


idence in a dull place such as Hedgerton truly was. Originally a rude fishing village, it had of late y


酒吧: 1. groggery2. public house3. taproom4. saloonRelative explainations:<[England] public house> Examples:1. 那个喝醉了的人在酒吧里丢失了钱袋。

The drunk man lost his pouch in the bar.2. 这家旅馆里有好几个酒吧。

There are several bars in the hotel.3. 这个贫民窟里的小酒吧是一个充满罪恶的场所。

The bar in the slum is a den of iniquity.4. 酒吧里传来的喧闹声吵得他们无法入睡。

They were unable to sleep because of the din coming from the bar.5. 警察调查了嫌疑犯时常出没的所有酒吧。

The police visited all the bars that the suspect frequented.6. 他径直朝酒吧间走去.He headed straight for the bar.7. 我觉得酒吧里的音乐太吵人了.I find the music in the bar very obtrusive.8. 警方监视著他常去的酒吧.The police watched the bars which he was known to resort.


酒吧里可能会用到这些英语:Cheers!干杯!Here's to your health.祝您健康。

Bottoms up干杯(非正式用语,碰杯时使用)。

Toasting Someone or Something为某人或某事举杯祝酒。

I'd like to make a toast to Jim. May he live long and prosper!我想敬汤姆一杯。

祝他多福多寿!Let's paint the town red tonight.今晚尽情狂欢吧。

酒的名称:glass of Red / White / Rose = used with wine葡萄酒,cocktail = mixed drink混合酒,liquor = strong alcohol烈酒,pint = used with beer啤酒,shot = used with straight alcohol, not mixed纯酒,无任何添加物,booze / hair of the dog / the sauce = idiomatic names for hard liquor烈性酒的惯用名称。

hammered / wasted / pissed / inebriated = adjectives meaning that someone is very drunk形容某人酩酊大醉的形容词。

The party is BYOB, so bring anything you want to drink.这个聚会是酒水自备的,所以你想喝什么就自己备好。



酒吧最常用的英语对话有: Conversation Dialogue 1 A: What can I get for you? 请问要喝点什么? B: I'd prefer a brandy. 一杯白兰地。

A: How do you like your brandy? Straight up or on the rocks? 您的白兰地要怎么喝?纯喝还是加冰块? B: With ice, thank you. 加冰的,谢谢。

A: Do you want some snacks with the drink? 您需要什么小吃配酒水吗? B: What snacks do you sell? 你们有什么零食? A: We have peanuts and potato chips. But the popcorn is free tonight. 我们有花生和薯片,但今晚的爆米花是免费的。

B: OK, give me some popcorn. 好的,给我来点爆米花。


alogue 2 A: Do you have a live band? 有乐队现场演奏吗? B: Yes. Our live band is awesome. 有,他们演奏得棒极了。

A: What kind of music are they playing? 他们演奏哪种音乐? B: Heavy metal. Do you like it? 重金属,你喜欢吗? A: Yeah. I love it very much. Are they playing tonight? 嗯,非常喜欢,他们今晚有表演吗? B: You are lucky. They only play on weekend night. 您非常幸运,他们一般只在周末表演。

A: Great! Give me a cup of mineral water. Thank you! 太棒了,你先给我来一杯矿泉水,谢谢! 1. What can I get for you? 请问要喝点什么? 2. What will you have? 您要点什么? 3. What may I offer you, ladies and gentlemen? 女士们,先生们,请问你们要点什么饮料? 4. This is our beverage list . 这是我们的饮料表(酒单)。

5. Do you have any preference? Alcoholic? Non-alcoholic? Or soft drinks? 你有什么比较喜欢的吗?是酒精或无酒精的饮料,还是汽水或果汁? 6. Would you like to try the Dry Martini? 要不要试一下不甜的马提尼酒? 7. An aperitif or some white wine? 要来一瓶开胃酒或一些白葡萄酒吗? 8. Straight up or on the rocks? 纯喝还是加冰块? 9. How about our special cocktail? 尝尝我们的特制鸡尾酒怎么样? 10. I'll have a Margarita. 我要一杯玛格丽特酒。

11. Give me another round. 再给我们一人一杯。

12. Do you want a glass or a bottle? 你要一杯还是一瓶? 13. It's happy hour. 现在是优惠时段。

14. Do you want some snacks with the drinks? 您要些零食配酒吗? 15. A Blue Hawaii for my friend. I'd like a brandy. 我朋友要一杯蓝色夏威夷,我要一杯白兰地。

16. I'll have something sharp. 我想喝口感辛辣的酒。

17. I'd like a draft beer. 我要生啤。

18. Do you serve vodka with juice? 你们有加果汁的伏特加吗? 19. What snacks do you sell? 你们有什么零食? 20. Can I fix you another drink ? 要不要再来一杯(一瓶)? 21. We've got peanuts and potato chips. 我们有花生和薯片。

