
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



He is intelligent and brave.he loves his friends and parents.He always believed that he can do it.I think he is a good boy.I like him.


You flee in a sea of books between the famous article 12 often have access to my appreciation of masterpiece, but when I touch to which this book, and I'm fascinated by it, for it moved, it looked 10 million times, bear in mind in the hearts. So a read a spell, it will come to mind, a long time can not be dispersed ... ... Pick up the wand, read out the familiar mantra, it will appear, with me in: Mingjiao Ha Lipot a child, an unusual child, a birth and they have a fight with the villain Lord Voldemort symbol of a lightning-shaped scar. It was a death curse remainder marks, because her mother's sacrifice of his death became that Road scar reduction. He was uncle had adopted a very wronged childhood, the table has always relied on the Gotha power heads big bully him, and if that was for 11 years. In his 11 birthday, took place an extraordinary thing, changed his life. A very soft surface, the real terror guards Hager sent a letter to his magic school admission letters, to prove that he is a wizard born from a fate. He was pleased to have joined the school and knew a right angle Lane, and a series of things in the world of the shaman. Go to school also recognized the two friends, one is silly silly inside the brain Ron, there is a similar to Harry when the child's mother. One is the high academic achievers of the Hermione, there are two ordinary Muggle parents. (Non-magic people) that they work together to save the Philosopher's Stone, and Voldemort fight tenaciously, finally destroyed Voldemort's dream, won the respect of everyone. I am very envious of him, and be able to receive notice, but this book I learned a lot, friendship was inadvertently built up, and also understand it's great, the so-called Many hands make light, Only together can overcome any difficulty. Also admired Harry, Voldemort in front in the face of terrible fear of not the slightest, even if the parents are not Shence, but he is still alive is very valuable for parents in heaven can be relieved. This book is written by British writer JK Rowling, I am very grateful to her, and she has shaped our readers have an extraordinary ordinary lives closer to our live image of a flesh and blood, let us in the traveling magic world the process, enjoy life, Subway, by Harry come round our readers in a dream ... ... 您的书籍在著名的第12条经常会接触到我的杰作表示赞赏,但是当我接触海上逃往本书,我被它着迷,因为它移动,它期待1000万次,紧铭记在心中。

因此,读出咒语的时候会想到,长时间不能散去... ... 拿起指挥棒,出熟悉的口号读,它就会出现在与我: 明教下利波特一个孩子,一个不寻常的孩子,一出生,他们已与坏蛋伏地魔的闪电形疤痕符号斗争。









我很羡慕他,可以收到通知,但本书中,我学到了很多东西,友谊是无意中建立起来的,也明白这是伟大的,所谓的轻视,许多双手, 只有一同努力,克服任何困难。


由英国作家罗琳写这本书,我非常感谢她,她塑造了我们的读者有一个非常普通的生活更接近我们的血肉,活的形象,让魔术在旅游的过程中,我们的世界,享受生活,地铁站,由哈里来轮在梦中我们的读者... ... 自己写的,前几天的作业

求一个 哈利波特的简单简短英语介绍 难词不要太多 几句就好 方便背诵的 谢谢了

Once upon a time there was a boy called Harry Potter, one day, he robbed Voldemort wanted stone. Second: Once upon a time there was a boy called Harry Potter, one day, he destroyed Voldemort collection years diary. Third: Once upon a time there was a boy called Harry Potter, one day, he drove away the Dementors, rescued his godfather. Fourth: Once upon a time there was a boy called Harry Potter, one day, he went to the cemetery to beat voldemort. Fifth: Once upon a time there was a boy called Harry Potter, one day, he told a group of people to fight with Lord voldemort. Sixth: Once upon a time there was a boy called Harry Potter, one day, he went to steal Voldemort things, the results of an old man. Seventh: Once upon a time there was a boy called Harry Potter, for several days, he stole a lot of things Voldemort, as a result, the day he died, and back to life, robbed of Voldemort's wand, Voldemort killed. Summary: Harry Potter is the overall plot: a boy named Harry Potter, nothing like looking for Voldemort........Harry Potter was born in July 31, 1980( Note: J.K. Rowling was born July 31st), is James Potter and Lili Potter's only son, the godfather for Sirius Black ( by Black family removed ).Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books are about the adventures of the young wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his friends from the Hogwarts School. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world and subjugate non-magical (muggle) people to his rule.Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of a wizard, Harry Potter and his friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main story arc concerns Harry's quest to overcome the Dark wizard Lord Voldemort, whose aims are to become immortal, to conquer the wizarding world, subjugate non-magical people, and destroy all those who stand in his way, especially Harry Potter.望采纳,5选1,谢谢

