



l)for example强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。如:

Many people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee.这里有许多人,例如约翰很喜欢喝咖啡。

There are many kinds of pollution, for example, noise is a kind of pollution.有许多种污染方式,例如噪音就是一种污染。

2)such as用来“罗列”同类人或物中的几个例子,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,但其后边不能用逗号。如:

Many of the English programmes are well received, such as Follow Me, Follow Me to Science . 其中有许多英语节目,如《跟我学》《跟我学科学》,就很受欢迎。

English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and so on.许多国家说英语,如澳大利亚加拿大等。


每写一个句子都要遵循三大句型:1--主-谓-(宾)句型;2--主-系-表句型;3--There be + 主句型。

1. I study hard. 我努力学习。

(主-谓-状)2. I study English. 我学习英语。

(主-谓-宾)3. I am a teacher in a school. 我是一个学校的老师。

(主-系-表-状)4. There are fifty students in our class.我们班有50个学生。

(There be 句型)句子中,主谓宾表是主要成分,定状补是次要成分,也是修饰成分。

追问: 什么是主谓宾啊?定补状?怎么排? 回答: 与汉语一样,每说一句话,就有谁,做什么。


I want to study English. 主-谓-宾主语是一个句子的主体部分,说明动作的主体;谓语是主语发出的动作;宾语是承受动作的对象。


如:That interesting text made me very happy in writing on Monday afternoon. 定 主 谓 宾 宾 补 状 状你试着理解一下,如有问题,再说。

追问: 我基础跟差,我还想问怎么排列?什么排在前面?什么排在后面?


直宾一般不是人 the book will show you what you want to knowI have found out for a short time all the tickets for the concert have been sold out.the study shows almost 100 students do not like Chinese , that 50 students do not like math, and that 80 students do not like history都是自己敲的 望采纳


大致上没有什麽问题,不过要注意:1. have died of hunger (完成式have died, hunger名词)不过我觉得你这句用are dying of hunger最好。

2. 如楼上说的 这里用while (或者whereas, 更强烈一点) 比on the contrary 或 in contrast 都要来得合适。

(我没有把握一定只能这样) (用while 或whereas的话后面不用跟逗号)因为你要表达的是一件事情的两面("转折"),不是两件完全独立的相反事件。

另外 一个小小的叮咛:on the contrary, in contrast 还有however 都不能拿来连接两个完整的句子,所以你可以把前后两句分开 或者是用分号: (我们中文里面没有这个规则 也很少用分号)People in mounting numbers are wasting food; on the contrary,a sea of people are dying of hunger.写得很长,希望对你有帮助!加油!!


答案是:主语+谓语+状语 1.He studied very hard 2.主语+谓语+宾语 We visited the beautiful city last week.3.主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语My mother gave me a nice present yesterday .4. 主语+谓语+宾语+补语We must keep the classroom clean every day5. 主语+系动词+表语He was an honest boy6. there be+主语+状语There are many people in the park on weekends.

帮我举例 过去将来完成进行时的英语句子 我不要语法上的那个举例



比如说两个句子Your car is new. Mine is six years old. 可以用连接词连成一句话——Your car is new, but mine is six years old.也可以用分号改成一句话—— Your car is new; mine is six years old.再比如It is nearly half past five. We cannot reach town before dark. It is nearly half past five. We cannot reach town before dark. 可以用连接词连成一句话——It is nearly half past five.,and we cannot reach town before dark. 也可以用分号改成一句话—— It is nearly half past five;we cannot reach town before dark....


