






1. I like English because I want to go abroad.

2. I became interested in music when I was a child.















I am a tall girl. (我是个身材高挑的女孩。

)I have a round face.(我的脸是圆的。

)I have short hair.(我留着短发。

)My eyes are big and bright.(我的眼睛大而明亮。

)I also have a small nose.(我还有个小鼻子。

)I am a lovable girl. (我是个可爱的女生。





1)主语+ 系动词+ 表语 :He is a fanciful writer(他是一位富有想象力的作家。

)2).主语+ 半系动词+表语:She looks lovely in white.(她穿白色衣服看上去很漂亮。

) His face went cool again.(他的面孔又变冷漠了。

) she remained serene and in control.( 她依旧泰然自若。

) Our vision appears limited.(看来我们的目光短浅。

) 注:请特别注意以上四句的谓语动词,它们在这里代表着四组不同类别的半系动词3)主语+不及物谓语动词/ 不及物动词短语:The breeze has died away.( 微风渐渐止住了.)2.在“主语+谓语+宾语”结构里,主语是动作的发出者。

能够作主语的一般有:名词、代词、数词、动名词、名词化的形容词【即:the+形容词表示每一类的人或物,如:the rich(富人),the poor(穷人)等),此外还有动词不定式、动名词短语,名词短语,形容词短语,代词短语和从句(即主语从句)】。

谓语同样也是两类定义:1)在“主语+系动词+表语”结构中,谓语=系动词+表语,在 “主语+不及物谓语动词/不及物动词短语”中,谓语就是该不及物动词或不及物动词短语。



(详情参阅链接提示中内容) 宾语总体分为动宾和介词宾语两大类,动词宾语是仅指“主语+谓语+宾语+......”类结构而言,宾语是主语所发出的动作的承受者,介词宾语则是指放在介词后面单词、短语或从句(详情请参看英语语法书)宾语可由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式、动名词、宾语从句等来担任。






前置定语见以下例句:There is a a baby girl in the cradle. (摇篮里有一个女婴)baby就是名词作前置定语。

I am waiting for your reply. (我在等你答复) your就是形容词性物主代词作前置定语。

He is a business- is –business man.(他是一个公事公办的人) business- is –business 就是合成词作前置定语。

后置定语分为三类,详情见下:单词:1)以a开头的形容词: a world anew 一个崭新的世界(其中,anew就是后置定语,用来修饰限定world 。

)2)修饰限定“复合不定代词”的形容词:I have something important to tell you.我有些重要的事情要对你说。

(其中,important 就是后置定语用来修饰something.) 短语:1)He had the ability to push aside all difficulties 他有能力排除一切困难。

(句中,to push aside all difficulties 就是动词不定式作后置定语,修饰ability.)2)The girl in red is his sister. 穿红衣服的那个女孩是他妹妹。

(句中介词短语in red 就是The girl 的后置定语)3)I hopped into a taxi standing at the door. 我跳进一辆停在旅馆门口的出租车。

(句中,standing at the door就是现在分词短语作a taxi 的后置定语)4)He is a man rude but henpecked.他是一个粗暴而惧内的男人。

(形容词短语作后置定语) 从句:1)He lives in the house which is opposite ours. 他住在我们对面的那栋房子里。

(句中,从句which is opposite ours就是the house 的后置定语)2)This is a pretty flower, whose name I don't know. 这是一种很美的花,我不知道它叫什么名字. (句中,whose name I don't know就是a pretty flower的后置定语) 补语有三大类:主语补足语:一般多体现为表语形式,表语即是主语补足语的最常见的一类。

宾语补足语(放在宾语后面补充说明宾语的成分) 形容词补足语:放在形容词后面,用来补充说明该形容词的内容,原因等的成分。

例如:I am glad to see you again.(我很高兴再次见到你。

)本句中的to see you again就是动词不定式作形容词glad的补语,补充说明高兴的原因,再如:Mike is confident that he will arrive in time. (迈克相信他会及时到达。

)句中的confident 就是形容词,其后的 that he will arrive in time就是形容词补语从句。



-What would you like to do,singing or dancing ?-I choose a song .A.sang B.singing C. to sing D.sing【would like to do 后面singing or dancing 为什么要加ing??【choose 用法是什么?答:B译:你想做什么?唱歌还是跳舞?我选择唱一首歌。

析:do some singing ,唱唱歌,do some dancing,跳跳舞。



首先,应将What改为Which, 因为是从两个中选择一个。

如用What, 则不要再限制范围,问:What would like to do? 你想要干什么?其次,此题为出考题生造句。

要回答:Which ...., A or B? 这样的选择问题时,直接说:singing就可以了。

要完整回答,则说:I'd like to do some singing.句子改错 Does LI Lei run faster than any student in his class ?答:any -->any other译:李雷比他班上任何一个(别的)同学都跑得快吗?any student in his class包括李雷本人。




My name is . I 'm twelve years old . I 'm a student from No. 2 Middle School. I like playing basketball with my classmates after school . I am good at English and maths . I get on well with my classmates . My parents are both teachers . They are strict with me . They love me and I love them too.





