



Hello,Kerry.I want to play a game.Up until now you have spent your life among the dead piecing togather their final moments.You are good at this because you,like them,are also dead.Dead on the iside.You indentify more with a corpse than you do with a living human.I believe you want to join your true family,indeed,your only family,in deadth.The device you are wearing is hooked into your ribcage.And by the time this tape is finished,you will have one minute to find a way out.At the end of that minute,you should know better than anyone what happens then.There is a simple key that will unlock the harness,Kerry.It is right in front of you.All you have to do is reach in and take it.But do it quickly.The acid will dissolve the key in a matter of seconds.Make your choice.你好,凯莉.我想玩个游戏.至今,你的大部分生命都在和死人打交道,拼凑着他们生前的最后一刻.你擅长这个,因为你喜欢死人.或者说,你也死了,内心已死.和活人相比,你更像具冰冷的尸体.我相信,你想加入你真正的家庭,真正的,你唯一的家庭,死亡.你所穿的装置紧紧钩住了你的胸腔,并且,在这段录象播完后,你将有一分钟的时间去找出路.那一分钟结束后,你应该...比任何人都清楚会发生什么.那有一把小小的钥匙,可以打开这个器具,凯莉.它就在你面前.你所要做的就是把手伸进去并把它拿出来.但是要快一点.里面的酸剂会在几秒内把钥匙溶解.你自己选择吧.Hello,Amanda.You don't know me,but I know you.I want to play a game.Here's what happens if you lose.The device you're wearing is hooked into your upper and lower jaws.When the timer at the back goes off...your mouth will be permanently ripped open.Think of it like a reverse bear trap.Here,I'll show you.Here's only one key to open the device.It's in the stomach of your dead cellmate.Look around,Amanda.Know that I'm not lying.You better hurry up.Live or die.Make your choice.你好,阿曼达.你不认识我,但我认识你.我想玩个游戏。


你就知道我没有在撒谎.你最好快点.是死是活,你自己选Hello,Mark,if you're so sick...then why do I have so many photos of you up and about?Let's put your so-called illness to the test.Right now,there's a slow-acting poison in your veins.The antidote is inside the safe.The combination to the safe...is writen on the wall.Hurry up and program it in.But watch your step.By the way,that's flammable substance smeared on your body.So I would be careful with that candle,if I were you...or all the people you've burned with your act...just might have their revenge.你好,马克,如果你真的有病,为何我有你很多外出的照片


不过要小心你的脚下.顺便说一下,你的身上都是易燃物.如果我是你,我会格外小心蜡烛...否则所有你曾烧死的人...都会报了他们的仇的 只弄到了这么一点,希望你能喜欢。

求电锯惊魂 我想和你玩个游戏 英语台词!

Live or die,make your choice. 要活还是要死,由你选择 见仁见智吧,我最欣赏的一句,也是最受启发的一句:Those who don't appreciate life do not deserve life.



Live or die,make your choice.







Hello,Amanda.You don't know me,but I know you.I want to play a game.Here's what happens if you lose.The device you're wearing is hooked into your upper and lower jaws.When the timer at the back goes off...your mouth will be permanently ripped open.Think of it like a reverse bear trap.Here,I'll show you.Here's only one key to open the device.It's in the stomach of your dead cellmate.Look around,Amanda.Know that I'm not lying.You better hurry up.Live or die.Make your choice.你好,阿曼达.你不认识我,但我认识你.我想玩个游戏。



