
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



夏日大作战 穿越时空的少女Black★Rock Shooter 黑炎射手 OVA 今年出的新番.


到现在一共是有149集,不过好像第一季还没完…目录想要吗…1. 叉子画2. 看不见的小动物3. 冰窟钓鱼4. 玉米美容院5. 月饼拼图6. 小马下山7. 像你一样8. 小乌龟也会飞9. 垃圾分类歌10. 踩泡泡11. 洗脸清洁车12. 果皮头发13. 鞋子上的蝴蝶14. 闪电猫15. 抓手手16. 谢谢歌17. 魔力飞毯18. 接外星人回家19. 小植物们盖房子20. 螃蟹快递员21. 动物饲养员22. 两块小画板23. 我和妈妈换角色24. 扫把警察抓小偷25. 贴贴耳朵鼻子嘴26. 组装大机器人27. 袋子里面有什么28. 会飞的小狐狸29. 给小鳄鱼洗澡30. 生日快乐歌

伶可家族为豆乐儿歌两周年庆生31. 寻找叮当咚32. 小鸟特工队33. 发光的小动物34. 斗龙小勇士35. 运输大肥牛36. 奇怪便利店37. 贺新年38. 坦克战车39. 超级大厨师40. 盖高楼41. 百变纸杯42. 魔法泡泡43. 圣诞指纹画画画44. 动物吹吹画45. 食品安全健康歌46. 我是霸王龙47. 蚂蚁搬运工48. 瓶盖碰碰车49. 毛毛虫回家啦50. 安全小超人51. 不倒翁爸爸52. 玩具车的影子53. 造飞船54. 星际救援55. 牛仔抓尾巴56. 大动物小动物57. 欢乐足球队58. 小船摇啊摇59. 超级快递员60. 数脚趾61. 圆圆动物向前滚62. 大战海盗船63. 魔法大炮64. 动物们的小愿望65. 海底大冒险66. 小小探险家67. 动物穿花衣68. 筷子运输车69. 动物都是彩色的吗70. 洗手歌71. 海底世界洗手舞72. 啊呜啊呜吃啊吃73. 我爱跳跳跳74. 松果哪里跑75. 虫虫变形记76. 精灵弹弓77. 怪怪的鸟78. 画恐龙79. 小雨哒哒80. 冲浪大冒险81. 动物大搜救82. 杯子里的小花园83. 森林里的理发师84. 奇怪的脚85. 小鸡快跑86. 公主的舞会87. 不同的翅膀88. 动物几条腿89. 传统歌谣拜大年90. 赶小胖猪回家91. 动物接力赛92. 美食运动会93. 坐电车回家94. 快乐雪橇95. 水中变变变96. 趣味蘑菇画97. 奇怪的睡姿98. 水果联联看99. 梦在哪里100. 拼出神奇乐园101. 画画接龙102. 猜猜谁的家103. 中国宝宝104. 多变的毛线105. 我要亲亲抱抱举高高106. 屁屁舞107. 找帽子的小侦探108. 猜猜我是谁109. 水果王国110. 嘴嘴不一样111. 侏罗纪恐龙舞112. 暴雨营救113. 水果大变身114. 小树快长大115. 机器人拼起来116. 猴子猩猩大不同117. 影子游戏118. 百变金刚119. 画水果120. 你好

蔬菜121. 快乐小青蛙122. 学学动物叫123. 翻滚吧

毛毛虫124. 海底寻宝125. 网小鱼126. 画车车127. 手印画128. 动物摸摸哒129. 从天而降130. 萌萌哒过年年131. 魔性洗脑拜大年

132. 过年好133. 手指变变变134. 彩色蜡笔拼图135. 城堡大作战136. 猜猜鼻子舞137. 纸团画138. 小火车呜呜开139. 脖子舞140. 叶子大变身141. 搞笑数字大变身142. 工程车总动员143. 疯狂打地鼠144. 奶瓶乐队145. 豆乐儿歌“小青蛙”登上央视舞台146. 贪吃猫147. 机器人舞148. 穿衣其实很简单149. 亲子故事版之快乐小青蛙


Commentary the movie of BordertownAt first i wanna to say it was a good movie.It made me feel sad.The government have the black side.Sometimes people submited to the money and threaten.Like you have the mouth but you don't know to tell who or how to tell.No justice,no help,people's feel only helpless.Feeling to avoid not the criminal but the policemen,the policemen wanna to cover the truth,so they wanna to find the girl who was raped and escape from the death in order to guards against the newspaper's report.I feel lauren find out the truth is difficult because of more and more obstruction.Diaz and Lauren are very quick-witted,and this work was very dangerous,Lauren is a brave girl.In order to find the truth she go to the factory herself.I statement she was not a policeman she was a journalist.The factory's bus service driver is one of the attackersLauren get up on the bus waiting every workers down the bus when the bus was only herselfThe driver ask her Do you mind if i stop for gas But the driver take her to the other place not the old place where ambushed policemen.It was a mass graveThe screams of the women of Juarez are silent.Because no one will listenThe more it's denied and covered up.Covering it up is less expensive than protesting these women.Money is about the bottom line.And so the death toll mounts.People promise many things.Let the fire burn up all the evil things.The follow is the dialogue of the movie:Senora Casillas say:I don't think you know how dangerous this is.The government here doesn't want anyone to know about these things.If you going around telling people about this...Then you become the their enermy.But this is an important story.Lauren Adrlan say:I understand.That's a story.A story that i desperately want to tell.Senora Casillas say:Even if you find Eva's attackers.She will have to identify them in a formal courts proceedings before she can have any trial.The court will not be in her side and she will have no protection.She's put her life in danger.Will she be able to do this?Lauren Adrlan say:She crawled from her own grave.She want to do this SenoraEva say:The only thing that will heal me.The only thing that will give me back my life.Is to find my attackers这个是是你说那种可爱的电影的以前写的但是中文的20008年12月26日看机器人总动员电影拍的很好,有好多触动内心的环节,可爱的清洁机器人.瓦力是负责垃圾外理的机器人,他会在垃圾堆里捡许多自已喜欢的东西,摩方,打火机,玩具狗,电灯泡,皮鞋,勺子,叉子,放着钻戒的盒子,扔了钻戒只要盒子,他在小储藏室分门别类的放好。


