



I see the light, touch the light 我已经得到了我所寻找的光明 We're together now 我们终于站在一起了Look to the skies, give me life 天空使我重生了 Hypnotized by drums 我们沉迷于鼓点的节奏中 Until forever comes 直到永恒来临之际 You'll find us chasing the sun 你会发现我们正在追逐光明They said this day wouldn't come 他们说这一天不会到来 We refused to run 于是停下了脚步 We've only just begun 这只是开始 But we can all agree that我们欣然接受Cause we come from everywhere我们来自四海八方We look perfect to me我们都是最适合彼此的

冰川时代4 经典台词 英文

但愿如此不然的话被活吞的就是你You'd better, unless you want toserve as a replacement.我们去“半峰”山去那儿会合We'll go up to Half Peak. Meet us there.最好把他活着带来It had better be alive.能完成这任务吗


Can we trust you with that, Diego?我们走

Let's go.她看见我肩上的那根毛就说如果你找别的女伴风流She picked a hair off my shoulder and says,lf you have an extra mating dance,至少找一个毛的颜色相同的at least pick a femalewith the same color pelt.我想“完了”我要成她的盘中餐了I thought Whoa. She's gonna gopraying mantis on me.如果你有了配偶就该对她忠诚,你很幸运了If you find a mate, you should be loyal.In your case, grateful.你给我走开一辈子守着一个太蠢了- Now get away from me.- I think mating for life is stupid.那也太亏了我这“能干”的希德There's plenty of Sid to go around.曼尼


Manny?快瞧啊,他没事Look at that. He's OK.他妈妈不见了She's gone.你是不是忘了什么

- Manny, are you forgetting something?- No.可…可你刚救了他可上次救的那个我还没甩掉呢- But you just saved him.- I'm trying to get rid of the last thing I saved.你不能把他留在这儿But you can't leave him here.瞧,有烟他的那群人在山上Look, there's smoke.That's his herd right up the hill.我们把他送回去我跟你说白了吧,根本没有“我们”- We should return him.- Let's get this straight. There is no we.


Sid: For a second there, I actually thought you were gonna eat me. Diego: I don't eat junk food. 有一会儿我真的以为你要吃我我不吃垃圾食品Manfred: You're an embarrassment to Nature. Ya know that? 你的存在让大自然尴尬。


My claws are buring ,bady,I get tip-toes,tip-toes....我的爪子在燃烧(我跑的很快,宝贝儿),我有很好的脚趾(我的脚太厉害了)(这一句是老虎和羚羊都说过的,炫耀自己跑得快。

)Hasta la vista,baby.再见了,宝贝。





这是第三部的: 猛犸象曼尼:The baby's coming, the baby's coming, I'm having a baby! 树獭希德:You take care of your brother now, mama's going to be right back! Mama's coming, BABY!! 树獭希德:I'm a single mother with three kids, I could use a little compassion. 树獭希德:How do I know she's their mother?猛犸象曼尼:What do you want? A birth certificate!? 猛犸象曼尼:We need something short and punchy, like a... peachs. 猛犸象曼尼:I love peachs, they are sweet and round and fuzzy, just like you.艾丽:You think I'm round

冰河世纪1 歌舞青春1 中的诗句经典台词 每部十句 英文中文都要


So,where's Eddie?B:啊,他说他好像发现了什么突破性的进化原理之类的东西。

He said he was on the vergeof an evolutionary breakrhrough.(远处岩石上一只乌龟往下跳...)C:噢,我在飞~~~~~~Oh,I'm flying...(...掉到草丛里去了)A:还真有突破性。

Some breakthrough.2.Manny往迁徙队相反的方向走,一只张的很像长鼻子猪的动物(我真的不知道这是啥)抱怨,Manny:如果我的鼻子像你这么小,是绝对不会站出来丢人现眼的

If my trunk was that small,I wouldn't draw attention to myself,pal.3.Sid被犀牛追杀,跑到Manny身后躲起来,Sid:别让他们戳我,拜托了!我不想死

Don't let them impale me.Please!I wanna live!Manny:闪开吧你

(甩开Sid)Get off me.4.Manny安慰即将被愤怒的犀牛撞死的Sid,Manny:认命吧你,早晚会有这么一天的。

Hey,buddy.If it's not them today,it's someone else tomerrow.Sid:可是我希望不是今天,好吗

Well,I'd rather it not be today.OK?5.Manny决定插手一下,Manny:好,听我说,你们谁要敢跨过那个洞,这树懒就是你们的。

