
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说





1. Man approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors. (Aldous Huxley)人们通过不断犯错误接近不可企及的真理。

(阿尔多斯· 哈克斯利)2. All human errors are impatience, a premature breaking off of methodical procedure,an apparent encing-in of what is apparently at issue.(Franz Kafks)人类的全部错误在于缺乏耐心,过早地打断系统化的程序,公然地对有明显争议的问题下限制性的结论。

(弗朗兹· 卡夫卡)3. It's so much easier to suggest solutions when you don't know too much about the problem. (Malcom Forbes)当你对问题了解不太多的时候,比较容易提出解决办法。

(马克姆· 福布斯)4. Words can have no single fixed meaning. Like wayward electrons, they can spin away from their initial orbit and enter a wider magnetic field. No one owns them or has a proprietary right to dictate how they will be used. (David Lehman)字词不是只有一个固定含义。



(戴维· 莱曼)5. What is earnest is not always true; on the contrary, error is often more earnest than truth. (Benjamin Disraeli)重要的并不总是确实的。


(本杰明· 迪斯雷利)1. Real knowledge, like everything else of value, is not to be obtained easily, it must be worked for, studied for, thought for, and more than all, must be prayed for. -- Thomas Arnold真知如同珍宝,不是轻易获得的,必须学习、钻研、思考,最重要的是必须有强烈的求知欲。

(托马斯· 阿诺德)2. Knowledge, in truth, is the great sun in the firmament. Life and power are scattered with all its beams. (Daniel Webster)知识的确是天空中硕大无比的太阳。


(韦伯斯特)3. Knowledge is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone. -- Emerson知识是一座城堡,每个人都应为它增砖添瓦。

(爱默生)4. Knowledge is power. (Bacon)知识就是力量。

(培根)5. Knowledge is the food of the soul. (Plato)知识是心灵的食粮。

(柏拉图)6. Knowledge, in truth, is the great sun in the firmament. Life and power are scattered with all its beams. ( Daniel Webster)知识的确是天空中硕大无比的太阳,它的光辉撒下生命和力量。

(韦伯斯特)7. Ignorance is the curse of God, knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven. (William)Shakespeare无知乃是罪恶,知识乃是我们借以飞向天堂的翅膀。

(莎士比亚)8. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. (Bacon)读书使人充实,讨论使人机敏,写作使人严谨.(培根)9. The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries. (Descartes)所有的好书,读起来就如同和过去世界上最杰出的人谈话。

(笛卡尔)10. That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. (L.W.Akott)好书使人开卷有所求,闭卷有所获。

( 奥尔科特) 1.Do nor for one repulse, for go the purpose that you resolved to effort. -- Shakespeare不要因为一次挫折就放弃你原来决心要达到的目标。

( 莎士比亚)2.Perseverance is falling nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth. (J. Anderson)只要坚韧不拔,失败十九次之后,第二十次就会成功。

(安德森)3.Today’s opportunity erase yesterday’s failures. (Gene Brown)今日的机遇可抹去昨日的失败。

(吉恩 · 布朗)4.You have to pay the price but if you do you can only win. (Frank Leahy)为了成功,你必须付出代价。


(莱希)5.It’s better to have fought and lost, than never to have fought at all. (A.H.Clough)奋战过而失败,强于根本未战。

(克拉夫)6.Remember when life’s path is steep to keep your mind even. (Lincoln)记住,当人生之路陡峭之时,要保持沉着。

( 林肯)7.Meet success like a gentleman and disaster like a man. (Fredrich Edwin Smith Birkenhead)优雅地迎接成功,勇敢地面对挫折。

(伯肯黑德)8.A man can succeed at almost anything for which he was unlimited enthusiasm. ( C. M. Schwal)只要有无限的热情,一个人几乎可以在任何事情上取得成功。

( 施瓦希)9.Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has courage to lose sight of the shore. ( A. Gide)人只有鼓起勇气,告别海岸,才能发现新的海洋.( 纪德)10.The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it. -- Goethe人生最重要的是树立一个远大的目标,并下定决心去实现它. (歌德)


Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. Biochemistry is the study of carbon compounds that crawl. —— Mike Adams A behaviorist is someone who pulls habits out of rats. —— Anonymous The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the most discoveries, is not “Eureka

”, but “That's funny……” —— Isaac Asimov Inanimate objects are classified scientifically into three categories—— those that don't work, those that break down, and those that get lost. —— Russell Baker An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field. —— Niels Bohr The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. —— General Omar Bradley Art and science have their meeting point in method. —— Edward Bulwer-Lytton In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite. —— Paul Dirac That's the nature of research——you don't know what in hell you're doing. —— 'Doc' Edgerton A man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. He sits on a hot stove for a minute, it's longer than any hour. That is relativity. —— Albert Einstein A theory is something nobody believes, except the person who made it. An experiment is something everybody believes, except the person who made it. —— Albert Einstein, attributed Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. —— Albert Einstein If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. —— Albert Einstein If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it

—— Albert Einstein Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later work belongs. —— Albert Einstein The grand aim of all science is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts by logical deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms. —— Albert Einstein The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. —— Albert Einstein When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity. —— Albert Einstein We have a habit in writing articles published in scientific journals to make the work as finished as possible, to cover up all the tracks, to not worry about the blind alleys or describe how you had the wrong idea at first, and so on. So there isn't any place to publish, in a dignified manner, what you actually did in order to get to do the work. —— Richard Feynman When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong. —— Buckminster Fuller Hardly a year passes that fails to find a new, oft-times exotic, research method or technique added to the armamentarium of political inquiry. Anyone who cannot negotiate Chi squares, assess randomization, statistical significance, and standard deviations is less than illiterate; he is preconscious. —— A. James Gregor, An Introduction to Metapolitics, 1971 An undefined problem has an infinite number of solutions. —— Robert A. Humphrey It is the customary fate of new truths to begin as heresies and to end as superstitions. —— Aldous Huxley The great tragedy of science, the slaying of a beautiful theory by an ugly fact. —— Thomas Henry Huxley When you steal from one author, it's plagiarism; if you steal from many, it's research. —— Wilson Mizner All science is concerned with the relationship of cause and effect. Each scientific discovery increases man's ability to predict the consequences of his actions and thus his ability to control future events. —— Lawrence J. Peter Research is the act of going up alleys to see if they are blind. —— Plutarch The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage. —— Mark Russell The only thing you will ever be able to say in the so-called 'social' sciences is: “some do, some don't.” —— Ernest Rutherford Celestial navigation is based on the premise that the Earth is the center of the universe. The premise is wrong, but the navigation works. An incorrect model can be a useful tool. —— Kelvin Throop III . . the social sciences were for all those who had not yet decided what to do with their lives, and for all those whose premature frustrations led them into the sterile alleys of confrontation. —— Peter Ustinov, Dear Me Science is a collection of successful recipes. —— Paul Valery Basic research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. —— Wernher Von Braun Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin. —— John Von Neuman If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate. —— Steven Wright


















专八作文开头写这个问题怎样的时候应该用issue subject 还是topic




