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野孩子 电影台词


Shit. Shit. POPPY: Molly? Molly. - Molly! - Hey, I was listening to that. Earth calling sisterling. Have you forgotten today's the day Rosemary moves in? Like you'd let me forget? Please tell me you're not going to do anything crazy. Look, you know I love you, Mollster, but there are some things you're just way too young to understand. I know what I'm doing, though, okay? - Trust me. - Poppy! All right, guys. Let's give my dad's girlfriend the perfect Malibu welcome. Everyone, help yourselves! (ALL WHOOPING) You can keep it, or you can throw it away! Let's go, you guys. You can keep that. GIRL 1: I want the bouncy ball! POPPY: You get those. We don't need them. - All right, let's get rid of it! - GIRL 2: That dress is so hot! Oh, Poppy, you've really done it this time. Ugh! Hey, girls! Watch this! (ALL GASPING) (GIRLS SCREAMING) GIRL 1: Where did she go? GIRL 2: Is she okay? GIRL 1: Is she still down there? RODDY: She's still under. GIRL 2: There might be sharks. GIRL 3: Someone do something. Welcome to Malibu, biatch! GERRY: Excuse me, excuse me. Get up here, right now. Get up here! Please, go home. Home, home. GIRL 1:So uncool. BOY 1: Easy, pops. GERRY: Go on. Out, out. BOY 2: Yo, Dad. - GIRL 2: Loser. - Out, out, out. Let's go. Come on. Out, out. That is the final straw, Poppy. You are going to England. - Let's go. - Yawn. The boarding school threat again. I don't even recognise you any more. All this is going to stop right now! So what? Big deal! You can just replace me with a newer, trashier version, like you did with Mom! You are going to boarding school in England, and that's final. What? You think just because Mom went to boarding school in England, it's going to magically straighten me out? Do you even remember Mom? (SIGHING) Hi, Molly. I think you might've pushed him too far this time. I know. But England's so far away. Well, at least they speak American there, right? But who's going to cut the crusts off my sandwiches? You're going to be fine, Moll. I promise. In England, it rains 200 days out of the year. - You will definitely get SAD. - She is sad. (SCOFFS) Seasonal affected disorder. Depression due to lack of sunlight, resulting in acne and weight gain. - POPPY: What? - What? I saw it on Dr. 90210. (GASPS) Not those shoes. They don't do rain. Just take them. Hey, you promise we'll talk every day? Swear on your life? Dude, who loves ya? Everything's going to suck without you. POPPY: Ruby, you're my best friend. I'm going to miss you so much. I know, let's check out their website. (TYPING) - Oh, my God! - Oh, my God! Abbey Mount School is an independent boarding school 这个是前面一点的·你说的也太宽泛了·给点范围才能给你最佳答案呀· 还有一点儿波碧在荣誉法庭上审判的一段独白 很感人。

: i think it't safe to say that i've really messed up,and i apologise profusely.but i'm also so grateful to you all.i tried really hard to get out of this school,and only now do i realise just how much i want to stay.i've learnt so much being here,being with all of you.and in some ways being with my mom,who i found out was actually a student here.i've had a hole in my heart for five years,and somehow being here,it slowly started to heal.i k个伤口now i may have looked like a california girl,but in my heart i've discovered that i really am an Abey Munt girl.实际上,那天是我搞砸了。






ever close your eyes ever stop and listen ever feel alive and you've nothing missing you don't need a reason let the day go on and on let the rain fall down everywhere around you give into it now let the day surround you you don't need a reason let the rain go on and on what a day, what a day to take to what a way, what a way to make it through what a day, what a day to take to a wild child only take the time from the helter skelter every day you find everything's in kilter you don't need a reason let the day go on and on let the rain fall down everywhere around you give into it now let the day surround you you don't need a reason let the rain go on and on what a day, what a day to take to what a way, what a way to make it through what a day, what a day to take to a wild child only take the time from the helter skelter every day you find everything's in kilter you don't need a reason let the day go on and on every summer sun every winter evening every spring to ***e every autumn leaving you don't need a reason let it all go on and on what a day, what a day to take to what a way, what a way to make it through what a day, what a day to take to a wild child what a day, what a day to take to what a way, what a way to make it through what a day, what a day to take to a wild child what a day, what a day to take to what a way, what a way to make it through what a day, what a day to take to da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da what a way, what a way to make it through da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da what a way, what a way to make it through what a day, what a day to take to a wild child what a day, what a day to take to a wild child