Harry James Potter is the title character and the main protagonist of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter fantasy series. The books cover seven years in the life of the lonely orphan who, on his 11th birthday, learns he is a wizard. He attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to learn magic. Under the guidance of the kindly headmaster Albus Dumbledore, Harry discovers that he is already famous in the wizarding world, and that his fate is tied to Lord Voldemort, the evil wizard who killed his mother and father, and who supposedly died when he tried to fatally curse baby Harry.


Forced to spend his summer holidays with his muggle relations, Harry Potter gets a real shock when he gets a surprise visitor: Dobby the house-elf, who warns Harry Potter against returning to Hogwarts, for terrible things are going to happen. Harry decides to ignore Dobby's warning and continues with his pre-arranged schedule. But at Hogwarts, strange and terrible things are indeed happening: Harry is suddenly hearing mysterious voices from inside the walls, muggle-born students are being attacked, and a message scrawled on the wall in blood puts everyone on his/her guard - The Chamber Of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies Of The Heir, Beware . Written by Soumitra It's Year 2 at Hogwarts, and Harry Potter (Radcliffe), Ron (Grint) and Hermione (Watson) are back learning, but their year doesn't go past quietly. Members of the school are turning up petrified and bloody writing are appearing on the walls, revealing to everyone, that someone has opened the chamber of secrets. The attacks continue, bringing the possibility of the closure of Hogwarts. Harry and his friends are now forced to secretly uncover the truth about the chamber before the school closes or any lives are taken. Written by Film_Fan Harry Potter is in his second year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is visited by a house-elf named Dobby and warned not to go back to Hogwarts. Harry ignores his warning, and returns. He is still famous, although still disliked by Snape, Malfoy, and the rest of the Slytherins. But then, strange things start to happen. People are becoming petrified, and no-one knows what is doing it. Harry keeps hearing a voice.. a voice which seems to be coming from within the walls. They are told the story of the Chamber of Secrets. It is said that only Salazar Slytherin's true descendent will be able to open it. Harry, it turns out, is a Parsel-tongue. This means that he is able to speak/understand snakes. Everyone thinks that it's him that has opened the Chamber of Secrets because that is what Slytherin was famous for. Written by Sarah Harry Potter's adventures continue...Harry Potter begins his second year at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, but is warned by a mysterious creature that danger awaits him at the school. Malevolent voices whisper from the walls. Soon it's not just Harry who is worried about survival, as dreadful things begin to happen at Hogwarts. Written by Kateway Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts School of Wizardry for his second year. After a confrontation with a house elf named Dobby, Harry escapes to the Weasley house with Ron Weasley in a flying car. They are then late for the train and have to ride it to school. When they get there, strange happenings invade the school. Mudbloods (people of Muggle families) are petrified by an evil monster lurking in the grounds. When every one suspects that it is him, the trio then set out to find the culprit and find out more than they bargained for: the diary of Tom Riddle, why Hagrid was expelled and what the Chamber of Secrets is and why is it so feared in Hogwarts. Written by Michael Johnston


Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter and his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main story arc concerns Harry's quest to overcome the evil dark wizard Lord Voldemort, whose aim is to subjugate non-magical people, conquer the wizarding world, and destroy all those who stand in his way, especially Harry Potter.



Courage has many kinds, against the enemy we need courage, but to the superman in front of friends to stick to his guns, also need a great deal of courage.永远不要相信任何能够独立思考的东西,除非你看清了它把头脑藏在什么地方。

Never believe any things to think independently, unless you see it to mind hidden in any place.该来的终究会来,一旦来了,他就必须接受。

What will eventually come, once arrived, he had to accept it.当我们面对死亡和黑暗时,我们害怕的只是未知,除此之外没有别的。

When we face death and darkness, we feared only unknown, besides is no other.只要我们目标一致,敞开心胸,习惯和语言的差异都不会成为障碍。

As long as we consistent aim, open, habits and language differences are not become obstacles.对于头脑十分清醒的人来说,死亡不过是另一场伟大的冒险。