这项计划为来自印度及国外的研究者们提供了研究保护区内老虎的机会.x0d乍一看这个大长句子,把它翻译成英语简直是不敢想的事.可学过几年英语的中国人都会发现,上面这个句子中的单词其实都不难,其实都是中国高中甚至初中里就学过的单词,可就是不知道该怎样把这些单词放在一起组成一个英语大句子.下面就请你跟随我做一个叫做积木式英语造句法的游戏,这个游戏做完了,以上大句子不知不觉就翻译成英语了,请相信我,跟我来吧.x0d首先,把以下五个小零件翻译出来,这一定很简单,它们是:x0d第一个零件:这项计划提供机会,翻成英语是x0dThis plan provided opportunities.x0d第二个零件:为研究者,翻成英语是x0dfor researchers.x0d第三个零件:从印度和外国来的,翻成英语是x0dfrom India and abroad.x0d第四个零件:研究老虎,翻成英语是x0dto study tigers.x0d第五个零件:在保护区里,翻成英语是x0din the reserves.x0d把以上五个零件翻译成英语绝对简单得一塌糊涂,但你是否相信,前面那个大句子就是由这五个小零件连接起来组成的.如果把前面那个大句子比喻成一个十分复杂的房子,这五个零件就是组成这个大房子的最简单零件,如门、窗、地板、天棚等,它们是组成英语句子的标准件.不知道房子的标准件,要想盖一个房子便无从下手,而如果不知道英语句子的标准件,面对一个句子也无从下手.反之,如果知道了门、窗、地板、天棚等房子的标准件,盖什么房子就都不难,拿来标准件组合就是了;同样,如果知道了英语句子的标准件,就造什么句子都不难了,拿来一个大句子,把它拆成几个简单的标准件,把标准件翻译出来之后再连接起来,瞬间就组合出了英语的大句子.不信的话,就请你把上面的5个零件顺序连接起来,看看会是什么,那就是:x0dThis plant provided opportunitiesx0dfor researchersfromIndiaand abroadto study tigersx0din the reserves.x0d这就是本文开头那个吓人的大句子,简单而容易地造出来了.如果你到现在还没明白这个游戏,我就把上面这个句子分成5行再写一遍,看你清楚不清楚:x0dThis plant provided opportunitiesx0dfor researchersfromIndiaand abroadto study tigersx0din the reserves.x0d各位看官看明白了吧,我今天要透露给你的造句诀窍,就是英语造句的造句零件,用造句零件来思考英语造句,就会化整为零,化复杂为简单,再难的英语句子也成了纸老虎,x0d以上这种把复杂句子拆成标准件,又把标准件一个一个连起来的造句方法就叫积木式英语造句法,它的过程就像搭积木一样,既简单又好玩,不知不觉就搞出个大句子.有位看官说了,用句子零件来造句的方法是好,可是句子零件有多少,我们怎么来认识它们呢?这回你可问对人了,听我下面回答你:英语句子的造句零件一共有18个,个个好学又简单,小学生绝对可以学会,比如上面的5个零件吧,其实仅是最简单的3个零件,第一行零件叫主谓宾零件,第二、三、五行都是介词短语零件,第四行零件叫to v零件(注意呦,它可不叫不定式,不定式是一个历史性的翻译错误).这几个零件可简单得不能再简单了吧,谁要敢说学不会都不好意思给别人打招呼了.x0d有位看官问了,英语造句不是要学会用英语来造句吗,怎么用汉语句子来翻译成英语句子呢?这点你还真别不服,只要你的汉语讲得呱呱叫,你的英语造句还真就得从汉语翻译开始,翻着翻着就熟练了,逐渐就可以直接用英语造句了,英语造句不就自然成了吗?从这一点上来说,汉语是帮助你学会英语的,有汉语的帮助,再有了句子零件的认识,你一下子就可以学会上面这么复杂的英语造句,有近路干嘛不走?


会分析句子结构么 一般讲简单句中只有一套主谓 非谓语在句子中不能做谓语是因为人家有谓语了= =...复合句并列句神马的同理可得..举个例子来看哈 The smiling waiter said, "You are welcome."这句话中said是谓语 smiling是非谓语做waiter的定语 这样自己体会一下的说..至于形式神马的就是另一个问题了= =...


