
生日祝福语 结婚祝福语 三八妇女节 新年祝福语



One love, one lifetime 此生此情不渝 Anywhere you go Let me go too 无论去何处都让你我形影不离 Say the word And I will follow you 说爱我,我将跟随你 Share each day with me Each night, each mornin 每一个晨昏时分 Let your spirit start To soar 让你的灵魂开始翱翔 And you'll live As you've never lived before 你将会获得前所未有的感觉 Softly, deftly 柔和且灵巧地 Music shall caress you 音乐会抚慰你 Hear it, feel it 聆听它、感觉它 Secretly possess you 神秘的迷住了你 Open up your mind Let your fantasies unwind 敞开你的心扉,让幻想奔驰 In this darkness that you know You cannot fight 在这个你无法抗拒的黑暗里 The darkness of The music of the night 这夜晚音乐的黑暗 Let your mind start a journey 让你的心灵开始遨游 Through a strange new world 看看这奇特的新世界 Leave all thoughts of the life You knew before 抛开以往惯有的思虑 Let your soul take you 让你的灵魂带着你 Where you long to be 到你想去的地方 Only then can you belong To me 唯有如此你才能属于我 Floating, falling 漂浮、降临 Sweet intoxication 甜美的醉意 Touch me, trust me 触碰我、相信我 Savor each sensation 品尝每一种感觉 Let the dream begin 让梦展开 Let your darker side give in 让你黑暗的一面屈服 To the power of the music that I write 屈服在我音乐的力量之下 The power of The music of the night 夜晚音乐的力量 You alone can make my song take flight 你一个人就能让我的歌曲飞驰了 Help me make The music of the Night 帮助我做出夜晚的音乐 Fear can turn to love 恐惧可以转变成爱 You'll learn to seeTo find the man 你会学着去了解发觉这个男人 But secretly dreams of beauty 却暗地里梦想成为俊美的男人 Secretly, secretly 暗地里…暗地里 Come, we must return. 来吧,我们得回去了 No more talk of darkness Forget these wide-eyed fears 别再提黑暗,忘却这些恐惧 I'm here Nothing can harm you 我在这里,没有什么能伤害你 My words will warm and calm you 我的话语能温暖并抚慰你 Let me be your freedom 让我带给你自由 Let daylight dry your tears 让白天带走你的泪水 I'm here with you, beside you 我在这里,在你身旁陪伴着你 To guard you and to guide you 守护并引领你 Say you love me 说你爱我 Every waking moment Turn my head 在每个梦醒时分 With talk of summertime 谈谈夏日时光,让我坠入情网 Say you need me with you 说你需要我陪伴 Now and always 从现在直到永远 Promise me That all you say is true 向我保证你说的都是真的 That's all I ask of you 那就是我对你的期盼 Let me be your shelter 让我做你的避风港 Let me be your light 让我成为你的阳光 You're safe No one will find you 你很安全,没人能找到你 Your fears are far behind you 你的恐惧将远离你 All I want is freedom 解脱是我唯一所求 A world with no more night 一个没有黑夜降临的世界 And you always beside me 而你,永远陪伴着我 To hold me and to hide me 支持我并保护我 Then say you'll share with me 请你告诉我 One love, one lifetime 此生此情不渝 Let me lead you from your solitude 让我引领你走出孤独 Say you need me with you here, beside you 说你需要我陪伴,陪在你身畔 Anywhere you go Let me go too 无论去何处都让你我形影不离 That's all I ask of you 那就是我对你的期盼










这时魅影说:Bravo, bravo, bravissimi!子爵捧了一束花,进来送给CHRISTINE,两人相认,亲切交谈,子爵让CHRISTINE换衣服去吃晚饭,不等她拒绝就关门出去备车。