OK,look,if either of you make it across that sinkhole in front of ya,you get the sloth.Sid:对


That's right,you losers.You take one step and you're dead.(说着扔了一块石头过去,但是石头滚过那个洞并没有沉下去,于是犀牛就不害怕了)Sid:你糊弄他们吗

You were bluffing,hun?Manny:对,是糊弄他们。

Yeah.That was a bluff.6.Manny对于Sid的花心十分不满Manny:嘿,如果有了一个终身配偶就应该老实一点,尤其是你这种长相。

Hey.If you find a mate,you should be loyal.In your case,grateful.7.Sid抱着小肉球在峭壁上爬..Sid:这是小case,我没事,我没事..我没..我要死了...This is cake.I'm fine,I'm fine..I'm..I'm gonna die.8.Diego想带走小肉球,Sid说这是我们的小肉球...Diego:“我们”


US?You two are a bit of an odd couple.Manny:这儿没有“我们”

There is no US!Diego继续自言自语:我懂了,你们生不出来,所以用领养的。

I see.Can't have one of your own,so you want to adopt.9.Diego哄小肉球,结果小肉球哭的更厉害了...Diego:好了,你让他看着我。

Turn him towards me.Diego:小肉球在哪里


Where is the baby?There he is!Diego:小肉球在哪里


Where is the baby?There he is!(小肉球哭的更厉害了)Manny把Diego打到一边去:够了


Stop it.You're scaring him.10.豆豆鸟的首领不小心把西瓜滚出去了豆豆鸟首领:把西瓜抢回来,先锋豆豆鸟,进攻

Retrieve the melon.Tae kwon dodos,attack!抢着抢着,西瓜掉到悬崖底下去了,一堆豆豆鸟追着西瓜都摔下去了...一只豆豆鸟:我们唯一的母鸟死了。

There goes our last female.11.Manny他们在冰洞里滑冰的那一段完了之后,Diego从雪堆里蹦出来,兴奋地大喊,Diego:哇


Whoa!Yeah.Who's up for round two?(Manny和Sid瞪着他)Diego:呃,叫,叫,叫小肉球小心点嘛。

Tell,tell,tell the kid to be more careful.12.Sid拿雪人骗想吃小肉球的剑齿虎..Sid:抱歉,虎哥,食用前记得先解冻哦

Sorry,fellas.He got a litte frostbite!


1、为什么你们活的快乐 。


Why do you live happy. Because we QueXinYan. 2、奶奶对两只老虎说:千万别再我面前接吻,我会吐的~Grandma to two tiger said: don't again before I kiss, I will vomit ~ 3、妈妈对桃子说:别为别人改变自己。

Mother to peach say: don't change yourself for others. 4、奶奶会活得比我们长的,因为人至贱则长命百岁~~哈哈

Grandma will live longer than us, because the person is to base the long life ~ ~ ha ha! 5、迪亚哥:我不认为你能行。

Django: I don't think you can do it. 6、如果我不幸遇难,就帮我找个老婆,帮我告诉她我爱他。

If I were killed, you can help me find a wife, help me tell her I love him.

