


关于cutting edge 最权威的解释




刃口, 刀刃



Cutting edge



the machine is cutting-edge。这机器是尖端的科技产品。



On the cutting edge或 at the cutting edge 最早出现在五十年代,它的字面意思是锐器的锋利的部位,现在最通常的隐喻义是处在最前沿的位置。例如Ever since it outlawed public school segregation in 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court has been on the cutting edge of civil rights advances.

类似的短语leading edge也属于这种隐喻用法,不过起先它的意思是指机翼或螺旋桨叶。

Cutting edge目前还在广泛使用,而leading edge则多少有点过时。如今可用来描述新概念,新款式和新产品的词汇实在太多了。

比如,bleeding edge通常描述有一定风险的新生事物,如可能带来经济灾难或只是昙花一现的新事物。下面的一段解释就可以反映出"风险"的意

思 "Leading Edge or Bleeding Edge: Staying at the forefront of technological innovation without going overboard......Working on the edge of technological innovation can be a difficult balancing act" 。Bleeding edge 大约在20年前在句子 "Environmental management is an organization that addresses change and manages that change so the DP community can be state of the art without being the 'bleeding edge'" 第一次出现,如今通常用它来指电脑技术。

形容词edgy 也有 on the cutting edge的意思,尽管它的内涵是大胆创新,不过它不像bleeding edge那样显得颇具风险。例如 "Crisp, edgy and sometimes startlingly raunchy style...the chuckles keep coming like poisoned darts." .

也许"bleeding edge", "edgy" 很快就会像 "leading edge"一样成为过时的用法, "cutting edge" 成为它们当中寿命最长的短语。

...the dinner, at the same time, I am also cutting the apples for Erik.这个...

不可以,这里是一个谓语动词根据主语是第三人称单数,应该加上sif his hair needs cutting ,he will go to the barber'sneed 也可作为情态动词,所以有人会考虑这里用need 原形但它的用法是 need do sth没有need doing 的用法,所以这里不是情态动词这里是实义动词: need doing =need to be done 用need + ving 表示被动。



Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!You shouldn't have done that! 你真不应该那样做!You're a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!Don't talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?What's your problem? 你怎么回事啊?I hate you! 我讨厌你!I don't want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!You're crazy! 你疯了!Don't bother me. 别烦我。

Knock it off. 少来这一套。

What's the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?How dare you! 你敢!Cut it out. 省省吧。