”The mirror (Angel of music)克里斯蒂娜: 傲慢的男孩

时尚之奴仆 沉醉在你的荣耀之中 无知的愚人

勇敢年轻的追求者 天使 我听到你 请说 我倾听 陪伴我身旁指引我 天使我的灵魂脆弱不堪 原谅我 您终于来了 导师

魅影: 谄媚的孩子 你应了解我 明白我为何藏匿阴影中 看看你镜中的容颜 我就在那里面

克里斯蒂娜: 赐我汝之荣耀 音乐天使 莫再躲藏 来到我身边吧 陌生的天使魅影: 吾乃汝之音乐天使 来到我身边吧 音乐天使子爵: 那是谁的声音?谁在里面

魅影:I am your Angel of Music... Come to me: Angel of Music...魅影在从镜子后面现身,将CHRISTINE带入地下迷宫(蜡烛队上场,穿梭其中)。

The phantom of the opera剧院魅影3:36克里斯蒂娜 沉睡中他对我歌唱 在梦里他来到我身旁 他的声音呼唤着我 声声呼唤着我的名字 我是否又回到梦中 此时我发现 歌剧魅影就在那里 在我心灵最深处魅影: 再次你与我合唱 我们奇特的二重唱 我对你渴望的力量 一次比一次更强烈 纵然你离我而去 留下回眸一瞥 歌剧魅影就在那里 在你心灵最深处克里斯蒂娜: 凡见过你面容之人 都惊吓得倒退一步 我是你戴的面具魅影: 他们听见的是我合唱: 你/我的灵魂和声音和为一体in one combined: 歌剧魅影就在那里克里斯蒂娜: 他就在那里,歌剧魅影在哪里……魅影:Sing, my Angel of Music! Sing, my Angel

Sing, for me! Sing, my Angel

Sing, for me!第二幕 ALL I ASK OF YOU除了你我一无所有魅影大闹剧场后,CHRISTINE带子爵逃离剧场,上到楼顶,两人对白(带上黑丝带玫瑰)扔掉玫瑰,接着三声“CHRISTINE”,第三声由躲在一旁的魅影说(回声)两人开唱:ALL I ASK OF YOU除了你我一无所有5:00拉乌尔: 别再提黑暗 忘记这些恐惧 我在这里,没有什么能伤害你 我的话能温暖并抚慰你 让我带给你自由 让白昼带走你的泪水 我在这里,在你身边陪伴着你 守护并引导你克里斯蒂娜: 说你爱我,在每个梦醒时分 诉说夏日欢乐时光 说你需要我陪伴 从现在直到永远 向我保证你说的都是真的 那就是我对你的期盼拉乌尔: 让我做你的避风港 让我成为你的阳光 你很安全 没人能找到你 你的恐惧将远离你克里斯蒂娜: 解脱是我唯一所求 一个没有黑暗降临的世界 而你,永远陪伴我 支持我并保护我拉乌尔: 而你永远陪伴着我,此生不渝 让我引领你走出孤独 说你需要我陪伴,陪伴在你身畔 无论去何处都让你我形影不离克里斯蒂娜: 那就是我对你的期盼 说你永远陪伴着我,此生不渝 说爱我,我将跟随你合唱:让你我共享每一天,每一个晨昏时分克里斯蒂娜: 说你爱我拉乌尔补充: 你知道我确实爱你合唱:Love me -that's all I ask of you ...无论去何处,都让你我形影不离爱我that's all I ask of you ...两人远去,魅影上场,捡起玫瑰PHANTOM 我赐你音乐 让你的歌声振翅翱翔 现在你是如何回报我 拒绝我又背叛我. 只要他听见你的歌声,就一定会爱上你Christine ...Christine ...RAOUL/CHRISTINE两人在远处吟唱(背景)Say you'll share with me onelove, one lifetime ...say the word and I will follow you ...Share each day with me, each night, each morning ...魅影扯烂玫瑰花,大吼PHANTOM 你会备受诅咒 当你没有做到魅影对你要求那一天时

第三幕 MASQUERADE化妆舞会假面舞蹈(扇子舞)后,音乐突变,灯光转暗,魅影出现:此时,气氛突然由欢乐转为紧张, 大家看到一个装扮成 红色死神 ( The Red Death ) 的人缓缓从台阶上走下,他其实就是 Phantom ( 怎么那么安静... ) Phantom:为什么那么安静