野孩子的台词 完整

男亲女爱台词MISS毛:你给我OFF啦 现在不用对着那些低层次、单细胞的生物多好。






会说法语有什么奇怪,在法国,乞丐也会说法语 。






仙姐:你可以把“姑婆”翻成“GOOD PAUL”。






婉婉为了保护动物,差点当众裸体示威 MISS毛:婉婉,你这样是不行的,在外国这叫言论自由,可在香港,那是有伤风化




APPLE:听说这个女的是要告医生,手术失败导致她不能生育 仙姐:女人不能下蛋真的是挺惨的。

MISS毛:我告诉你们的事千万不要说出去啊 仙姐:你放心吧,你说完之后我立刻死掉,死人是不会泄漏秘密的。



me think so too是口语中的常用语,在英语中一般不用 I think so too 。


这是我自己整理的觉得好看的<舞出我人生>--------------每个人都可以舞出自己的人生.....<恋爱假期>----------------是不是要给自己的心放个假....<骄阳似我>----------------一个超级天才,喜欢自我堕落,老师引导他回到“正常的人生”<女兵报道>----------------到处都有钩心斗角啊....<美人鱼>------------------新版....帅哥加美女~<少年特工科迪>------------他居然是中央情报局的职业小特工....看他如何保卫整个星球..<父女大不同>--------------有个贵族的父亲也不一定是件好事啊<劲歌飞扬>----------------小城女孩纽约孤身求学,立志闯出广阔音乐天地<冰上公主>----------------一段关于滑冰少女的励志故事 <超完美男人>--------------你相信这世上有超完美男人嘛?<新乌龙女校>--------------一部经典的重拍.....<魅力四射>1-4-------------好多美女...口水...<录取通知书>--------------落榜高中生自创“南哈蒙理工学院”..反而成就一番事业<邻家女孩>----------------隔壁的美女竟然是AV女优

<初恋的回忆>--------------甜蜜温馨的故事啊....<辣妈辣妹>----------------怪诞星期五,母女大换身<贱女孩>------------------美国青春校园版<金枝欲孽><惊声尖笑>1-4-------------恶搞各大顶级恐怖片..哎呦..笑死人鸟~~<纽约时刻>----------------孪生姐妹纽约圆梦记<12月男孩>----------------看哈利波特在里面会不会很怪...<平民天后>----------------美国少女旅行途中被误认为意大利明星<牛仔裤的夏天>1、2--------四个美少女共享一条神奇的牛仔裤<美丽坏宝贝>--------------一部很励志的电影.....<怪女孩出位>--------------贝弗里山庄的两个女孩不惜一切代价要自己成名<高校天后>----------------纽约漂亮女孩到乡下小城 <倒霉爱神>----------------如果你的好运全部被别人偷走.....<律政俏佳人>1、2----------谁说金发美女头发黄见识短,个个头脑空空

<水瓶座女孩>--------------单亲女孩前往欧洲去寻找身为英国皇家贵族的父亲..<风云才女>----------------帕里斯希尔顿首部主打电影= =<拜金女郎>----------------富豪姐妹勇对家庭破产危机<勇踏星途>----------------一部改编自布兰妮成长经验的影集<窈窕美眉>----------------美国版<流星花园><混合宿舍>1、2------------校园性喜剧,自己看吧...<朱诺>--------------------默默无闻的少女朱诺被同班运动型男搞到一夜大肚,瞬间成为焦点人物<谁领风骚>----------------可能曾经对你最忠诚的人最后会是害你最惨的人...<反芭比>------------------四美女对抗学校坏制度....<校园风云>----------------学生会竞选的乱战<千金转校记>--------------从小被宠坏的公主...遇到了不买她帐的人..会怎么办呢?<灰姑娘的玻璃手机>--------这一次灰姑娘还会顺利找到他的白马王子嘛?<超完美夺分>--------------七个中学生策划的普林斯顿考试中心偷答案的惊天大计划 <天生一对>----------------哇塞..林赛罗翰小时候好可爱<公主日记>1、2------------纽约女孩意外得知自己竟然是欧洲小国公主...惊喜之外等待她的会是什么呢?<足球尤物>----------------你见过比她更爱踢足球的女生嘛..踢得比男生还好..<美国派>1-6---------------名气太大,不说也罢<歌舞青春>1-3-------------这个太有名..理由同上<滑板狂热>----------------疯狂少年为了理想组建滑板队<总统千金欧游记>----------青春喜剧版<罗马假日><第一女儿>----------------类似上部电影<益智风云>----------------如果你智商只有007答题又想得高分,就去作弊吧<翘课天才>----------------学生逃学,校长追捕<粉骚大联盟>--------------问题女生制造校园骚乱阻止学校合并计划<恋爱刺客>----------------三个辣妹整蛊花花公子..<爱情服务生>--------------让我们品尝了一顿餐饮业的幕后味道<公主保护计划>------------保护公主是我们的义务.....<新丁驾到>----------------倒霉男生监狱里面学做人<小姐好辣>----------------上帝别出心裁想出来的奇妙惩罚让主人公终于明白自己的肤浅和刻薄.. <重返17岁》---------------如果你也回到17岁...一切还会一样吗

<公路之旅>----------------三个大学生千里奔波追逐穿帮“色情”录像带<欧洲任我行>------------- <公路之旅>欧洲升级版<少儿不宜>----------------美国青春校园版<炮制女朋友><变身辣妹>----------------辣妹和修车工之间的变身<男女变错身>--------------辣妹和帅哥同学兼邻居之间的变身<留级之王>1-3-------------让我回想起了自己的大学时代<大学新生>----------------假小子是怎么炼成淑女的<新窈窕淑男>--------------一个男生男扮女装混入女生寝室<乐鼓热线>----------------黑人小子加入学校橄榄球乐队 <孟汉娜>------------------平凡女孩白天是学生,晚上是歌星<恋爱刺客>----------------三个女人算计一个男人的故事..<宝贝新官人>--------------简单的校园爱情故事<魅力学堂>----------------墨西哥城某女校的一群反叛女生和老师作对的故事<超级坏>------------------讲述友谊和分离的性喜剧<男女大不同>--------------痞子会馆与淑女会馆之间的乱战<穿普拉达的女王>----------这种品牌看的我眼花缭乱此乃CMY整理...如有复制者..一律投诉处置

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