22. We have free popcorn. 我们有免费的爆米花。

23. Where is the bathroom? 洗手间在哪? 24. Can you turn the music down? 能把音乐声音关小一点吗? 25. When is live band coming? 现场演奏什么时候开始?‍






































country road take me home歌手:john denver [ti:country road take me home][ar:john denver][al:美国乡村音乐][00:-0.50]country roadsjohn denveralmost heaven, west virginia,blue ridge mountains, shenandoah river.life is old there, older than the trees,younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze.country road, take me hometo the place i belong,west virginia, mountain momma,take me home, country road.all my mem'ries gather 'round her,miner's lady, stranger to blue water.dark and dusty, painted on the sky,misty taste of moonshine, tear-drop in my eye.country road, take me hometo the place i belong,west virginia, mountain momma,take me home, country road.i hear her voice, in the morning hours she calls me,the radio reminds me of my home far away.and driving down the road i get the feelingthat i should have been home yesterday, yesterday.country road, take me hometo the place i belong,west virginia, m

ountain momma,take me home, country road.country road, take me hometo the place i belong,west virginia, mountain momma,take me home, country road.take me home, country road.take me home, country road.take me home, country road.take me home, country road这首本来是一首乡村音乐,酒吧里常能听到,但也有可能是REMIX版本的



你要的歌歌名Those were the days 原唱:Mary Hopkin 发行时间:1968年 简介:Mary Hopkin是Paul McCartney(甲壳虫成员)带的漂亮女徒弟,但她并不只是一个花瓶她的歌曲正如Mary Hopkin本人的美貌一般:优美、典雅、贴近人心“Those were the days”是她最广为传颂的一首经典之作,并被多次翻唱、以及被众多Live选为曲目“Que Sera Sera”一曲也广为流传,其歌词:“Whatever will be, will be;The future's not ours to see.Que sera, sera, What will be, will be……”更是家喻户晓 歌词:Once upon a time there was a tavern,where we used to raise a glass or two remember how we laughed away the hours,and dreamed of all the great things we would do?Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end,we'd sing and dance forever and a day,we'd live the life we choose, we'd fight and never lose。

for we were young, and sure to have our way,La la la la la la Then the busy years went rushing by us,we lost our starry notion on the way,if by chance I'd see you in the tavern,we'd smile at one another, and we'd say...,REPEAT:Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end,we'd sing and dance forever and a day,we'd live the life we choose, we'd fight and never lose。

for those were the days ,oh,yes,Those were the days La la la la la la Just tonight I stood before the tavern,nothing was the way it used to be in the glass I saw a strange reflection,was that lonely woman really me?REPEAT:Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end,we'd sing and dance forever and a day,we'd live the life we choose, we'd fight and never lose。

those were the days ,oh,yes,Those were the days La la la la la la Through the door there came familiar laughter,I saw your face and heard you call my name.oh, my friend we're older but no wiser,for in our hearts, the dreams are still the same.REPEAT:Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end,we'd sing and dance forever and a day,we'd live the life we choose, we'd fight and never lose。

those were the days ,oh,yes,Those were the days La la la la la la


问题问的是“怎么念”哦……那单麦:Yamazaki:亚麻仨可以;Glenfiddich:哥懒肥 弟弃;Ardbeg:阿尔的被各;Speyside:四杯塞得;Bowmore:薄欧沫儿;Talisker:塔里死磕儿;Balvenie:巴儿微你;Laphroaig:勒夫若一个;Macallan:么开冷混麦:Bourbon:拨儿笨;Chivas Regal:妻娃死 锐意狗;Jack Daniels:接客 丹妮怄死Dewar's:嘀我而死;Black Label:布莱克 雷柏偶;Red Label:锐的 雷柏偶;Green Label:哥如因 雷柏偶;鸡尾:Martini:马儿踢你;Lychee Martini:戾气马儿踢你;Margarita: 马二哥瑞塔;Tequila Sunrise:他刻意啦 桑乳爱死;Mojito:摸黑抖;Long Island Iced tea:郎爱懒得艾斯替;White Russian:外特挼身;Black Russian:布莱克挼身;Bloody Mary:布拉迪卖睿翼;基酒 / 力娇大类:Liqueur:力Q儿;Rum:乳盎母;Tequila:他刻意啦;Gin:进;Whisky:威丝各异;Vodka:仏得卡;Brandy:不如暗地;一般基酒:Bacardi: 扒卡尔迪;Grey Goose:格瑞 固死;Bailey's:杯里死;Kahlua:卡路阿;Triple Sec:吹一破塞克;Cointreau:狂臭;Bols:薄殴死;Dita:滴塔;Soho:嗖吼;Malibu:麻利不;Absolute:爱不搜路特;啤:Budweiser:巴的卫衣瑟尔;Bud Light:巴的赖特;Heineken:黑衣你肯;Corona:可若那;Hoegaarden:后伽儿扥;Carlsberg:咖儿欧死博尔格;Tsingtao:清涛;(普通话你就败了)Yanjing:阉劲;(普通话你就败了)Guinness:哥一你死;


peerless TheSoundOfSilence LOVING YOU这个歌真的太棒了,听不腻的,那个张靓颖不是唱过吗!海豚音啊!!我好喜欢的英文:Loving you is easy 'cause you're beautifull, and making love with youis all I wanna do. Loving you is more then just a dream come true, and everything that I do,is out of loving you. la la la la la, la la la la la.... 中文:爱你很容易,因为你很美丽我只想与你恋爱爱你不单单只是梦想成真因为我做的所有事都是出于爱你

