


1.I have answered the quesion .

2.The quesipn has been solved .

3.Computer has been invited for many years.

4.Have you been to the USA?

5.He has gone to home.

6.My mother has been to Canada.

7.Sally has just moved to our town.

8.I have studied English for 10years.

9.Our schoold has been built since 1864.

10.Your sister has gone to USA


1.I have answered the quesion .2.The quesipn has been solved .3.Computer has been invited for many years. 4.Have you been to the USA? 5.He has gone to home.6.My mother has been to Canada.7.Sally has just moved to our town.8.I have studied English for 10years.9.Our schoold has been built since 1864.10.Your sister has gone to USA



现在完成时的结构;助动词have /has + 动词的过去分词。

He has been to Beijing.I have had supper .He has read the book.She has finished her homework.Jim has done his homework.He has finished the work.We have been friends for ten years.He has taught in this school for two years .The fish has been dead for three hours .The dog has eaten the food .They have gone home .


现在完成时 1.He has been here for five days2.He has lived here since 1980.3.I have already read the book.4.He hasn't read the bopk yet.5.I have just read the book.6.Have you ever been to Beijing?7.So far,we have learned 10 English songs.8.We haven't seen each other for a long time.9.Great changes have taken place in my hometown for the past few years.10.They have seen the film for several times.













①I had finished my homework by the end of last month.②John had been a teacher before ten years .③Lily had lived here before Joe moved here.④I had finished reading before he shared the book with me.⑤I had been there twice before you went with me.⑥He had known the rich man before last term.⑦ Gina had been in love with him by the end if last month.⑧ Lisa had made friends with Jim before I introduced Jim to her.⑨She had known everything before that.⑩I had been there by the end of last year.以上是我自己造的过去完成时的句子。


1、I mean, the message has to be very, very clear as to what government will be doing. 翻译:我是说,政府将要采取什么措施必须非常非常明确和清楚。

2、They will be doing it for us, and our morbidly projected fears for our own bodies. 翻译:他们会为了我们,也会为了我们对自己身体的病态恐惧而继续这样做下去。

3、The optimist expects precise quantitative measures of what everyone in the process will be doing. 翻译:乐观主义者期待着,对于流程里面的每个人所做的事情有着精确的量化手段。

4、"We were told that we will

be doing the same thing, just with a different name and a different office, " says one staffer. 翻译:我们得知,我们要做的是同样的事情,只不过是用的刊名和办公室不一样罢了。

5、The “Create” link is more important because that's what the user will be doing most of the time. 翻译:这个“创建”的链接更重要一些,因为是用户大部分时间会去用的操作。

6、All I know is that I will be doing something I enjoy.翻译:我只知道我将要做一些我真正喜欢的事。

7、But we will be doing fine as long as we educate people, remain innovative, and so on. 翻译:不过我们会做的很好,只要我们教育人民,保持创新,如此等等。

8、But that is

what he will be doing as the main trade official in the Obama administration if confirmed by the Senate.翻译:但一旦获得参议院确认,柯克将成为奥巴马政府的一位重要贸易官员9、In fact, the kind of demonstration you and I will be doing today, you can derive it, but it's very strongly temperature-dependent.翻译:事实上,我们今天做的,实验,你自己也可以做,但是温度对它的影响很大。

10、Other entertainers including Denzel Washington and Queen Latifah will be doing historical readings. 翻译:其他明星还包括丹泽尔·华盛顿和奎因-拉蒂法也将见证这一历史时刻。

11、Mercury retrograde wants to help you get all sorts of things corrected, so you will be doing the right thing no matter what you do. 翻译:水逆会帮助你正确处理各种事务,所以不管做什么都行。

12、We can now say with some confidence that Washington will be doing nothing more to help the ailing economy.翻译:现在我们已经可以有点把握地说,美国政府将不会做出更多努力,来帮助陷入困境的经济。

13、Trust me, everyone will be doing it in years to come.Well... as soon as we all find another site to join and replace it, at least. 翻译:相信我,所有人在未来几年都会做相同的事,至少……当我们全都发现并加入另一个取而代之的网站时就会这样。

14、What we will be doing with triggers is facilitating the overdraft protection that some banks offer. 翻译:我们将要做的是,运用触发器来促进银行提供的透支保护15、We will be doing this soon. 翻译:我们将很快完成这一任务。


一般将来时:1) I will go to BeiJing tomorrow.2) Tom will come to my home at 3PM.3) England will play against France tomorrow.4) I will come back to school in September.5) Professor Wang will give us a presentation later.6) I will visit you next month.7) What will happen in the following week?8) What will you do tomorrow?9) Where will you play basketball next time?10) Who will come here tomorrow?现在进行时:1) It is raining now.2) I am having lunch now.3) Jim is playing basketball with his friends on the ground.4) We are watching a new film at home.5) Alex is writing an article now.6) Lucy is reading newspaper.7) What is he doing now?8) I am drinking a cup of tea now.9) Who is doing the cleaning?10) Is he making lunch?


没那么多句,参考下这个一般现在时:I make love with her everyday. 一般过去时:I made love with her yesterday. 一般将来时:I will make love with her tomorrow. 现在进行时:I am making love with her 过去进行时:I was making love with her at this time yesterday 将来进行时:I will be making love with her at this time tomorrow 现在完成时:I have made love with her by now. 过去完成时:I had made love with her before yesterday. 将来完成时:I will have made love with her by tomorrow. 现在完成进行时:I have been making love with her for two hours. 过去完成进行时:I had been making love with her for two hours when her husband came in. 将来完成进行时:I will have been making love with her for two hours when her husband wakes up tomorrow morning.

already yet 各造15个现在完成时的句子

一、现在完成时15个含already的句子1. He's already been to the museum.2. I believe we've already met.3. I've already had lunch.4. Next July I'm going back to Hong Kong. I've booked the tickets already.5. The group has already given 10,000 jobs.6. 'Lunch?' 'No thanks, I've already eaten.'7. I've already done it.8. Have you eaten all that food already?9. She has already graduated.10. We've already agreed to wait.11. I've had tea already, thank you.12. He has already invited Dougal Haston.13. I've already told him. 14. As I have already mentioned, I doubt that we will able to raise all the money we need. 15. I think we've already had the best of the hot weather this summer.二、现在完成时15个含yet的句子1. Have you eaten yet?2. They haven't finished yet.3. No decision has yet been made.4. She hasn't yet set a date for her marriage.5. Have you seen him yet?6. Have you met my husband yet?7. I haven't received a letter from him yet.8. I haven't asked him yet .9. Has Edmund arrived yet?10. I haven't told anyone else yet.11. I haven't seen him yet. 12. Have you had your lunch yet? 13. Kim hasn't seen the film yet, so don't tell her how it ends.14. Have you told her yet that you're leaving? 15. Computer technology has not yet reached its peak.