冰川时代4经典英文台词(带翻译 5句)和大概内容

冰河世纪2 台词1嘿!好消息!我找到一条近路!Great news. I found a shortcut.2什么近路?就是走着要比走长路快- What do you mean, shortcut?- I mean faster than the long way around.3噢!我知道什么叫“近路”!I know what a shortcut is.4我们穿过去就能比人类先到“冰川道”不然就会错过他们Either we beat the humans to Glacier Passor we take the long way and miss 'em.5穿过那儿?你把我当什么了?Through there? What do you take me for?6明天这个时候你…就可以自由了This time tomorrow,you could be a free mammoth.7或继续做保姆玩“躲躲猫”我是不会腻的Or a nanny. I never get tired of peekaboo.8伙计们,瞧这个Guys. Guys. Check this out.9老虎找到一条近路Sid, the tiger found a shortcut.10不,谢谢,我想活命No, thanks. I choose life.11那我建议你最好还是走近路Then I suggest you take the shortcut.12你在威胁我吗?走,树懒!- Are you threatening me?- Move, sloth!13好样的,老虎Way to go, tiger.14快!快进去!Quick. Get inside.15好吧,那就走近路吧OK, I vote shortcut.16好了,伙计们,都跟紧些这儿很容易走丢Guys, stick together.It's easy to get lost in here.17呃…伙计们?Guys?18啊!小鱼儿A fish.19你跟上,行不行?看住一个宝宝已经够难的了Will you keep up, please?Hard enough to keep track of one baby.20我…抓住你了I gotcha.21船长,前方有冰山!Captain, iceberg ahead.22哦,不Oh, no.23谁想玩第二回合?Yeah. Who's up for round two?24叫…叫…叫孩子小心点Tell the kid to be more careful.25瞧,瞧,老虎,瞧啊Look, look. Tigers.26不,没事的,没事的瞧,老虎和羚羊在做游戏No, it's OK, it's OK. Look, the tigers are just playing tag with the antelope.27捉到摸一下,用牙摸来吧,希德,我们也来玩- With their teeth.- Come on, Sid, let's play tag.28你捉我You're it.29行啊…好吧,好吧哪儿画着树懒?Sure. OK, OK, OK, where are the sloths?30这上面怎么没画树懒?你们注意到吗?You never see any sloths.Have you ever noticed?31瞧,曼尼,一头毛象噢,我可真兴奋- Look, Manny, a mammoth.- Somebody pinch me.32嘿,嘿,这头胖的看上去可真象你Hey, hey, this fat one looks just like you.33噢,他有家庭And he's got a family.34他很幸福瞧,他在陪孩子玩And he's happy.Look, he's playing with his kid.35瞧,曼尼,这就是你的问题毛象应该象他们那样See? That's your problem.That's what mammoths are supposed to do.36找头母象…生一头毛象宝宝- Find a she-mmoth, have baby mammoths...37希德- Sid.38干嘛?闭嘴- What?- Shut up.39可…噢But...40噢,快瞧啊Would you look at that.41老虎没带错路这是“半峰山”The tiger actually did it. There's Half Peak.42下一站,冰川道Next stop, Glacier Pass.43我真不该怀疑你你听见吗,小家伙?- How could I ever have doubted you?- Did you hear that, little fella?44你快到家了You're almost home.45我的脚在冒汗你身体每出现一个反应- My feet are sweating.- Do we need a news flash46我们都得发布新闻?他要我们注意他- every time your body does something?- lgnore him.47是真的我的脚真的很烫!噢,噢Seriously. My feet are really hot.48是你的肚子在叫吧?Tell me that was your stomach.49嘘,我肯定是那是雷声I'm sure it was just thunder.50声音…来自…地下?From underground?51快,跟我一起跑Come on, keep up with me.52可你原地不动!I would if you were moving.53哇,但愿我也能跳成全你了!- I wish I could jump like that.- Wish granted.54快!跑快点!难道你没看到熔岩流吗?- Come on, move faster.- Have you noticed the river of lava?55抱紧他!Hold Pinky.56曼尼Manny.57曼尼,你没事吧?求你说点什么,什么都行Manny, Manny, Manny, you OK?Come on, come on, say something. Anything.58什么?什么?我听不清What? What? I can't hear you.59你站在我的鼻子上了You're standing on my trunk.60啊,你没事!你没事你为什么那么干?- You're OK. You're OK.- Why did you do that?61你冒死…救了我的命You could have died, trying to save me.62大家是一个集体That's what you do in a herd.63得互相照顾You look out for each other.64噢!谢谢Well, thanks.65不知你们怎么想,可我觉得我们这“集体”是最怪的I don't know about you guys,but we are the weirdest herd I've ever seen.66我的爪子都快等不及要撕烂那毛象了!I can't wait to getmy claws in that mammoth.67谁都不能碰那毛象除非我先得到…孩子!No one touches the mammoth until I get that baby.68首先,我要把那毛象撕开扯烂First, I'll slice its hindquarters into sections.69把白色肉放一堆,深色…嘿,别再说了!