常见的并列连接词有:and(和),but(但是),or(或者,否则),nor(也不), so(所以), however(然而,无论如何),for(因为),still(可是),as well as(也),both..and...(...和...), not only ...but also...(不但…而且…), either… or…(或…或…),neither… nor…(既不…也不…)等。

2、从属连接词用于引导从句,常见的从属连接词有:when(当…时候), while(正当…时候), after(在…之后), before(在…之前), since(自从), until(直到),although/though(虽然), if(假如), as(如…一样;由于), as …as…(和…一样), as far as(就…而言), as long as(只要), as soon as(一…就…), even if(即使), because(因为),unless (除非), than(比…), whether (是否…), in order that…(为了),so…that…(如此…以致), so that…(以便), now that…(现在既然), by the time…(到…时候),every time…(每当), as if…(仿佛),no matter when(或whenever)(无论何时),no matter where(或wherever)(无论在哪里)等。

〔辨析〕(1) because、as、since、for的用法:because(因为)表示原因的语气最强,常表示必然的因果关系,从句一般放在主句后面;另外,回答why的问句只能用because.as(因为)表示一般的因果关系,语气比because弱,说明比较明显的原因,它引导的从句可以放在句首也可以放在句尾。



如:He is not at school today because he is seriously ill.(他今天没有上学因为他病得厉害)/ As all of you have got here, now, let's go to the zoo.(既然大伙儿都到了我们就去动物园吧)/ I will ask Lin Tao to go with me since you are very busy.(既然你很忙我就叫林涛和我一起去吧)/ We must be off now for the match starts at 7:00.(我们得走了因为比赛在七点开始)(2)if、whether的区别:表示“是否”时,if和whether同义,引导宾语从句,另外,whether还可以引导主语从句、表语从句(以及同位语从句)等名词性从句或者让步状语从句;而if还可以表示“如果”,引导条件状语从句,(主句与从句遵循主将从现的原则)。

如:I don't know if/whether he will arrive on time.(我不知道他是不是会按时到达)/ I will ring you up if he arrives on time.(如果他按时到达我会给你打电话的) [注意]下列情况只能用whether不能用if:①引导主语从句,②引导表语从句,③引导从句作介词宾语,④引导不定式短语,⑤引导让步状语从句,⑥在动词discuss之后,⑦在wonder / not sure之后,⑧在if与whether含义易混时。

如:Whether it is a fine day next Sunday is still a question.(下个星期天是不是个好天还是个问题)(引导主语从句) / Please ask him whether to go there with a raincoat or not.(请问一下带不带雨衣去那儿)(作动词的宾语) / Hainan is the place to be, whether it's summer or winter.(海南是个该去的地方无论冬夏)(引导让步状语从句)/ Please let me know whether you need my help.(请告诉我你是否需要我的帮助)(引导宾语从句)(如果换成if则还可能表示“如果你需要我的帮助请告知”)(3)while、when、as的用法区别:while常表示一个较长的动作,它引导的从句动作与主句的动作是同时发生的、是平行的;when可以表示较短的动作也可以表示较长的动作,主句和从句的动作可以同时发生也可以先后发生;as与上两词同义,可替换while和when, 表示主句和从句的动作同时发生,常译为“一边……一边……”。

如:Please do not trouble me while I am writing my homework.(我写作业时请不要打扰我)/ I'll go home when I have finished my job.(我干完了活儿就回去)/ They were running quickly across the road when they heard the sound of a truck coming.(他们正快速地穿过马路忽然听到了卡车开来的声音)/ As we walked in the dark street, we sang songs and talked loudly.(当我们在黑洞洞的街上走路时我们高声地唱歌说话)(4)till/until与not…till/until的区别:前者表示一个延续性的动作,后者表示一个才开始的动作。

如:I will stay here and watch the baby until you return.(我会呆在这里看着娃娃直到你回来)(stay这个动作一直进行到你return) / They won't go on working until they get what they think is reasonable.(他们要到获得了他们认为合理的东西时才会继续干下去的) 另外till与until基本可以互换,但是在句首时只能用until,不能用till. 如:Until the last minute of the match we kept playing.(我们坚持到比赛的最后一分钟)/ Not until he had finished his work did he go home.(直到做完工作他才回家)(倒装句)(5)though与although的区别:两个词都表示“虽然”,...


1. Today is the first day of the rest of my life means now is the time to make changes to improve your life and live everyday happily. 2. Never throw in the towel means never give up. 3. I'm just rolling with the flow means I'm just doing the same as everyone else. 4. A stitch in time saves nine means if you take care of a problem when it's small, it's much easier to solve. 5. Don't burn your bridges behind you means don't forget those who have helped you because you may need them again.


Hello,every one!(大家好)My name is **** . (我叫****)I'm a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改)I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.(我住在美丽的Rizhao城)(你可以把Rizhao改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音)I'm an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩)In the school , my favourite subject is maths . (在学校,我最喜欢数学)Perhaps someone thinks it's difficult to study well .(也许有些人认为这很难学)But I like it.(但我喜欢他)I belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.(我相信每件事付出努力就会有害结果)I also like sports very much.(我也很喜欢运动)Such as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等)I'm kind-hearted.(我很热心)If you need help ,please come to me .(如果你需要帮助,就来找我)I hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友)OK.This is me .A sunny boy.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩)...


Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today.I am -years old, born in province/Beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest…… of china, and I am currently a freshmanMy major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/In the past 1/2/3 years, I spend most of my time on study. I have passed CET3/4/6 and I have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice. Besides, I have attended several sports meetings held in Beijing. I am also the volunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Masters…… . Through these I have a deeply understanding of my major—sports training.

