
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



The school playground is big and beautifu. Look, there are some students are playing basketball on the playground. While some other students are running.望我的对您有帮助放心采纳。


My school is beautful.我的是美丽的.In my school, there are many pretty girls.在我的学校,那里有很多漂亮的女孩My school is a place I will remember forever.我的学校是一个地方我会永远记得.My school is famous for the famous teachers.我的学校以名教师出名.It's a place that I finds friendship and joy.这是一个我找到了友谊和快乐的地方We live a very happy life here. 我们在这里过着幸福的生活.It's also a place that teach me precious values. .这也是一个教我珍贵的价值观的地方.Students from poor families can have study grant. 我们老师非常和蔼可亲,对我们很关心,他不仅对我们传授科学文化知识,也在生活上关心我们,指导我们.Our teacher is very kind, amiable, and cares about us a lot. He not only teaches us science and culture knowledge, but also cares about us in life and guides us.We live a very happy life here.部分家庭不富有的学生可以享受助学金.Students from poor families can have study grant. 我们老师非常和蔼可亲,对我们很关心,他不仅对我们传授科学文化知识,也在生活上关心我们,指导我们.Our teacher is very kind, amiable, and cares about us a lot. He not only teaches us science and culture knowledge, but also cares about us in life and guides us.



1、Our school used to be old and small, but it is new and big.2、There were hundreds of students in our school in the past, but now there are two thousand students studying here.3、The teachers used chalk and blackboards in class, but now they often use computers and the Internet for their lessons.


I love my school. It's a place that I finds friendship and joy. It's also a place that teach me precious values. I'm proud to be part of this school.


题目: School Our School is very beautiful, not because it looks beautiful on the outside, It's pretty because it teaches us many things about the basic of the life, and of course, the most important thing is that we learn how to behave ourselves and to be educational to let our country to be proud for its people. 翻译: 我们的学校很美丽,它的美丽并不在于外表,它是美丽的因为它会教我们做人的基础道理,当然还有最重要的是我们会学会怎么表现自己还有相当重要的礼仪让祖国为我们人民而骄傲。