You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。


金属切削 metal cutting机床 machine tool金属工艺学 technology of metals刀具 cutter摩擦 friction联结 link传动 drive/transmission轴 shaft最佳答案检举 机械制图汉英对照(单词长的常用缩写): 设计:DESIGNER / DESIGNED 日期:DATE 绘图:DRAWN / DRN.BY 标准化:STANDARD 审核:REVIEWED/CHECKED/CHK 工艺:PROCESS 批准:APPROVED /APV'D BY 图号:DRAWING NO./ PART NO. 名称:DESCRIPTION 材料:MATERIAL 图幅:SIZE 比例: SCALE未注公差:GENERAL TOLERANCE 未注倒角:CHAMFERS NOT DIM. 热处理/表面处理:THERMAL/ SURFACE FINISH 版本号:REVISION/REV. 工程变更号:E.C.N. 页码:SHEET 明细表英汉对照: 顺号:ITEM 数量:QUANTITY/QTY. 备注:REMARKS 技术要求:NOTES 弹性 elasticity频率特性 frequency characteristic误差 error响应 response定位 allocation机床夹具 jig动力学 dynamic运动学 kinematic静力学 static分析力学 analyse mechanics拉伸 pulling压缩 hitting剪切 shear扭转 twist弯曲应力 bending stress强度 intensity三相交流电 three-phase AC磁路 magnetic circles变压器 transformer异步电动机 asynchronous motor几何形状 geometrical精度 precision正弦形的 sinusoid交流电路 AC circuit机械加工余量 machining allowance变形力 deforming force变形 deformation应力 stress硬度 rigidity热处理 heat treatment退火 anneal正火 normalizing脱碳 decarburization渗碳 carburization电路 circuit半导体元件 semiconductor element反馈 feedback发生器 generator直流电源 DC electrical source门电路 gate circuit逻辑代数 logic algebra外圆磨削 external grinding内圆磨削 internal grinding平面磨削 plane grinding变速箱 gearbox离合器 clutch绞孔 fraising绞刀 reamer螺纹加工 thread processing螺钉 screw铣削 mill铣刀 milling cutter功率 power工件 workpiece齿轮加工 gear mechining齿轮 gear主运动 main movement主运动方向 direction of main movement进给方向 direction of feed进给运动 feed movement合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting切削深度 cutting depth前刀面 rake face刀尖 nose of tool前角 rake angle后角 clearance angle龙门刨削 planing主轴 spindle主轴箱 headstock卡盘 chuck加工中心 machining center车刀 lathe tool车床 lathe钻削 镗削 bore车削 turning磨床 grinder基准 benchmark钳工 locksmith锻 forge压模 stamping焊 weld拉床 broaching machine拉孔 broaching装配 assembling铸造 found流体动力学 fluid dynamics流体力学 fluid mechanics加工 machining液压 hydraulic pressure切线 tangent机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性 stability介质 medium液压驱动泵 fluid clutch液压泵 hydraulic pump阀门 valve失效 invalidation强度 intensity载荷 load应力 stress安全系数 safty factor可靠性 reliability螺纹 thread螺旋 helix键 spline销 pin滚动轴承 rolling bearing滑动轴承 sliding bearing弹簧 spring制动器 arrester brake十字结联轴节 crosshead联轴器 coupling链 chain皮带 strap精加工 finish machining粗加工 rough machining变速箱体 gearbox casing腐蚀 rust氧化 oxidation磨损 wear耐用度 durability随机信号 random signal离散信号 discrete signal超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor集成电路 integrate circuit挡板 orifice plate残余应力 residual stress套筒 sleeve扭力 torsion冷加工 cold machining电动机 electromotor汽缸 cylinder过盈配合 interference fit热加工 hotwork摄像头 CCD camera倒角 rounding chamfer优化设计 optimal design工业造型设计 industrial moulding design有限元 finite element滚齿 hobbing插齿 gear shaping伺服电机 actuating motor铣床 milling machine钻床 drill machine镗床 boring machine步进电机 stepper motor丝杠 screw rod导轨 lead rail组件 subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器 Programmable Logic Controller PLC电火花加工 electric spark machining电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting相图 phase diagram热处理 heat treatment固态相变 solid state phase changes有色金属 nonferrous metal陶瓷 ceramics合成纤维 synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion车架 automotive chassis悬架 suspension转向器 redirector变速器 speed changer板料冲压 sheet metal parts孔加工 spot facing machining车间 workshop工程技术人员 engineer气动夹紧 pneuma lock数学模型 mathematical model画法几何 descriptive geometry机械制图 Mechanical drawing投影 projection视图 view剖视图 profile c

hart标准件 standard component零件图 part drawing装配图 assembly drawing尺寸标注 size marking技术要求 technical requirements刚度 rigidity内力 internal force位移 displacement截面 section疲劳极限 fatigue limit断裂 fracture塑性变形 plastic distortion脆性材...

划出句子中的错误,把正确答案写在括号里: Look, the girl is cuting ...

. People make knives for cutting things; Mrs. Chen asked you to finish your homework.Water is being carried by the students.The man was caught yesterday afternoon。

--> Someone caught the man yesterday afternoon.Was the man caught yesterday afternon?--> Did someone catch the man yesterday afternoon。

-->?The man wasnt't caught yesterday afternoon。

--> Someone didn't catch the man yesterday afternoon.The cards were made by our teacher yestery; The teacher is explaining the question.You were asked to finsh your homework by Mrs,Chen。

-->Is football played all over the world. Knives are made for cutting things.-->Do people play football all over the world; The students are carrying water.The question is being explained by the teacher。

--> Our teacher made the cards yesterday。



1.It seems that everyone knows him. 2.Unless we protect the rare animals,they may die out.3.The invention of word is considered to be the culture's beginning. 4.Because of over-cuting by human beings,many trees have gone.5.It is a well known fact that protecting environment is protecting ourselves. 6.Many animals are in danger of dying out. 7.To be honest,I'm too anxious to go to school.8.Hearing his words,she's very unhappy.9.After the accident,he become more careful. 10.I was able to arrive here on time with the car's speedinf up. 11.Some people go to work by car for convenience. 12.He takes up so much of the place. 13.Born into a poor family,he earns his living at the age of 13.14.She's so thin that she gets ill as if she were a branch.The project are carried out where lack of water. 16.Students' duty is concentrate on study. 17.In the meanwhile our future can only depend on our study. 18.It is a bad way that will affect people's life.19.He was very grateful to her for what she had guided for him and treated her as his teacher.

