəlait ] 卫星

velvet [ 'velvit ] 丝绒;天鹅绒

diamond[ 'daiəmənd ]钻石

shoot [ ʃu:t ] (朝某个方向)射,冲,飞驰

host [ həust ]主持

knowledge [ 'nɔlidʒ ] 知识

lively [ 'laivli ]生动的

last [ la:st ]持续

actually[ 'æktʃuəli ] 事实上

anybody [ 'enibədi ] 任何人

achieve [ ə'tʃi:v ] 达到(某目标、地位、标准)

sail [ seil ]驾驶帆船航行

decide[ di'said ]决定

train[ trein ]训练;接受训练

alone [ ə'ləun ]独自

in the future 将来

used to曾经

go outside 外出

look like 看起来像……

more and more越来越多

大学英语综合教程4 里Unit 1

一、CDBCDBDCADDCAAB二、 1. Eight. 2. Theearth. 3. The galaxy. 4. It is too large to imagine. 三、 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. E 四、 1. There has been life 2. so wonderful that I have seen it 3. I don't think there is life 4. has an environment like that 5. It's impossibleto imagine


预备篇1.打招呼用语:Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night!(晚上分别时或睡觉前使用)Hi.Hello.——How are you? ———How's sb?——I'm fine/OK,thanks/thank you.And you? ———sb is fine.2. ———What's this in English? ———Can you spell /it?/how do you spell it? ———It's a/an______. ——— _b-o-o-k__./________3. ———What color is it? ———What's this? ———What color do you like? ———It's +颜色。


———I like +颜色。

正式篇(Unit 1)My name's Gina.1.———What's your name? ———Nice to meet you!———My name is ___./I am____. ———Nice to meet you,too.Is this your pencil?1.———This /That is your +名词. →Is this/that your +名词?———Yes, it is. No,it isn't. 人称单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词myyourHis ,her, hisouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshis, hers, itsoursyourstheirsThis is my sister.1.—This is my sister.→Is this your sister?→These are my sisters.→Are these your sisters?—That is my teacher.→Is that your teacher?→Those are my teachers.→Are those your teachers?2.This is Jim. →Is this Jim?(陈述句变一般疑问句主谓颠倒位置,大小写互换,句号变问号) 3. Here is +名词单数. /Here are +名词复数.4.—Is Tom your brother? Yes, he is./No, he isn't.5.Thanks /Thank you for+名词/Doing. Thanks /Thank you for your help./helping me.Where 's my backpack?1.—Where's my backpack? —Where's my pencil? —Where are my books?—It's under the table. —It's in the pencil-box. —They're on the sofa.2.take…to… 把…带到 …Please take these books to your sister.Do you have a soccer ball?1.—Do you /they have a/an +名词? —Does he/Joe have a/an +名词?—Yes, I /they do. No, I /they don't. —Yes, he does. /No, he doesn't. 2. let's do sth. ----Let's go to the garden.3.That sounds good. 听来不错。

4. 肯定句:He/She likes +名词. 否定疑问句 :Does he/she like+名词?


mosta.1. 最多的;最高程度的2. 多数的;大部分的pron.1. 最大量,最多数,最高额[the S]2. 大部分,大多数[(+of)]ad.1. (用以构成形容词或副词的最高级)最2. 最多,最大程度地3. 非常,很4. 【美】【口】差不多,几乎希望你能采纳


one after another:一次又一次Through one after another failures, he finally succeeded. 在经历一次又一次的失败后,他终于成功了 after all: 毕竟You should forgive him for his forgetfulness; after all, he is over seventy. 你应该原谅他的健忘症,毕竟他已经七十多岁了be good at:擅长I'm good at playing basketball.我擅长篮球!do well in =be good atI do well in English 我擅长英语be well-known as:以身为...著称;被誉为He is well-known as an artist他以身为艺术家著称at once:立刻;马上You'd better go to school at once你最好马上去上学.at least:至少He has been there at least twice. 他至少去过那儿两次shout at sb :责怪 ,斥责某人Don'tshout at me!别朝我大喊大叫at first表示首先,后面依次使用second,third...或者then At first we used hand tools. 首先我们使用手工工具at the begining表示在...刚开始之时We are just at the begining of our life.我们正在生命开始之时!


I can't agree with this idea more that in one's spare time, one should take part in outdoor acitivities twice in a week to keep fit,which will lead to at least 5 Kgs loss in weight on average in about three months if one is so careless as to lie with your TV control or just stay home and send for your meals.在一个人的空闲时间里,他每周至少应该参加两次户外运动来保持健康。



In contrast,those who don't do any exercise are much more likely to fall ill or behave like a patient,who eventually will have to take changes or be supposed to make visits to doctors.相反,那些不做任何运动的人会很容易生病或者表现的像个生病的人,而病人们最终也将不得不做出改变(来参加运动)或者




关于distrust 的词组和句子,要翻译哦

1. Negotiations between unions and management are made more difficult by mutual distrust. 工会和资方之间的谈判由于互不信任而愈加困难。

2. He has a distrust of strangers. 他不信任陌生人。

3. He's so suspicious he would distrust his own mother. 他这人疑心太重, 连自己的母亲也不相信. 4. He has an inherent distrust of foreigners. 他天生对外国人不信任。

5. She was always looked on with distrust. 人家对她总是不信任. 6. Her constant lying led me to distrust everything she said. 她总撤谎, 我完全不相信她的话了.