我饿坏了!- I'll put the white meat in one pile and...- Knock it off. I'm starving.70肩膀的肉…可能比较老但绝对多汁Next, the shoulders. Occasionally tough, but extremely juicy.71警告过你了,别再说了!省点力气吧!- I told you to knock it off.- Save your energy.72要杀毛象谈何容易Mammoths don't go down easy.73只有一个办法There's only one way to do it.74首先,得把他逼上死角First, you have to force it into a corner.75切断他的退路等你们三个把他困住Cut off its retreat.And when you three have it trapped,76我就咬断他的喉咙I'll go for the throat.77伙计们,别让孩子吹着风!Guys, we gotta get this kid outta the wind.78还有多远?三英里- How much further?- Three miles.79我累坏了,我们早上能到I'm beat. We'll get there in the morning.80你在干嘛?我让树懒…名垂千古- What are you doing?- I'm putting sloths on the map.81那得画得现实点画他在睡觉Why don't you make it realistic and draw him lying down?82画得“圆”一些And make him rounder.83好极了哈!我真笑不出来- Perfect.- I forgot how to laugh.84我是个天才I'm a genius.85从现在起,你们得称呼我“希德-火焰之王”From now on you'll have torefer to me as Sid, Lord of the Flame.86嘿,火焰之王,你尾巴着火了Lord of the Flame, your tail's on fire.87噢,谢谢,从现在起我就管你叫…“迭戈”Thank you. From now on,I'm gonna call you Diego.88“摸我你是死定之王”Lord of Touch Me and You're Dead.89我是说着玩的你这没头脑的I'm just kidding, you little knucklehead.90嘿,小俩口Lovebirds.91快瞧Look at this.92这简直……太神了I don't believe it.93过来,小家伙过来,你这小虫虫Come here, you little biped.Come here, you little wormy-worm.94到希德叔叔这儿来Come to Uncle Sid.95这边,这边No, no... This way. This way.96不,去他那儿No, no, no. No, go to him.97去他那儿Go to him.98好吧OK.99干得好,接着…练习吧Good job. Keep practicing.100快瞧啊,我们的小家伙在长大Look at that. Our little guy is growing up.101好了,过来该睡了,肉团儿All right, come on. Sleep time, lumpy.102他对孩子就是亲Look at that big pushover.103要知道,迭戈我还没有能冒死救我的朋友呢You know, Diego, I've never hada friend who would risk his life for me.104是啊,曼尼他…他真好Yeah, Manny's... he's a good guy.105是啊,的确Yeah, he is.106好了,晚安Well, good night.107让我给你弄干净,你这么又脏又臭的回去,你老爸会怎么说?Let's get you all cleaned up. What's your daddy gonna say if you go back all stinky?108我来擦干净,嗯,好多了这儿还有点儿Let me just clean that up.That looks good. A little bit here.109擦干净真漂亮,小家伙他长得越来越象我了- You clean up nice, little fella.- I think he's starting to look like me.110嘿,迭戈,你说呢?Diego, what do you think?111也许不该送回去为什么?- Maybe we shouldn't do this.- Why not?112因为他长大后会成为猎人你说他会猎杀谁?If we save him, he'll be a hunter.And who do you think he'll hunt?113也许救了他他就不会成猎人Maybe because we save him,he won't hunt us.114是啊,也许他会长出毛和长脖然叫你“妈妈”Yeah, and maybe he'll grow fur anda long skinny neck and call you Mama.115你怎么回事?没什么,我们走,冻死我了- What's your problem?- Nothing. Let's go. I'm freezing my tail off.116嘿,迭戈,你被冻住了吗?Diego. You frozen back there?117低下身子!什么?- Get down.- What?118嘘,低下身跟我走嘿,怎么回事?- Get down and follow me.- What's going on?119在半峰山脚下有个埋伏…等着你们At the bottom of Half Peak,there's an ambush waiting for you.120什么?你说什么“埋伏”?- What?- What do you mean, ambush?121你设了圈套!那是我的任务!- You set us up.- It was my job.122我得把孩子抢到手,可是你把我们带回家当晚餐- I was to get the baby, but then...- You brought us home for dinner.123行了!你被开除了!真对不起- That's it. You're out of the herd.- I'm sorry.124我宰了你…你再后悔吧No, you're not. Not yet.125听着,我能帮你们跟紧了,希德,我们能杀出去!- Listen, I can help you.- Stay close, Sid. We can fight our way out.126不行!