
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说


描写夏天 秋天 冬天英语句子

春天:Spring 思博瑞英 夏天:summer 萨摩 秋天:autumn 奥特姆 冬天:winter 温特




春天 spring 夏天 summer 秋天 autumn 冬天 winter

写一段关于天气的描述,要英语,3句话,是夏天 秋天 冬天

春天spring springtime Flowers bloom in springtime.花在春天开放。

I could smell the spring in the air.我闻到春天的气息。

夏天 summer秋天 autumn冬天 winter亲 这些都是时间名词 跟在in后面 充当状语希望能帮到你...


autumn’s coming.she is in a yellow dress.she is coming across the fields.the fields are yellow now.the wheat is smiling.there are some farmers on the fields.they are processing the wheat.look at the trees,there are many birds singing in the trees.animals are dancing under the trees.they are happy!the sky was blue and clean.many white clouds are in the sky.they look like many sail boats.take a deep breath,and then you may feel relaxed.autumn is bewitching.i love autumn.我喜天-I Love Winter虽然冬味着寒冷,但我仍然热爱冬天.我认为冬天是一丽的季节,尤下雪的日子.雪花像玲珑剔透的小精灵,调皮地飘落下来.它们落在树枝上,屋顶上和麦田里.很快整个大地都银妆素裹起来.太阳出来后,万物都闪烁着光芒.每次下雪,我都会记起一句格言:“冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”Although winter means cold weather,I love it all the same.I think winter is a beautiful season,especially when it snows.Snowflakes fall down naughtily.They fall on branches of trees,on roofs of houses and on wheat fields.Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white.Everything is shining in the sun.Every time it snows,I will remember an old saying,Winter has come,can spring be far away?