我给你们写了一部歌剧,《唐璜的胜利》,——“Don Juan Triumphant”

唱一段插曲,说CHRISTINE应该回到老师(自己)身边Phantom 走向 Christine,扯下她颈上的订婚戒指,转身离去。


Phantom唱白: 各位为何不言不语



我已完成另一出歌剧 我带来写好的曲谱 《唐璜的胜利》 我善意的向各位致意 排练开始前我有几点指示 卡洛塔得学习如何演戏 不能像平常一样傲慢的在舞台上踱步 我们的主角唐璜得减肥 对皮安吉这年纪的男人来说并不健康 我的经理们也得明白 他们所长是办公不是艺术 至于我们的明星克莉斯汀 勿庸置疑她一定会全力以赴 她的歌喉的确很好 她也知道,若想更上一层楼 她还有很多需要学习的地方 她的上进心会使她回来找我 她的老师……老师……魅影一把扯下CHRISTINE胸前挂的订婚戒指 你的戒指属于我


子爵持剑追上,灯光忽暗,魅影消失,换场第四幕 出演《唐璜的胜利》The Point of No ReturnPHANTOM 帕斯里诺 - 走开

因为陷阱已经布好等候猎物上门 你已来此 追求你最深切的渴望与梦想 静静地 静静地 我已带来了给你 我们即将融合的热情 在你心中 你已臣服于我 卸下所有防御 完全的臣服于我 如今你与我在此 别无二心,你已下定决心 已下定决心 已经踏上不归路,不能再回头 我们玩得游戏现在已终止 越过了如果或何时的念头 抵抗也无济于事 放弃疑虑 让梦沉淀 什么样的烈火才能吞噬灵魂 多强烈的欲望才能放开心扉 甜蜜的诱惑就在前面等我们 已经踏上不归路 这最终的门槛 是什么样的温暖与未知的秘密 在不归路的尽头等我们克里斯蒂娜:你已带给了我 直到文字感和枯竭的那一刻直到言语无影无踪的那一刻 化作寂静 寂静 我已来到这里 却不知为何而来 在我心中,已经想象我们的身体缠绵纠结 没有抵抗只有沉默 现在我和你在一起, .别无所想,我已作了决定 已经踏上不归路不能再回头 我们的深情相爱终于开始 无论对与错 最后一个问题one final question: 我们还有多久才能结合为一 何时热血才能沸腾 沉睡的花蕾才能绽放出花瓣何时火焰能耗尽我们BOTH 已踏上不归路 这最后的门槛已越过了桥梁,驻足片刻看它燃烧 我们已经踏上不归路PHANTOM转为“All I ask of you”的旋律 说你与我分享终身唯一的爱 指引我拯救我走出孤独 说你要我在这里守在你身旁 无论你去何方让我跟随你 克莉斯汀,是我对你唯一……CHRISTINE扯下魅影的面具,剧院里尖叫声四起,魅影砍断吊桥绳索,带走CHRISTINE,吊灯坠下,剧院陷入混乱,火燃起,拉乌尔去寻找CHRISTINE,全剧终望采纳




我也喜欢sarah演的版本 到我的空间去,你可以找到全部原文歌词及原文剧本: 包括: 1.Think of me 2.Mirror ( Angel Of Music ) 3.Phantom of the Opera 4.Music of the Night 5.Prima Donna 6.All I Ask of You 7.Masquerade 8.Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again 9.The Point of No Return 等 先贴一张给你看是开头第一幕的。








