
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说


They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球.

Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌.

Look at the picture.The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图.那些孩子正在公园放风筝.

We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型.

It's 6:30 now.I am getting up.现在是6:30.我正在起床

She is speaking.

The children are singing.

I am listening to the radio.

My brother is writing.

We are preparing our lesson.

Our teachers are having a meeting.

The dog is running very fast.

The students are swimming across the river.

Your sister is looking for her pen.

He is telling us an interesting story.

We are having a holiday today.

What are you doing these days?

You are speaking so quickly.

Jane’s studying in our school this term.

She is preparing her lessons now.

They are doing their best to finish the work in time.

The workers are building a large factory.

I am teaching English in a primary school.

We are going to the school on Monday.

He is coming here tomorrow.

I'm doing my homework.

You're washing your coat.

He's watching TV.

They're waiting for the train.

What's going on there?

She's watering the flower.

I'm playing the piano.

You're having breakfast.

He's working on a project.

They're running.

He's swimming.

She's fishing.

He's talking to her.

We're argueing some problems.

They're drawing pictures.

Are you helping your friends?

The trees are being planted.

He's listening to the radio.

My father is repairing the car.

My mother is closing the door.