他们太强大了你们得信任我You can't. The pack's too strong.You have to trust me.127信任你?我们干嘛要信任你?Trust you? Why in the world would we trust you?128因为你们只有靠我Because I'm your only chance.129哈罗,“小姐”们Hello, ladies.130嘿,瞧谁终于肯露脸了迭戈,我正为你担心呢- Look who decided to show up.- Diego, I was beginning to worry about you.131用不着担心,再过两分钟你将从…复仇中…得到满足No need to worry. In about two minutesyou'll be satisfying your taste for revenge.132这非常好Very nice.133我看见树懒了!孩子在他手里!I see the sloth. And he's got the baby.134没见到毛象就别暴露你们自己我们得出其不意Don't give away your positions until yousee the mammoth. He's the one to surprise.135你想重拳出击对吗,齐克?You want to maul something, don't you?136呵呵,我想出击那你还等什么?- I wanna maul.- Then what are you waiting for?137不,我说了等那毛象出现!No, I said wait for the mammoth.138“雪板挠背”你们吃白雪吧!嘿嘿Backscratcher. Eat my powder!139唷!喔!“环滑车”呃,啊!Loop-de-loop.140障碍滑雪,障碍滑雪,宝贝Slalom! Slalom, baby!141对不起,伙计们他被冻成小雪人了Sorry, fellas. He got a little frostbite.142呜!宰了他!Get him.143大惊喜!Surprise!144好吧,跟我来!我们去找希德,然后离开这儿OK, follow me. We'll pick up Sidand get outta here while we can.145来吧,迭戈我们把这毛象摆平Come on, Diego,let's bring this mammoth down.146他在这儿There he is.147没错,宝宝在哪儿啊?That's right. Where's the baby?148这就叫…适者…生存!Survival of the fittest.149这老虎不行I don't think so. Yeah.150你这是干嘛?不许…碰这…毛象- What are you doing?- Leave the mammoth alone.151好,我先把你摆平Fine. I'll take you down first.152我们赢了We did it.153我们曾经是多棒的集体We were some team, huh?154曾经是?胡说,我们还是一个集体Were? Come on, we're still a team.155我设下圈套,真对不起I'm sorry I set you up.156我就算恨你,也懒得记仇了You know me -I'm too lazy to hold a grudge.157嘿,别闹,小鬼Knock it off, squirt.158你得强壮些You gotta be strong.159你得照顾曼福雷德和希德You have to take care of Manfred and Sid.16080尤其是希德Especially Sid.161行了,你能挺过来,你是老虎Come on, you can lick this. You're a tiger.162我能背你,你说怎么样?Look, I'll carry you.Come on, what do you say?163振作点,迭戈,振作!Come on, Diego, come on.164告诉他他会好的,曼尼Tell him he's going to be OK, Manny.165听着,你们别管我了Listen, you have to leave me here.166如果人类过了“冰川道”你们就找不到他们了If those humans get through the pass,you'll never catch them.167你不用救我的You didn't have to do that.168我们是一个集体That's what you do in a herd.169别忘了我们Don't forget about us.170好吗?OK?171我们不会忘了你We won't forget about you.172再见,再见Goodbye.173再见,再见Goodbye.Goodbye.174希德再见- Sid...- Bye.175再见Bye.176对,对,没错宝宝在哪儿That's right. Where's the baby?177走吧,希德,我们去南方Come on, Sid, let's head south.178再见Bye.179省口气吧,希德人类不会说话Save your breath, Sid.You know humans can't talk.180迭戈?你没事!Diego? You're OK.181我有九条命呢- Nine lives, baby.- You're OK.182你没事!You're OK.183我亲亲你!呀!呜I could kiss ya.184欢迎回来,搭挡,要我背吗?Welcome back, partner. Wanna lift?185不,谢谢我得保住仅存的那点尊严No thanks. I gotta save whatever dignity I've got left.186你跟我们混在一块了就别管什么尊严了吧,就背我吧You're hanging out with us. Dignity'sgot nothing to do with it. I'll take that lift.187好,爬上来吧托我一把,咿哈- Yeah, climb aboard.- Pick me up, buddy.188或者不说“驾”,随你喜欢Mush. Or not mush. Either way.189这将是我最棒的一次迁徙This is gonna be the best migration ever.190我带你们去我的宝地,我毛里的真菌干死后我会变成棕色I'll show you my favorite watering holes.I turn brown when the fungus in my fur dries.191这真有意思我说,这“冰川时代”可真没劲- Attractive.- This whole lce age thing is getting old.192知道我喜欢什么“全球变暖”You know what I could go for?Global warming.193做梦去吧我可是说真的- Keep dreaming.- No, really...194两万年以后20,000 Years Later