A C T O N E SCENE 1 REHEARSSALS FOR 'HANNIBAL' BY CHALUMEAU (We have reached the great choral scene in which HANNIBAL and his army return to save Carthage from the Roman incasion under Scipio. HANNIBAL is UBALDO PIANGI; ELISSA, Queen of Carthage (his mistress) is CARLOTTA GIUDICELLI. The two leading SLAVE GIRLS are played by MEG GIRY and CHRISTINE DAAE. MME GIRY is the ballet mistress. M. REYER, the repetiteur, is in charge, We join the opera towards the end of ELISSA's (CARLOTTA's) great aria. She is alone, holding a present from the approaching HANNIBAL, a bleeding severed head) CARLOTTA (at the climax of an extravagant cadenza) This trophy from our saviours, from the enslaving force of Rome! (A STAGE HAND carries a ladder across the stage. OTHERS are seen still constructing partsof the scenery) GIRLS' CHORUS With feasting and dancing and song, tonight in celebration, we greet the victorious throng, returned to bring salvation! MEN'S CHORUS The trumpets of Carthage resound! Hear, Romans, now and tremble! Hark to our step on the ground! ALL Hear the drums - Hannibal comes! (PIANGI enters, as HANNIBAL) PIANGI (HANNIBAL) sad to return to find the land we love threatened once more by Roma's far-reaching grasp. REYER (interrupting him) Signor ... If you please; 'Rome'. We say 'Rome', not 'Roma'. PIANGI Si, si, Rome, not Roma. Is very hard for me. (practicing) Rome... Rome ...) (Enter LEFEVRE, the retiring manager of the Opera, with M.FIRMIN and M. ANDRE to whom he has just sold it) REYER (to PIANGI) Once again, then if you please, Signor: 'Sad to return ...' LEFEVRE (to ANFRE and FIRMIN) This way, gentlemen, this way. Rehearsals, as you see, are under way, for a new production of Chalumeau's 'Hannibal'. (Sensing a hiatus in the rehearsal, LEFEVRE attempts to attract attention) LEFEVRE Ladies and geltlemen, some of you may already, perhaps, have met M. Andre and M. FIRMIN ... (The new managers are plitely bowing, when REYER interrupts) REYER I'm sorry, M. Lefevre, we are rehearsing. If you wouldn't mind waiting for a moment? LEFEVRE My apologies. M. REYER, Proceed, proceed ... REYER Thank you, monsieur. (turning back to PIANGI). 'Sad to return ...', Signor ... LEFEVRE (sotto voce to ANDRE and FIRMIN) M. Reyer, our chief repetiteur, Rather a ttyrant, I'm afraid. (The rehearsal continues) PIANGI (HANNIBAL) Sad to return to find the land we love threatened once more by Rome's far-reaching grasp. Tomorrow we shall break the chains of Rome. Tonight, rejoice - your army has come home. (The BALLET GIRLS begin their dance. LEFEVRE, ANDRE and FIRMIN stand centre-stage watching the ballet. The are in the way. The ballet continues under the following dialogue) LEFEVRE (indicating PIANGI) Signor Piangi, our pricipal tenor. He does play so well opposite La Carlotta. GIRY (exasperated by their presence, bangs her cane angrily on the stage) Gentlemen, please! If you would kindly move to one side? LEFEVRE My apologies, Mme. Giry. (leading ANDRE and FIRMIN aside) Madame Giry, our ballet mistress. I don't mind confessing, M. FIRMIN, I shan't be sorry to be rid of the whole blessed business. FIRMIN I keep asking you, monsieur, why exactly are you retiring? LEFEVRE (ignoring this, calls his attention to the continuing ballet) We take a particular pride here in the excellence of our ballets. (MEG becomes prominent among the dancers) ANDRE Who's that girl, Lefevre? LEFEVRE Her? Meg Giry, Madame Giry's daughter. Promising dancer. M. Andre, most promising. (CHRISTINE becomes prominent. She has absentmindedly fallen out-of-step) GIRY (spotting her, bangs her cane again) You! Christine Daae! Concentrate, girl! MEG (quietly, to CHRISTINE) Christine ... What's the matter? FIRMIN (to LEFEVRE) Daae? Curious name. LEFEVRE Swedish. ANDRE Any relation to the violinist? LEFEVRE His daughter, I believe. Always has her head in the clouds, I'm afraid. (The ballet continues to its climax and ends. The CHORUS resumes) CHORUS Bid welcome to Hannibal's guests - the elephants of Carthage! As guides on our conquering quests, Dido sends Hannibals friends! (The ELEPHANT, a life-size mechanical replica, enters. PIANGI is lifted, in triumph, onto its back) CARLOTTA (ELISSA) Once more to my welcoming arms my love returns in splendour! PIANGI (HANNIBAL) Once more to those sweetest of charms my heart and soul surrender! CHORUS The trumpeting elephants sound - hear, Romans, now and tremble! Hark to their step on the ground - hear the drums! Hannibal comes! (At the end of the chorus LEFEVRE claps his hands for silence. The elephant is led off. Two stage-hands are revealed operating it from within) LEFEVRE Ladies and gentlemen - Madame Giry, thank you - may I have your attention please? As you know, for some weeks there have been rumours of my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that these were all true, and it is my pleasure to introduce to you the two gentlemen who now own the Opera Populaire, M. Richard Firmin and M. Gilles Andre. (Polite applause. Some bowing. CARLOTTA makes her presence felt) Gentlemen, Signora