英语语法——分词作状语1. 分词作状语实际把状语从句简化。


While he was reading the book, he nodded from time to time. ----Reading the book, he nodded from time to time. Because he was shy, he didn't come to the party. ----Being shy, he didn't come to the party. As the book is written in simple English, the book is easy to read. ----Written in simple English, the book is easy to read. 2. 分词作状语时可分为以下几种形式:* doing : 用来表示主动,且前后动作同时进行。

Returning home later, my friend learned that the police had been to the flat.* having done: 用来表示主动,且动作发生在主句之前。

Having seen the film before, I decided not to see it again.* being done: 用来表示被动,且前后动作同时进行。

Being questioned by the police, he felt frightened.* done: 用来表示被动且完成 Destroyed in the storm, the house will be rebuilt.* having been done: 用来表示被动,而且强调动作持续 一段时间或次数。

Having been defeated three times, he had to give up.* 否定形式: not/ never + 分词结构 Not studying hard, he didn't pass the test.Never having taken a plane before, he was nervous.3. 分词作状语如果前后主语一致可简化时间、条件、原因、结果和伴随等状


(条件) If you work harder, you will do better in the exam next time. ---- Working hard, you will do better in the exam next time. (时间) After I did my homework, I went back home. ----Having done my homework, I went back home. (伴随) He hurried to the station and hoped to catch the last train.---- He hurried to the station, hoping to catch the last train.。

(原因) Because my friend was frightened of losing his job, he said nothing to the police. ----Frightened of losing his job, my friend said nothing to the police. (结果) His parents were killed in the SARS epidemic and left him an orphan. ---- His parents were killed in the SARS epidemic, leaving him an orphan.注意: 分词不做目的状语,只有动词不定式可以。

To get high marks in the mid-exam, he cheated.To be listed on the top of 500 largest enterprises in the world, a company should meet the following requirements.Not to forget the key points, he wrote them down.Exercises:1. The plane crashed and killed 120 lives. --The plane crashed, killing120 lives.2. I suffered a headache yesterday, so I wasn't in a good mood. --Suffering from a headache yesterday, I wasn't in a good mood.3. When I saw them, I went down to meet them. --Seeing them, I went down to meet them.4. Because he has lived in Beijing for many years, he knows the city very well. --Having lived in Beijing for many years, he knows the city very well.5. Because it is recorded on the tape, the dictionary is available to the blind.n Recorded on the tape, the dictionary is available to the blind.n 6. As I was troubled by my conscience, I wrote a letter to the teacher counselor. -- Troubled by my conscience, I wrote a letter to the teacher counselor.7. When you are being spoken to, you should look at the other. --Being spoken to, you should look at the other.8. After Miss Zhong explained the text, it became clearer to us. --Explained by Miss Zhong , the text became clearer to us.4. 注意过去分词作状语的用法: 一般认为, 无论在从句中的动词是被动语态还是过去分词作形容词, 都直接用过去分词。

As he is tired, he wants to sit down and relax. --Tired, he wants to sit down and relax. As he is born and brought up in a big city, h

e knows nothing about farming. --Born and brought up in a big city, he knows nothing about farming. He came in to the room and he was very excited.--He came in, excited.As he was filled with confidence, he left a good impression on the interviewers.--Filled with confidence, he left a good impression on … He is walking along the street and a sorry-looking dog is following him. ---He is walking along the street, followed by a sorry-looking dog.If we see the earth from the moon, it looks like a water ball. ----Seen from the moon, the earth looks like a water ball. 5.当状语从句中的动作发生的时间早于主句的动作, 分词短语可用having+ 过去分词完成形式,(一般用于时间和原因), 但注意下例动词可不用以上结构. (know, hear, see, arrive, learn等) Not knowing where he was, I had to go alone. Learning that he won't come, I don't what to do. Hearing the sad news, I felt disappointed. Arriving at the station, I found the last train gone. 6. 为了便于理解, 有些连词可仍然放在分词短语的前面. 1. While going to school, I met my former classmate. 2. Once seen, it won't be forgotten. 3. Though tired, he is still in high spirits. 4. If heated, the metal expands. 6. If playing all day, you will waste your valuable ...

