



1.S S + V + adverbial S + Vi+ prep Phrase(介词短语)

He went on holiday.

3) S + Vi+ Infinitive S + Vi+ Participle S + VT + N/Pron

I like music.

I like her.

2) S + VT + infinitive S + VT + Wh-Word + Infinitive

I don't know what to do.

常用于这句型的动词有:ask, consider, decide, discover, explain, find out, forget, guess, inquire, know, learn, observe, remember, see, settle, tell, think, understand, wonder等。

4) S + VT + Gerund

I enjoy living here.

常用于这句型的动词有:admit, advise, avoid, consider, defend, enjoy, excuse, finish, forbid, mind, miss, practise, risk, suggest, give up, can't help等。

5) S + VT + That-clause

I don't think he is right.

常用于这句型的动词有:Admit, believe, command, confess, declare, demand, deny, doubt, expect, explain, feel表感官的动词,feel, smell, taste, sound, look, appear, seem 等。2) 表转变变化的动词,become, get, grow, turn, go,等。 3)表延续的动词 remain, keep, seem, hold, stay, rest等。4)表瞬时的动词 come, fall, set, cut, occur等 5)其他动词 eat, lie, prove, ring, run, shine, sit, stand, continue, hang等。

1) S + Lv + N/Pron S + Lv + Adj(形容词)

She is beautiful.

3) S + Lv + Adv S + Lv + Prep Phrase

He is in good health.

5) S + Lv + Participle S + VT + N/Pron + N

I sent him a book.

I bought May a book.

2) S + VT + N/Pron + To/for-phrase

He sent a book to me.

He bought a coat for me.

间接宾语前需要加to 的常用动词有:allow, bring, deny, do S + VT + N/Pron + N

We named our baby Tom.

常用于这句型的动词有:appoint, call, choose, elect, entitle, find, make, name, nominate S + VT + N/Pron + Adj

He painted the wall white.

常用于这句型的动词有:beat, boil, cut, drive, find, get, hold, keep, leave, like, make, paint, see, set, turn, want, wash, wipe, wish等。

3) S + VT + N/Pron + Prep Phrase

She always keeps everything in good order.

4) S + VT + N/Pron + Infinitive

I wish you to stay.

I made him work

常用于这句型的动词有:a)不定式带to的词:advice, allow, ask, beg, cause, choose, command, decide, encourage, expect, force, get, hate, invite, know, leave, like, love, order, permit, persuade, prefer, remain, request, teach, tell, want, warn, wish等。b)不定式不带to的词:feel, have, hear, know, let, listen to, look at, make, notice, see, watch等。

5) S + VT + N/Pron + Participle S + VT + N/Pron + Wh-word + Infinitive

He show me how to do it.

常用于这句型的动词有:advise, ask, inform, show, teach, tell等。

7) S + VT + N/Pron + That-clause

He told me that the film was great.

常用于这句型的动词有:assure, inform, pro

mise, remind, teach, tell, warm等。

8) S + VT + N/Pron + Wh-Clause

He asked me what he should do.

常用于这句型的动词有:Advise, ask, inform, show, teach, tell.




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(2%) I、选出你所听到的单词或短语。

(听两遍) ( )1.A.bags B.box C.boxes ...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费软件 下载:40 推荐程度: 『七年级英语』新目标英语七年级下UNIT2试题 ·一.Complete the words according to the sentences and the first letters of the words. 根...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费软件 下载:55 推荐程度: 『七年级英语』七年级下学期英语期中考试卷 ·听力部分(20分) 一,听句子,选择你所听到的单词.(5分) 1. A. shopping...七,完成句子,请根据所给的汉语完成英文句子,每空限填一词.(分) 1.有许多人在那儿...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费软件 下载:23 推荐程度: 『七年级英语』新目标英语七年级下复习资料 ·◆Unit 1.Wheres the post office 目标语言:ask for and give directions on the street 重点句型:Is ...在...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费软件 下载:72 推荐程度: 『七年级英语』七年级下学期英语Unit4-Six复习练习 ·五,将下列句子译成英语:(20) 1, 她的笔友Sam来自美国. __ 2,Tom 在日本有许多笔友. _______ 3,我最...七年级英语下Unit Seven单元测试题 一...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费软件 下载:24 推荐程度: 『七年级英语』新目标英语七年级下单元练习题 ·I. 语音.(5分) 选择下面各组单词划线部分的发音情况:A 一种 B 两种 C 三种 D 四种 ( ) 1. post phone across welcome 2. b...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费软件 下载:29 推荐程度: 『七年级英语』外研版英语七年级下学期期中笔试试卷 ·七.作文.(10分) "五一"假期(May Day)就快到了, 写一篇不少于50字的短文,介绍你和你的家人或朋友的假期活动...外研版英语七年级下学期期中笔试试卷2006.4 ★★...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费软件 下载:21 推荐程度: 『七年级英语』七年级下学期英语期中考试卷 ·满分100分 时间 90分钟 听力部分(15%) 一,选出你听到的句子 1. A. where is your pen pal from B. ...七.根据信息卡回答问题. (5...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费软件 下载:8 推荐程度: 『七年级英语』新目标英语七年级下单元过关练习题(unit1上.. ·I. 语音.(5分) 选择下面各组单词划线部分的发音情况:A 一种 B 两种 C 三种 D 四种 ( ) 1. post phone across welcome 2.


1. What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six thirty. 2. That's a funny time for breakfast. 3. When do students usually eat dinner? They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening. 4. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games. 5. At twelve, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch.. 6. She knows it's not good for her, but it tastes good. 7. Here are your clothes.


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...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-03-30 15:20:05 新目标初中英语七年级下全英教案[七年英语教案] 《新目标初中英语》qixiacejiaoanUnit1Whereisyourpenpalfrom?Teac

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教学过程是用探究、体验、参与的方式让学生掌握语法“一...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-24 12:20:23 外研七下Module 1 School Life全模块教案[七年英语教案] Module1Unitone1.教材分析:本单元以Schoollife为话题,经过一篇交流学生所写的文章的学习后,使学生了解英国校园生活的一些基本情况及中英两国校园生活的不同之处;学习并能运用表示校园设施的一些基本词汇(wordpower);在初中初步了解定语从句的基础上进一步学习定语从句的基本概念及关系代词'which,that,,who,whom,who...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-24 11:57:45 NSE 7B教案 Module 1[七年英语教案] NSE7BModule1Peopleandplaces一.教材内容分析本模块以旅游为话题,运用现在进行时态介绍世界各地的时差,并且让学生了解在不同的时间,不同的国家人们做些什么事情.是学生感兴趣的话题.教学中应结合学生实际情况,灵活调整教学内容(或增加,或删除,或前后调整),合理设置课时。