Carlitta Guidicelli, our leading soprano for five seasons now. ANDRE Of course, of course. I have experienced all your greatest roles, Signora. LEFEVRE And Signor Ubaldo Piangi. FIRMIN An honour, Signor. ANDRE If I remember rightly, Elissa has a rather fine aria in Act Three of 'Hannibal'. I wonder, Signora, if, as a personal favour, you would oblige us with a private rendition? (Somewhat acerbic). Unless, of course, M. Reyer objects ... CARLOTTA My manager commands ... M. Reyer? REYER My diva commands. Will two bars be sufficient introduction? FIRMIN Two bars will be quite sufficient. REYER (ensuring that CARLOTTA is ready) Signora? CARLOTTA Maestro. (The introduction is played on the piano) CARLOTTA Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye. Remember me once in a while - please promise me you'll try. When you find that, once again, you long to take your heart ... (As CARLOTTA is singing, a backdrop crashes to the floor, cutting her off from half the cast) MEG/BALLET GIRLS/CHORUS He's here: the Phantom of the Opera ... He is with us ... It's the ghost ... PIANGI (looking up, furiously) You idiots! (He rushes over to CARLOTTA) Cara! Cara! Are you hurt? LEFEVRE Signora! Are you all right? Buquet! Where is Buquet? PIANGI Is no one concerned for our prima donna? LEFEVRE Get that man down here! (to ANDRE and FIRMIN) Chief of the flies. He's responsible for this. (The drop is raised high enough to reveal upstage an old stagehand, JOSEPH BUQUET, holding a lenth of rope, which looks almost like a noose) LEFEVRE Buquet! For God's sake, man, what's going on up there? BUQUET Please, monsieur, don't look at me: as God's my witness, I was not at my post. Please, monsieur, there's no one there: and if there is, well then, it must be a ghost ... MEG (looking up) He's there: the Phantom of the Opera ... ANDRE Good heavens! Will you show a little courtesy? FIRMIN (to MEG and the OTHERS) Mademoiselle, please! ANDRE (to CARLOTTA) These things do happen. CARLOTTA Si! These thing do happen! Well, until you stop these things happening, this thing does not happen! Ubaldo! Andiamo! (PIANGI dutifully fetches her furs from the wings) PIANGI Amateurs! LEFEVRE I don't think these's much more to assist you, gentlemen. Good luck. If you need me, I shall be in Frankfurt. (He leaves. The COMPANY looks anxiously at the NEW MANAGERS) ANDRE La Carlotta will be back. GIRY You think so, messieurs? I have a message, sir, from the Opera Ghost. (The GIRLS twitter and twirl in fear) FIRMIN God in heaven, you're all obsessed! GIRY He merely welcomes you to his opera house and commands you to continue to leave Box Five empty for his use and reminds you that his salary is due. FIRMIN His salary? GIRY Monsieur Lefevre paid him twenty thousand francs a month. Perhaps you can afford more, with the Vicomte de Chagny as your patron. (Reaction to this from the BALLET GIRLS. CHRISTINE takes hold of MEG nervously) ANDRE (to GIRY) Madame, I had hoped to have made that announcement myself. GIRY (to FIRMIN) Will the Vicomte be at the performance tonight, monsieur? FIRMIN In our box. ANDRE Madame, who is the understudy for this role? REYER There is no understudy, monsieur - the production is new. MEG Christine Daae could sing it, sir. FIRMIN The chorus girl? MEG (to FIRMIN) She's been taking lessons from a great teacher. ANDRE From whom? CHRISTINE (uneasily) I don't know, sir ... FIRMIN Oh, not you as well! (turning to ANDRE) Can you believe it? A full house - and we have to cancel! GIRY Let her sing for you, monsieur. She has been well taught. REYER (after a pause) From the beginning of the aria then, mamselle. CHRISTINE Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye. Remember me once in a while - please promise me you'll try. FIRMIN Andre, this is doing nothing gor my nerves. ANDRE Don't fret, Firmin. CHRISTINE When you find that, once again, you long to take your heart back and be free - if you ever find a moment spare a thought for me ... (Transformation to the Gala. CHRISTINE is revealed in full costume) We never said our love was evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea - but if you can still remember, stop and think of me ... Think of all the things we've shared and seen - don't think about the things which might have been ... Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned. Imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind. Recall those days, look back on all those times, think of the things we'll never do - there will never be a day, when I won't think of you ... (Applause, bravos. Prominent among the bravos, those of the young RAOUL in the MANAGERS' box) RAOUL Can it be? Can it be Christine? Bravo! (He raises his opera-glasses) What a change! You're really not a bit the gawkish girl that once you were ... (lowering his opera-glasses) She may not remember me, but I remember her ... CHRISTINE We never said our love was evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea - but please promise me, that sometimes, you will think of me!