For the mind is lucid people, death is but another great adventure.可是漠不关心,还有视而不见,往往会比直截了当的厌恶造成的伤害大得多。

But also turn a blind eye, indifference, often than straightforward abhor the damage.人们容易原谅别人的错误,却很难原谅别人的正确。

People easier to forgive the mistakes of others, but it's hard to forgive others correct.真相是一种美丽又可怕的东西,需要格外谨慎地对待。

Truth is a kind of beautiful and terrible thing, need extra caution with.沉湎于虚幻的梦想,而忘记现实的生活,这是毫无益处的。

Indulge in illusory dreams and forget the reality, it is no good.表现我们真正的自我,是我们自己的选择,这比我们所拥有的能力更重要。

To show our true selves, is our own choice, this is better than what we have ability is more important.对事物永远都使用正确的称呼。


Things always use the right call. Of a name, will strengthen the fear of the thing itself fears.在这个世界上,没有谁的血统是高贵的,也没有谁流的血是卑贱的。

In this world, no whose lineage is noble, no flow blood is vile.暂时使疼痛变得麻木,只会使你最后感觉疼痛时疼的更加厉害。

Temporarily pain become numb, will only make you feel pain when last pain more severe.一个人的出身并不重要,重要的是他成长为什么样的人。

A person's background is not important, the important thing is that he grew into what kind of person.最大的失败就是不能理解还有比死亡更坏的事情。

The biggest failure is cannot understand and worse things than death.老年人低估年轻人,是愚蠢而健忘的。

Old people underestimate young people, is stupid and forgetful.最终决定我们命运的不是能力,而是我们自己的选择。

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s StoneEventually determine our fate is not the ability, but our own choices. Harry Potter and the men 's required不知道前面会怎么样,但至少要比抛在后面的过去好。

Don't know what will happen, but at least ahead than behind the past.沉湎于虚幻的梦想,而忘记现实的生活,是毫无益处的。

Indulge in illusory dreams and forget the reality, it is no good.总是无辜者最先受到伤害,几百年以来是这样,现在还是这样。

Always innocents first hurt, for centuries is so, now or so.除了死读书,再靠一点小聪明之外,还有许多更重要的东西——友谊和勇气。

Besides dies studies, again by a little trickier besides, still have many more important things -- friendship and courage.死亡实际上就像是经过漫长的一天之后,终于上床休息了。


Death actually like after a long day after finally went to bed. Moreover, for the mind is lucid people, death is but another great adventure.不论想拥有多少财富,获得多长寿命,都可以如愿以偿——这两样东西是人类最想要的——问题是,人类偏偏就喜欢选择对他们最没有好处的东西。

No matter how much wealth, want to have long life, can obtain fulfiled - these two things are human want - the problem is that humans are like choice for their most no good thing.对事物拥有使用正确的称呼。


Things have to use the right call. Of a name, will strengthen the fear of the thing itself fears.真相,这是一种美丽而可怕的东西,需要格外谨慎地对待。

The truth, this is a kind of beautiful and terrible thing, need extra caution with.被一个人这样深深地爱过,尽管那个爱我们的人已经死了,也会给我们留下一个永远的护身符。

Be a man so loved, although the love of our people have been killed and will leave us a forever talisman.勇气有许多种类,对付敌人我们需要超人的胆量,而要在朋友面前坚持自己的立场,同样也需要很大的勇气。

Courage has many kinds, against the enemy we need courage, but to the superman in front of friends to stick to his guns, also need a great deal of courage.Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Secrets of it表现我们真正的自我,是我们自己的选择,这比我们所具有的能力更重要。

To show our true selves, is our own choice, this is better than what we have ability is more important.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban我们行动的后果经常是如此复杂,如此分散。


We the consequences of your actions are often so complicated, so scattered. Therefore, predicting the future is indeed a very difficult thing to do.我们爱过的死者并不会真正离开我们,在有大麻烦的时候我们会比以前更加清楚地回忆起他们。

We loved the dead will not really left us, in great trouble when we will brighter than ever to clearly recollect them.理解是接受的第一步,只有接受后才能够康复……暂时使疼痛变得麻木,只会使最后感觉疼痛时疼得更厉害。

Understanding is to accept the first step, only accept only after would recover... Temporarily pain become numb, will only make finally feel pain when it hurt so much worse.一个人的出身并不重要,重要的是他成长为什么样的人

