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欢乐颂 英文版台词


Oh friends, not these tones!Let us raise our voices in morepleasing and more joyful sounds!ODE TO JOY (Friedrich Schiller) BARITONE, QUARTET, AND CHORUS Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,Daughter of Elysium,We enter fire imbibed,Heavenly, thy sanctuary.Thy magic reunites thoseWhom stern custom has parted;All men will become brothersUnder thy gentle wing.May he who has had the fortuneTo gain a true friendAnd he who has won a noble wifeJoin in our jubilation!Yes, even if he calls but one soulHis own in all the world.But he who has failed in thisMust steal away alone and in tears.All the world's creaturesDraw joy from nature's breast;Both the good and the evilFollow her rose-strewn path.She gave us kisses and wineAnd a friend loyal unto death;She gave lust for life to the lowliest,And the Cherub stands before God.TENOR SOLO AND CHORUS Joyously, as his suns speedThrough Heaven's glorious order,Hasten, Brothers, on your way,Exulting as a knight in victory.CHORUS Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,Daughter of Elysium,We enter fire imbibed,Heavenly, thy sanctuary.Be embraced, Millions!This kiss for all the world!Brothers!, above the starry canopyA loving father must dwell.Can you sense the Creator, world?Seek him above the starry canopy.Above the stars He must dwell. Be embraced, Millions!This kiss for all the world!Brothers!, above the starry canopyA loving father must dwell.Can you sense the Creator, world?Seek him above the starry canopy.Above the stars He must dwell.Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,Daughter of Elysium,We enter fire imbibed,Heavenly, thy sanctuary.Be embraced, Millions!This kiss for all the world!Brothers!, above the starry canopyA loving father must dwell.Can you sense the Creator, world?Seek him above the starry canopy.Above the stars He must dwell. Be embraced, Millions!This kiss for all the world!Brothers!, above the starry canopyA loving father must dwell.Can you sense the Creator, world?Seek him above the starry canopy.Above the stars He must dwell.Joy, daughter of ElysiumThy magic reunites thoseWhom stern custom has parted;All men will become brothersUnder thy gentle wing.Be embraced, Millions!This kiss for all the world!Brothers!, above the starry canopyA loving father must dwell.Joy, beautiful spark of Gods!,Daughter of Elysium,Joy, beatiful spark of Gods!


应该是don't sweat it,意思是:别也担心,不必多想。

安迪当时说的时候有一点儿don't sweating的感觉,是因为连音了,听起来像-ing结尾的


Joyful joyful,we adore You, 欢乐 欢乐 我们敬拜God of glory ,Lord of love , 荣耀慈爱大主宰Heards unfold like flowers before You, 奉献心灵在主面前Opening to the Sun above. 如同花朵向日开Melt the clouds of sin and sadness, 愁雾疑云 罪恶忧惊Driver the dark of doubt away, 恳求救主消除尽Giver of immortal gladness, 万福之源 永乐之主Fill us with the light of day. 赐下光明满我心


欢乐女神 圣洁美丽 灿烂光芒照大地 我们心中充满热情 来到你的圣殿里 你的力量能使人们消除一切分歧 在你光辉照耀下面人们团结成兄弟 你的力量能使人们消除一切分歧 在你光辉照耀下面人们团结成兄弟 欢乐女神 圣洁美丽 灿烂光芒照大地 我们心中充满热情 来到你的圣殿里 你的力量能使人们消除一切分歧 在你光辉照耀下面人们团结成兄弟 Come! Sing a song of joy for peace shall come, my brother! Sing! Sing a song of joy for men shall love each other! That day will dawn just as sure as hearts that are pure, are hearts set free. No man must stand along with outstretched hands before him. Reach out and take them in yours with love that endures forever more. Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding. Come! Sing a song of joy of freedom! Tell the story! Sing! Sing a song of joy for mankind in his glory! One mighty voice that will bring a sound that will ring forever more. Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding. Come! Sing a song of joy of freedom! Tell the story! Sing! Sing a song of joy for mankind in his glory! One mighty voice that will bring a sound that will ring forever more. Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding. Sing! Sing a song of joy for mankind in his glory!


第一集 28分35秒I need to sleep.I don't want to tell you again.

欢乐颂 英文版台词相关文章