一曲《Think of me》诉近了魅影对克莉丝汀的思念,魅影是爱她的,这个毋庸置疑,但是克莉丝汀对于魅影只是崇拜与好奇,然而这却让魅影误会了。

听着克莉丝汀和子爵的《All I ask of you》,魅影绝望了,最后疯狂似的报复,《No point of return》唱尽了魅影的无奈与请求,可是爱是不能勉强的,不爱就是不爱,最后魅影的梦碎了,他选择了离开。




生活本可以多姿多彩,只要你不过分的执着,孤单时学着《Learn to be lonely》。


1、主题曲是由歌手Andrew Lloyd Webber所演唱的《The phantom of opera》2、《The phantom of opera》歌曲简介歌曲:The Phantom of the Opera - Single Album Version(《剧院魅影》主题曲)歌手:Andrew Lloyd Webber所属专辑:The Phantom of the Opera (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack发行时间:2004-11-22中英互译对照歌词:in sleep he sang to me在梦中他对我献唱in dreams he came在梦中他迎面走来that voice which calls to me and speaks my name声声呼唤我的名字and do I dream again?我是否又做梦了for now I find因为我发现the phantom of the opera is there就在那里inside my mind在我心中sing once again with me再次与我合唱our strange duet我们奇妙的二重唱my power over you我支配你的力量grows stronger yet日益强大and though you turn from me纵然你离我而去to glance behide留下惊鸿一瞥the phantom of the opera is there就在那里inside your mind在你心中those who have seen your face凡见过你面容的人draw back in fear蜷缩于恐惧之中I am the mask you wear我是你所戴的面具it's me they hear他们听到的是我my spirit and my voice我的灵魂和我的声音in one combined融为一体the phantom of the opera is there歌剧魅影就在那里inside my\your mind在He's there, the Phantom of the Opera他在那里,歌剧魅影Sing, my Angel of Music!唱吧,我的音乐天使Sing for me为我歌唱Sing, my Angel唱吧,我的天使Sing for me为我歌唱