A person's background is not important, the important thing is that he grew into what kind of person!在没有得到确切消息之前,对未来作种种盘算都是毫无用处的。

In no get precise information for future before all calculation is of no use.坐着干着急是没有用的,该来的总归会来,来了就接受它。

Sit stem worried is useless, this to the goal of will come, come to accept it.只有团结才会强大,如果分裂,便不堪一击。



Only unity will strong, if split-ticket, as weak. We should show the unbreakable you of friendship and trust. As long as we consistent aim, open, habits and language differences are not become obstacles.当某个不愉快的事情等在前面时,时间是不会放慢脚步的。

When an unpleasant things in front, time is not slowed down.老师优先考虑的并不是把自己的学识传授给学生,而是让他们牢牢记住,没有任何事物是万无一失的。

The teacher preferred not to impart their knowledge to students, but let them remember, there is no such thing as foolproof.最大的失败就是不能理解还有比死亡更坏的事情。

The biggest failure is cannot understand and worse things than death.年轻人不知道上了年纪的人是怎么想的,也不知道他们的感受。


Young people don't know road elderly people how think, also don't know their feelings. But if elderly people have forgotten when I was young, that is how the situation mistaken.漠不关心,还有视而不见,往往会比直截了当的厌恶造成的伤害大得多。

Indifference, and blind, often can than straightforward abhor the damage.有一种力量,比死亡,比人类的智慧,比自然的力量更神奇,更可怕——那就是爱。

There is a strength, than death, than human wisdom, than the powers of nature more magical, more terrible - that is to love.思想几乎会比其他任何东西留下更深的印迹。

Thoughts will almost more than any other things left deeper imprinting.漠不关心,还有视而不见,往往会比直截了当的厌恶造成的伤害大得多。

Indifference, and blind, often can than straightforward abhor the damage.人们容易原谅别人的错误,却很难原谅别人的正确。

People easier to forgive the mistakes of others, but it's hard to forgive others correct.伟大引起嫉妒,嫉妒导致怨毒,怨毒滋生谎言。

Great cause jealousy and envy lead to poison poison breeding, lies.知道暴君是多么害怕被压迫的人民吗




Know the tyrant is how scared the oppressed people? They all know someday, in numerous victims will be an RISC against! They are always searching for that will challenge to them, the results not only personally selected the most likely to remove them, and gave him a particularly deadly weapon! Are they made her worst enemy!被拽进角斗场去面对一场殊死搏斗和自己昂首走进去是有巨大不同的。

Was dragged into arenas to face a bloody battle and his head walk into is a huge difference.有许多东西比肉体的伤害可怕得多。

There are many things than physical damage more fearful. 老年人低估年轻人,是愚蠢和健忘的。

Old people underestimate young people, is stupid and forgetful.我们面对死亡和黑暗时,害怕的只是未知,除此之外没有什么。

We face death and darkness, fear is unknown, besides there is nothing.重要的是不断斗争、斗争、再斗争。


Important is constantly struggle, the struggle, again struggle. Only as to evil control, though that could never be completely destroyed.我用比墨水更持久的东西记录了我的回忆I use than ink more lasting things a record of my memory有时候你必须考虑比自身安全更多的东西


Sometimes you must consider than their safety more things! Sometimes you have to consider a great interests!过人的聪明才智是人类最大的财富。

Fake-out intelligence is mankind's greatest wealth.消失的东西化为了虚无,也就是化为了万物。

Disappear into the null something, namely into the universe.死亡并非那么容易,呼吸的每一秒钟,青草的芳香,凉风拂过面颊的感觉,都是那么宝贵。

Death is not so easy, breathing every second, the fragrance of the green grass, cool breeze cheeks feeling, is so precious.关于童话,关于爱,忠诚和单纯,都是一种强大的力量,一种超越任何魔法的力量。

About the fairy tale about love, loyalty and simplicity, is a powerful force, which transcends any magical powers.征服死亡,一个绝望者的梦啊


Conquering death, a manewho dream! Is stupid person the bait.也许最适合掌握权力的是那从不钻营权术的人,被迫担任领袖的角色,在情势所逼之下穿上战袍,结果惊讶地发现居然穿得很好。

Perhaps the most suitable for power is that never hack people, was forced to trickery as a leadership role, where the circumstances compelled by under wear shirt, result surprised to discover unexpectedly wear well.真正的死亡征服者绝不会试图逃离死神。


